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You’re a ☆

Hai dere, ACP!

I just wanted to go over a few things that have been happening.  Due to xat being glitchy, I haven’t been able to access it for the past two days.  This is why I haven’t been so much around on chat or for posting.  On top of that I lost my phone and my parents are worried.  They’ve been using the computers to track it down and such.  I can’t believe I lost it.  After all of the commotion with xat glitching I just want to remind everybody that we are still at XAT.COM/THEACP and we won’t change unless xat acts up again.  I feel like nobody really said that we’re still at that chat so I just wanted to make it clear.

Remember the ACPTR?  If not, you better pay attention right now.  ACPTR had its first teaching class today.  Our teacher was Antant98, and he taught us all about basics in tactics.  It was a great show but I’m hoping to see more come to the next ACPTR events.

“We had a very good outcome for our first class of the month, 4 cadets had shown up and three teachers, Mchappy, Antant, and I [Slider]. Antant taught most of the class with Mchappy and I [Slider] putting in some comments here and there. We actually started early and went from around 5:10 – 5:39 Eastern Standard Time. Everyone did well and listened respectfully, as well as asked questions. We had some trouble with people speaking out but other than that everything went well.”

If you’re a low ranked soldier in ACP then I really recommend joining the ACPTR.  The ACPTR gives you a promotion in ACP, if you pass at the end of the month, and also teaches you the fundamentals in all armies.  Joining ACPTR also gives you great experience that all armies look for in recruits.  ACPTR has classes around every other day and are lead by ACP second in command, Slider!  CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE ACPTR FOR A POSSIBLE PROMOTION.

This evening Mr Waffle 45 got a couple of ACP soldiers on to recruit at Breeze.  NOTE: that this session was lead by a member and the owners were just on having fun with our soldiers.  This is NOT the actually size of ACP.  It went pretty well.  We were gathering up a ton of recruits and even got around fifteen on CP.  Great job leading, Mr Waffle 45.  Mr Waffle 45 will be awarded two medals for getting some ACP online.  It really benefited us, and I know how hard it is to get ACP online when you’re a member.  We represent CP as a whole and we should have unscheduled events like everyday.  Even if they are just like hide ‘n seek or some fun, random, silly gathering.

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That’s pretty much what’s been going on recently, or at least since I’ve been gone.  Tell me if you enjoyed the post, eh?  /looks at Capncook  I didn’t really have to do much.  At least I’m honest ha-ha.  Everyone remember about the Mammoth defense we have on Sunday.  SWAT just won’t leave us alone.  It’s extremely important and five medals are on the line.  Come to the event if you want a chance at five medals.

Paramore: Change is good… good.

Let the marching begin.

~Icey Cold27 ♣ ACP Head General

23 Responses

  1. First, booyah! :mrgreen:

  2. Second, woop 😆

  3. 3rd WOOHHOO

  4. We should just declare war on SWAT and shut them up about invading Mammoth instead of defending Mammoth bi weekly.

  5. rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow

  6. Whenever I lose my phone, I call it. Or I tell my mom that I can just get a new phone, and then she finds it for me. Genius right? :mrgreen:

  7. Whooooo twist and shout!


  9. THANKS THANKS THANKS for puttign me in the post i did that recruiting session because we needed more troops and we dont have much recruiting

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