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Recruiting, and then Questing, and then Showing Off. A normal Saturday for the Army of Club Penguin.

Hey ACP, 

We basically did what the title says, we started off on Avalanche doing some recruiting, before changing to Brumby, once we’d recruited for 10-15 minutes we then started doing Rockhopper’s quest, before finally resting in the Snow Forts to show off to everyone and CPAC, that we were the best. Our event was great, and we showed to the Black Alliance that they should fear us and our allies, and not them. Now you may be thinking, wait what? “Black Alliance?” but that’s not important right now, the results of our events are!

  • Size [9/10]: Our size was great today, we started off with 30-35 in the Town where we did our circle, before heading over to Rockhopper’s quest, where admittedly we did lose some sizes, but in the Snow Forts we did a full circle (barely) with sizes of at least 45! It was a great event today size-wise.
  • Tactics [8.5/10]: Our tactics were alright in the Town recruiting, but I guess you don’t really need any for recruiting, and were great in the quest! In the Snow Forts however, our tactics weren’t the best they could of been and were a bit iffy. Despite set backs, it was still a decent tactics event.
  • Chat [9/10]: We got 2 chats again this event, and 50+ on popular, and everyone seemed to repeat the tactics on chat. Apart from the times when Ken and I were hushing a lot (sorry!) everyone seemed to be enjoying the event and having fun. Our chat was tied with our size today, but it was still a great element of our event.

Now, onto the pictures, click read more to well, read more!


With smallish sizes (for us) at the start, we tell a tiny white lie that “WERE RECORDING”

We eventually make a full circle and give a welcoming face to our recruits; E2.

Rockhopper’s Quest:

At the Swashbuckler Trading Post, we do EI Igloos in our horizontal line.

We get trapped in Dino Land while trying to steal the crown jewels. We weren’t happy about that; E3.

A kind of messed up line at Shipwrecked Island, but we do E7 anyway.

Snow Forts:

Sizes of around 30-35 again as we start logging onto the Snow Forts, E5 in line for no particular reason.

Our line getting bigger and curvier, we do E+8 in our line with mixed results.

E+2 in our almost complete circle, except for that one mad face! Were mad they ruined our photo.

We speak the truth. ACP Forever!


I wouldn’t really call it victory as there wasn’t anyone to face, but I’m sure we got at least 5 recruits today from this event, and it turned into a pretty good showing off session, showing to the world what we can do. If you want to know more about the Black Alliance, although I’m sure there will be a more detailed post about it, here’s the information in general:

  • Nachos dropped out of ANDI,DW too following Nacho’s decision, so ANDI promptly ended.
  • The Black Alliance was formed, which consists of only Shadow Troops and Golden Troops at the moment, I don’t think LT have officially joined, but Dark Warriors did, but not to fight ACP, only our other allies.
  • Our current allies are the Ice Warriors, the Doritos of Club Penguin, Club Penguin Crew and the Underground Mafias Army.
  • Nachos are currently neutral as are a lot of armies, Global Defenders and Ninjas too, with a few of those armies possibly joining our side.

That’s basically it in a nutshell, around 3 armies personally against us and 4 all together probably in the alliance. To any undecided armies out there, I urge you to join our side for several reasons, reasons I will post tomorrow in a more detailed post.

Comment if you made it today and whether you enjoyed it! Remember, Promotions are soon.

-Flipper7706 and Kenneth1000

25 Responses

  1. 1st that event was awesome! i liked the migrator part the best. and john mon dont forget what you said….

  2. I was there jaja!

  3. Made it and lead it with flip

  4. I was there 😀 Except past 20:25, which my computer crashed. We did epic though! 😀 Shame to see armies drop out of ANDI and BA reforming though >:(

  5. I made it and did some leading 😀

  6. i came and aww andi died medal count = 26

  7. I came 36 medals

  8. i made it

  9. I was kinda looking forward to a break in war… oh well.

  10. I came (as you can BARELY see in that first picture at the Town!)

  11. I made it

  12. Ugh, I don’t think my other comment posted. Dumb phone. We came out of war for another, huh?

  13. I made it!

  14. I made it

  15. I made it!

  16. DW isn’t in the Black Alliance, anymore.

  17. awesome event i loved the boat parts the best it felt like we were sailing out to somwhere like tea to claim it in a war.

  18. I made it, got me rubbish pin 😛

  19. sorry i was not there

  20. I made it.

  21. The GT aren’t in the BA.

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