Cloudy with a Chance of HAMMERS!

CLOUDY — Early morning, Purple Slime4 and I felt like chat was booming so we went with an unscheduled event like planned.  It has been our best event yet this week and we definitely needed it.

Best picture of the entire event.

Overall this week has been not the best event wise, but pretty interesting: Oagalthorp came to visit yesterday and today we got a new third in a command.  We maxed twenty-five at the event and averaged twenty-one.  Everyone did a very good job listening too.  A few people here and there got to give out orders and they did a lovely job.

Pictures taken by Purple Slime4 and I.

Some guy, Vababoom, kept mentioning hammers throughout the event so I decided to name the title after him.  After the event I put him on ignore. 😛 Next week a lot of interesting things will be happening, mostly reintroduced ideas, as ACP continues to improve and rise from our last leadership.

Did you come to this event?  Let us know in the comments below!

~Leader, Mchappy

16 Responses

  1. First, booyah! :mrgreen:

  2. Mch, I came. now make me captain maybeh 🙂

  3. eye wuz dere

  4. SMELLO, I CAME ;3

  5. I came 😀

  6. Camezies!

  7. came

  8. Made it

  9. Came! I’m the IMAF n00b in the red hoodie. <3

  10. I made it. Great job guys!

  11. I didn’t go because I’m an old grumpy man who HAS A RED NAME AND ISN’T GONNA CHANGE IT

  12. im made it

  13. I.WAS.THERE!! I.AM. Pjgpjg!

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