Battle on Yeti: Results, bring on the clover tanks!

YETI — Today we had orginally planned to scheduled a practice battle against an army known as the Hot Sauce Army.  This evening many valiant soldiers showed magnificent effort.  VICTORY SCREEH! LOLOLOLOL


We won because they didn’t even show up.  The enemy decided to ditch to invade the Nachos, so we decided to head over to our server Yeti and give it a go.  Throughout the battle we probably averaged fifteen, but we were able to max twenty-one at one point.  Although this hasn’t been our best week, I’m still very proud of the effort put into events.  A couple of soldiers were giving the opportunity to give orders and they did very well.







Did you notice that Oagalthorp was in the picture?  If so, you’d be correct, he came to the event to check up on us.  How cute of him.  This weekend we’ll be having unscheduled events whenever the chat is at it’s biggest.  Be sure to be on chat as much as you can this weekend; this means going on our chat whenever you’re on xat.  Even if you have an event in a different army or will be idle most of the time (then put “AFK”) in your name.  Also going on recently is the active count, be sure to comment or your rank could be at jeopardy.  This weekend I plan on making a big post reintroducing some old concepts to the Army of Club Penguin.

Did you make it to this event?  Let us know in the comments below!

~Leader, Mchappy


13 Responses

  1. First, booyah! :mrgreen:

  2. Made it.

  3. I came! But still, i didn’t expect ogal thorp! to come (btw i saw that he wasn’t an owner, wich is wierd because HE OWN’S THE WHOLE FREAKIN ARMY XD)!

  4. i made it

  5. Wasn’t there. Soccer game that we lost :@ Anyways, nice job ACP.
    P.S I won’t be here for the whole week coming up. Exams, ya.

  6. I came and my e+9 tactic is on there 😀

  7. sorry couldn’t come 🙁

  8. XD Awesome! Wonderful that Oagal came.

  9. came

  10. Made it.

  11. Lol, cool pic! 😀 I made it, i’m Pjgpjg

  12. #YUNOREADIN2014HMM??? (# ahh good times… goood times….)

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