A Message to our AUSIA Troops [Events Included]

It’s time to pull ourselves back together.

For the past 3 nights in a row I have attempted to hold events for the AUSIA division and none of them have gone ahead. 

Why Chris?”

Chat numbers. 



This was the chat size 15 minutes before a scheduled AUSIA training session which had been on the scroller for about 8 hours. Countless AUSIA troops had come on the chat and left within the 8 hours, yet come event time we had a total of 6 on chat, only myself actually active in the chat. 

ACP used to be renowned for it’s AUSIA divison, and now we can’t even get 10 on chat. 

I have scheduled the following events for the rest of the week. I expect AT LEAST 10+ attending each event.

Here are the events: 

Wednesday 11th November:

Recruiting Session 

7:30am EST // 11:30am UK

Server: TBC

Friday 13th November

Invasion of Glacier 

 6:30am EST // 10:30am UK

Server: Glacier

Saturday 14th November

Patrol of Outback

7:30am EST // 11:30am UK 

Server: Outback

Sunday 15th November

PB vs Snow Ninjas

7:30am EST // 11:30am UK 

Server: Breeze 

As I said earlier I expect AT LEAST 10 on CP for each event. I know we can do it, and I know we can get more than double if we try. Let’s come back with one hell of a bang. 


ACP 3ic

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