The post below shows how careless CPAC and SWAT are.

  1. SWAT Getting 40 on Club Penguin with 12 on chat.
  2. CPAC allowing this.

CPAC’s probably going to respond to this “It’s not our job to do that see if armies cheat, lol”

When armies like SWAT who can’t get 10+ on chat while having an event and CPAC doesn’t suspect anything.

You’re not trying hard enough.

“Not enough evidence”

If by evidence you mean a picture of someone say “I multilog” then I guess nobody will ever be caught.

“I don’t care what anyone says, Doritos did it for months without being caught” ~Badboy

This is why we ignored SWAT 😉


SWAT Averaging 39


SWAT chat during event…

Click Here < for the full video.


ACP Leader

2 Responses

  1. that’s not proof you idiot.

  2. lol busted

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