It’s promotion time! This time hosted by, ZOOMEY! I and the owners promoted anyone I feel stood out and done well! If you feel like you deserve a promotion but didn’t get one comment down below and explain why you deserve a promotion! Make sure to add you name and current rank and I’ll get back to you!

US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg


– Leader in Training –

 Super Edwin  | CapnRyan11 | King Mondo

US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg


US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

Zoomey | | Lycaon | Fluffyboy3

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

Noka, Sonic, Baby Flor, Clubxlcboys, Darx,  Rix15, Rockstar1819, Elsa, Jodie

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

TondraTheGamer6675, Jaisick, Tamiyami

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

 Splash148, L3W1S, Eliteme/Mpenguin123,

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

Sparky Dog, Andy12e44, Roggy83,

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Skipper233, Goldfan1, Army Agent

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Buggins Will

Warrant Officer

Super Chanel

Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg


First Sergeant


Master Sergeant


Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg 


Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg


Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg


Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg


Private First Class



 Kenneth1000, Sirchubs

Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

Supper Shady, Kenz112

Creator: Oagalthorp

Panel of Guardians: Boomer 20, Capncook, Flipmoo, Mchappy, Shaboomboom,

ACP Sniper: Noka8

Therapist: King Mondo and Super Edwin


7 Responses

  1. Name : Andy12e44
    Why : I rejoined on December 20th but I did my best to attend events.
    So I think I should be promoted to 6ic.

  2. Name:Cool billy29
    Why: I joined ACP on 7 November and I have attend all ausia events 1 UK and US event so I think can be promoted

  3. I’m supposed to be Brigadier General

  4. Name: Skipper233
    Why: I rejoined on dec 15th and I attend mostly all US/UK events and i’ve been on chat everyday

  5. How did Tami not get a double promo…

  6. Like I said before, Im supposed to be a Colonel because I was major two months ago

  7. Holy crap what a demotion

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