Ranks are now updated!
Hey ACP, Purp here! I hope you’re ready. We’ve had a rough week this month and there have been many troops who have worked hard to help this army. We promised prizes, and you GET prizes. We owners are cheap, we have no xats or powers to give HOWEVER… we have promotions and many other prizes too that we could give out! We couldn’t give out promotions to some of the good recruiters because of rank imbalance so yeah. To be clear, those who have recruited and who have been exceptionally active are the ones who will be promoted and will also be the ones who will get secret special prizes on this post. Read more and let’s find out! Good job to everyone who has been active and who have been recruiting, you really earned it. Don’t stop, never give up, and you’ll get your dream rank in no time! This is a warning to the other mods and members out there – recruit and be active at this time of need. I told you we’d give out rewards if you recruit! God knows how many times I’ve said ‘recruit’ on this post.
Bold: Promoted
Italics: Demoted
Underlined: Gets a prize
Army || Navy || Air Force
Red= USA/CA || Blue = UK/EUR || Green = AUS/ASIA
Purple Slime4, Fluffyboy3
Lieutenant General
Ahmed 7569, Myma001[On leave]
Major General
Abhi20 [TEMP], Lumarnara, Maxy777, Rockstar1819, Sidie [temp], King Mondo
Brigadier General
Abhi20, Super Edwin, Skyfish,Crazy tow
Peachpincher, Puff001, Skipper233[on leave], SlippyKicky
Lieutenant Colonel
Djkb1, Donut, Jaisick [on leave], Lionzlover, Pham9, Mowillm, Rockman19103, Sidie, Steamiux
Gian Lucak, Mohmd124, Sonic, Agent Brando
BeanoKid95 [on leave], Benimish, Fireheart454,, Gtfive, GOKUL ESWARA, Icey20115, Menchies258, P1nkpal , Scooter3092, Sonic, Waddler Pro
Alexandrovna, Annie23, Bandage23, Cpmaster, dakota10410, Etac14,Kenneth1000 Kenz112,Roboo23 Seamusqi/Sharktong, Zigz2047
Sergeant Major
Acceus, Agent Ryan, Blondie20, Dark Lexicon, Keynikki, JoshG1 Peppy Krijh, Penguin1973, Snowbud322, , Spycatdog, Tape4444 , Yellow1908,
Sergeant First Class
Archita,Blazer/Eyebrawllc, Bryanbo,Buddyfrosty, Charliem21, Cuddles1807,Diezlbudoy,SpyNinja1, Dayyaanboy, Free Dude 15, Gargpizza, Jade Ice, Koloway, Ninjaarmy233, Pink Dragon, Rockor King, 03683bradfor, Venus
Staff Sergeant
anirudh123, Barry87, Cloo879, Cookiechoco3, culdhoni, Dak5th1, Dreamer Cp , Elio54321, Fireproof300, Greatoz5, Herobrine544, Iceguy707, Jere T, Nick19905, Pingugreen6, Princexnick, Polo Rider, Psychic Claw, Rizky1, Wormboy16, Wilt0, Wweman26, Zeckll, Flower32575,
Alexlionel, Andy12e44, Arine20, Bcguy33, Calumjack1, Graffocp (44 Ducks 44), Blueychaz, Camaris, Clarke28, DJ3d1, Ghost4148,Help2day,Josie98567, Maxiumus7d, Midnight677, moha2712, Moki101,Meiho,Nathalex1, Noah Bo, omdada1, Owlfish, penopeno1234, Pinguu32, plobblob, Rescolg22, Savannah58, Sonic46117, steeltroops, Shiverwings3, Sonicboomesp, Shisuka5 , Sophia992, Superhero209, Tigerthetank, Timothy 45, Twiglash,Waddles26054, Waterninja91, 20wavecaps
47 Ronin, 4RBisthebest,87singupingu, Abcd54323 Adamsway, Agent mcray, Ajda12, Akram7570, Albert1591, alexandereat, Alkat, Alori818, Alpackk, Andreg, Antwerp001, Apolodorerou, ark 021 , Aventador, Baconman344, Batman14312, Bigbome1, boberyober, Booma 200, Brandon0203, Brok2912, Cardmaster2, CaraCP7377, Champenguin1, Cairo99, coolblue70, cooldude5615, Coolwence12, Crazytran, DlikeD, Dalmation564, Dinucandy, Doddiy, Dude 46, dukefire1, Dylo02,Dwprincess5, Eraserhead12,Esmb57, Egbert3487, Elzzabeth, Enilio211, Eve154, Fee300, Fluffy121212, Fiets1 , Gabija444, gblions22, gilhdarts,Golden152, Gumdrop1105, Halo20001, HerbertPBear, Hope Cupcake, Huda1Hiba, Hulkradium, Huntertyler1, icedragonus, Iceypenguin, Isibob, Jeanne1369, joey00009, Jesse40167,jonathan p27 Justin70947, katie93611, kikizilla, King Alej, Koky44, KonarhikCP, Kowalski8668, Lampo2011, Lcurley0719, Lemunculus, Leappenguins, Lt1200,Maria18703, Manman311, Marybell925, Max7131, Mes Mommy, Midori3f65, Muimuipui, Moti11, Muhutirts, Nachoarmy12 ,Nathanpp5, Nelson, Nick56701, noah boy, obiwan65, patbobs6, Pavlovna, Penny Henny, Pinkella08, Pinkparty321, Pinky54986, Pinny007, Pip3452, Popsicle 97, puffleguy41,roddie, rainbow1020, Randomness9, Rebecca41005, rockykuggan, S mumble, scret agent2, Supermalachi, Shady AppleSchooliscool12, sheilaveda, Seansonic1, shadow 766, Shinicell, Sierraiscute, Silkroad13, siroinkalot, Slimy54789, Sojofosho, Soldierme, Sona444, Spyroalex31, Striker6134, Sulton123, super17549, Superlucky79, sweetbud, T A Morowsky, tazboi47, tazza19, Tourmonkey, tigerfury34, Tinkacher77, Thegiraffe17, Tra La3, Tropical66, TS2001 , Vanessaroyal, Vin4900, Willy32847, X man 16, Xkingl3g3nd, Yoshi72365, Zana202, Zainibam
0915purple, 123abclola, 5cc2, 5Superman1, 8rylos , Abbycat11, Aidie Pingu, Alec99900, Aleks6, Aleksander139, Alpha 87, Anarwhal, Ares04, ark101,Ashley Lily, Ashyeo, Awesome70084, Axvak, Babu63163, Babydo2, Barbi12165, Barbie21292, Blambo77, Blueyadams, Boomer5351, Bradeil, Brizzle2, Brooksy04, Caleb3011, Cameron401, Cenaraina, Chaos441, Charliem21Cheeseburg94, Chillystar9, Chris2000, Clover902, Club, Cphaxord, CPPSFAN123, Cristal1126, Cruz702, Coolchamp1, coolguy164, Crazy Cat 23, cutie11pie11,Cutie pink8, Danielnerf3d, Danny 1267, Dannyduckie, Darkblaze373, Dash, dashpika525, Davalors, Davidmike445,dezzygirl13, Diadiadidi, Djdude14, Dumma M, DWBLUE, Dylan35344, Dylanrocks 3, Efry123, Ella123ella, elsa39352, Erba1, Erinloleary, Erniepoo, Ethan, Ethrox1,Eunan2, Evilbeafowl, Expertedwin, FFd23, Firebolt222, Fireboy238, Flapflip506, Fly cyrus, Flynn510, funkydude26, ggilber8, Gijoey2, Gizmo106, Glendalee123, Goat Lips, Gokhan137, Gogogogo3519, Gugugrah, Gummybare1,GreenySnowy, Haloween1000, Hannapink10, Harriet, Hwarryf2008, Harrypanda, Hazykins, Helena2, Henry129, Herman259, Hiimthomas, Hoggywarty, Howlite 101,Iamneptune, Ice20004, Izzyfizzy04, Jack53785, Jaster90, jaykwan1, Jake The 3rd, Juice Pooch, Joramie, josh11073, josh69100, K1ttym3ownep, Kaboom101, Kaipoop, Karim209267, Katy, Kevinawsome9, Khallan, Khizr31, Khristia1, Kingstone361, Kokocanoby, Komy7654, Kyleb12213, Kyokik, Ladybugs3, Lady Louis, Lightning344, Limeypie2, lion2141, Linoz1, Littley 2000, Ljil, Logoff20, Lucky7712, Luke90000, Lukemban hirv, Mr Funny29, nick18 19, Nino01, Niomiot, Noisyboy1206, Ire5980, izzotech, Maboncer, Madrid134, Manmar3, Matthewvacc, marvel30may, MaximizedBFat, Mchedgehogxx, Megan90362, Megatron04, Melodly1130, Michael82429 Minotaur123, Mordecai5754,aishawinx42, Miguel9738, Miketysonjr, mimi22004, Moksh 48, Monkey26955, Mousemelw, Mrs Duckling, N1650, Newfive122, Nidhin4, Night Steel, Nuclearpower, OCTSONIC, Oscar 305 ,mario99090 Panda140, Pippio, pisimatu, Popperdude11, MixyGrits,RON1103, robbinbank10, Mrcress, Mrkouklos199, Nathanl9, Nickrb8, Niko, Orudenselu, owais21, Olivia28775, Orange Ice7, Osama120, Beverly Ma1, paul1350, Peach26943, Pengi62003, Ava616, Penguino779,Penguinbule6, Pengy Phil, span Piggy, Pinguwins786, Pingy46, Pludomadison, puppybunnysu, Qnok , Queen6767, Queensnowx, Quidditchcap, qwert3346, rackles3, Ramice Tan, Raritypengy, Ravenpower05, Ravinta, Redman1213, Rkpranav, Roarman7, Rosyred2004, Rubixcube206, RuckaaBee, rylee4712, Saadod, Saigexo, Samers513, Scoodlecat, Shrimp37159, Shobu5, Silversurf84, Slipperslop, Smileyfry5, SML 123, Snowywoo, Soccerboy126, Sonna444,soty33, Stampy1790, Stormy6785, Sublimemoon, Super Arsath, superdog334, superman6085, Sweety803, Sydneyc2014, T16T1, Tajriana, Thegooooose, Tiger J5, Tjwcbfan, Tomtom3425, Toothwiz, Tysuke, M1nty1 Undercover81, Usmcx, Teosicribff, layto108, Warioware1, Wearelina, Webkinznotme, Wee zee3, Wildcrush, Withnohands, Wooden12, Woody sa cvf, x2wwe, Yan Thoan, Youo619, Zaira253, atharvfresh, Zackerznsam
Creator: Oagalthorp
Constables: Boomer 20, Shaboomboom
To be in the ACP recruiting force, sign up on this post! Every promotion post, we’ll award prizes and promote the ones who have worked their best in the RF. If you would like to join, complete this form and comment:
1) What is your name on the ranks?
2) What is your rank?
3) What is your WordPress username?
Don’t forget- recruiting makes a huge difference. I guarantee. We can do this together, we can rise ACP! Remember to attend events too. 🙂
Congratulations Abhi, Peach & Puff. You have been recruiting a lot. Peachpincher gets a free membership code and Abhi and Puff will get a surprise….
~The ACP Commandants
Filed under: ACP, Promotions |
Yay I got promo!!
I didn’t
Aw man 🙁 hopefully next time I get one
1) What is your name on the ranks? Sonic/Nhlguy
2) What is your rank? Major
3) What is your WordPress username? sonic11352
This post gave me cancer
what does the colors on your name repersent as, like am black
well blue means you’re in the UK/Europe, red means you’re USA/Canada, green means you’re Australia/Asia and black means we don’t know what you are
ok thanks but when do you know when your in one of the categoric
Congrats to those who got promos keep up the good work!