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Maverick’s Poll Of The Week #2

Hello again everybody! I’m back again this week with my second post in my Poll Of The Week series! I hope you enjoy this week’s poll because this time, there’s going to be more than just one poll this time because come on, one gets boring, right?
But before that, I’d like to show you the results of last weeks poll. Here are the results!

Sidie9 is a cool gaming console *wary* I wonder which games it has lmao

Anyway, I’m sure all of you are waiting for this weeks polls that I’ve come up with. I’ve also included the suggestions given by Roboo and Gamer! Also this time, the results of the poll will not be visible to you, just to make it more exciting! So, without any further delay, here are the polls:




And as always, I’m open to suggestions for the next weeks’ Poll Of The Week! So if you wanna give me suggestions, comment on this post and I’ll consider it 😛
This is Maverick signing off, I’ll see you guys next week!


9 Responses

  1. its called spring not rainy damnit!

  2. You forgot the great British season of “Its raining, still raining, raining again”

  3. Abhi,I Suggest you do what leader do you admire Most?

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