Memorial Day Training

BREEZE — As my return to ACP from holiday, we had a scheduled training on Breeze.  Many of us — American event — were still out celebrating the holiday, so there were not as many as I had originally hoped for.  Nonetheless we did not do bad and everything went very well, especially some of our tactics!  We tried a lot of different kinds, even had a Blue versus Red battle in between.

The event was a good thirty minutes long or so.  We started off trying to decide what room to go to: roaming through the town, snow dojo, and mine.  Once we got to the mine we stuck there and did our job.  Splashy56, retired second in command, came on and gave us some good target practice.  All-in-all we probably averaged thirteen and maxed somewhere like sixteen, not much of a difference. 😆

Thank you to Change and I for the pictures.

We finally find a place to start, forming a diagonal line with the clover symbol.  CLOVER PRIDE!

Doing the “upside-down v” tactic from 2010, we smile due to the accomplishment.


We go into an “L” shaped line and try to wake up Foldez with the sun emote.

Not a very good pictures, but we go into an all out color war: throwing snowballs and doing tactics.  Who do you think won, BLUE or RED?


Showing some sad faces as we think of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives all across the world. 🙁


Oh the irony, then we start making some jokes.  

We bomb with mad faces, overtaking Splashy’s forces.  I didn’t get a picture, but we also heart bombed him and made sure he received all of the loving!


In the next picture we finished as we started off, in a diagonal line like gamers.


We’ve been so close to twenty for the past events.  Let’s work harder and get twenty for the upcoming events.  Never give up hope, soldiers!  The Army of Club Penguin has been in way worse situations than this, and we will always overcome it.  Summer is just around the corner and I believe that we can regain our throne as the biggest army of all.  It will just take a little work and dedication.  And a big congratulations to Change and Lord Snowy F for getting temporary ranked up on chat for paying attention to CP.

Did you make the event?  Let us know in the comments below!

~Leader, Mchappy

15 Responses

  1. First, booyah! :mrgreen:

  2. came

  3. I made it.


  5. I wasn’t there….

  6. Wasn’t there. I think green won.

  7. I was there 😀 thank you again for the temp mod!

  8. I was not there. Thanks to me going to a party. 🙁 I’m all ways sad when I don’t make a acp event.

  9. Memorial Day Training sounds awesome c:

  10. i made it

  11. i made it

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