ACP’s first ever pokemon tournament

Hai ACP!  I am pleased to announce that I will be hosting the very first ACP Pokemon tournament,  and you only need a computer for this one!

So you might be thinking “Hey fluffy, how do we only need a computer to play a game for a console/handheld device?” Well, there is this site and its called Pokemon showdown. It is a pokemon battle simulator where you can make your own team with pokemon, items, abilities and their own move set too. I’ll go over everything later in the post but now, I’m going straight to the prizes.

First Place: Poké trophy, temp mod/owner for 1 day and the snowman xat oower!

Second Place: Poké trophy and 1 day of temp mod/owner

Third place: Poké trophy and 6 hours of temp mod/owner

So now that I  told you the prizes I hope I hooked you into playing, so now I will explain how to play.

First, you go to you should see a page like below, click “play online shown with the arrows pointing to it.

Next, I will show you how to sign up, its pretty easy, first go to the upper right corner and click “choose name” and choose your cp name or any name you want like I chose mcfluffers but my name I use is fluffyboy3.

Next click the gear button in the upper right corner and click register. Put in a password and the verification pokemon is pikachu. So now that you are logged in you need a team, go to the left area of the page then scroll down. Click “Teambuilder”.Now press New team for the format anythinggoes and then make your team. You can have different move sets for pokemom, different items, different abilites, and different ev and iv stats.

Now that we’ve gone over how to sign up and how to make a team, I’ll go over the rules.
– Each match is a best of 3 battle.
– You can’t have 2 or more of the same pokemon or have 3 or more legendary pokemon.
– No illegal moves, abilites or items.
– All rounds will be played on pokemon showdown.
– The tournament will be single elimination format.
– They will be in the anything goes single battle format.
– Anyone who has been in ACP or is currently in ACP can enter.

Now that we got the rules done here is the form to sign up for the tournament and the date.

Name on ACP ranks or cp name:
Name on Pokemon showdown:

 ACP Pokémon tournament

Date: Sunday, July 12th 2015

Time: 3:30pm EST, 2:30pm CST, 1:30pm MST, 12:30pm PST, 8:30pm UK

I hope you catch ’em all ACP!


18 Responses

  1. Update: also ryan gave me membership codes so if your’re first second third or forth
    you wil get one

  2. Name on ACP ranks or cp name: Clubxlcboys
    Name on Pokemon showdown: PhantomHawk

  3. Name: Stromae
    Rank: Former ACP 2ic

  4. Im in

  5. Name on ACP ranks or cp name: CapnRyan
    Name on Pokemon showdown: DarkCharmander101

  6. doin it

  7. 1.Blazer
    2. TorchinBlazer

  8. u know wat fluffyboy3 sign me up because 1 i love pokemon and 2 i like to hang out with acp there the best


  10. Back in gen 1 where all the hipsters are like “best gen ever” the gameplay sucked, gamebreaking glitches, it actually caused people to suicide.

  11. Gen 2 was kind of the same, gen 3 was where it actually got a bit better

  12. And there is more story instead of “oh nooooooooooo Giovanni and team rocket are going to take over the world”

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