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CPAC Shindig.

Date: Saturday 7th May

Server: Klondike

Room: Town


12:00 noon PM PST (Pacific)

1:00 PM Mountain,

2:00 PM Central,

3:00 PM Eastern,

8:00 PM GMT

Comment if you can make it!

Hey ACP!

If you look at CPAC every now and then like me, you would realise that we have been invited to a tournament hosted by CPAC. I for one have grew less and less interested with CPAC, but I think this time we should take part to show who is the best! It will consist of loads of armies, and we will be stationed in the Town. I really don’t get how people can fight if we are all going to be there, there would be  no room to fight in. lima

Basically, there are about 20 or so armies. We gather up on one server in specific rooms, and we will have to attack each other to claim their ground and win! According to CPAC, you can gain 3 awards. They are listed below!

  • Biggest Army Award [I’m hoping ACP can get this one]
  • Best Offensive Army [I think ACP could clinch this one too, we will be invading lots of rooms]
  • Best Defensive Army [This isn’t a main award we are aiming for, but it would be nice to bag all three!]

The awards will be given AFTER the battle, so we must make sure to come and get the awards!

Comment if you can come, this is seriously one of the biggest events ACP can have, we need this to prove, that yes, we have beaten our rivals several times, and yes, we are the biggest and we are the best! This is a bit early for promotions, but if you do come, leaders promise to look back on this post to see who did come and promote those who deserve it. This is our time, this is it:

Where ACP attacks all.

-Flipper7706 and Kenneth1000

❗ Blatant Advertising: New Failblog for CP Armies HERE!

We Hope To See You At The Battle TODAY!!!!

Shab: I gotta talk to both Ken and Flip

Buck Edit:
❗ My Competition post will be out on Saturday, just to clear that up. ❗

Buck’s Epic Leprachaun Competition which will include 100th, 200th, 300th, 400th and 500th comment earning prizes + 3 riddles to be solved, prizes also awarded for the first to do this. This is to be released on Saturday, possibly before this, possibly after. Xats and Days to be won. Nice hefty prizes. When should it be? Before, or after the battle?

P.S: Ken, I’m not sure if you want to do this or not, I definitely had rocky thoughts about it, I just posted it so we can have as much notice as possible. You can take it down if you wish.

134 Responses


  2. Most likely I can make it!


  3. I’ll make it

  4. Can’t come I’m with Uma.

  5. Shindig is a party, and I can make it.

    SAS Commando

  6. i can come

  7. Why there is an ACP event in the same day , hour and server with GT event ?

  8. I will try my hardest to make it!

  9. i can come

  10. i will always make battles!

  11. i can always come to battles

  12. meee cannn comeee

    xD xD xD

  13. i can always come to battles i will try to make it

  14. Meep meep meep,Meep meep meep!

    [Transalated to english: I will make it! Lets win this tournament!]

  15. I’ll surely try to come..:)..and all the best for ACP!!:D

  16. Yes great time! 🙂

  17. i can come 🙂

  18. yes i can make itm hopefully i go back to school tomorrow :(.

  19. Maybe depends if laptops back.

  20. you idiots dont join the tourndment because RAA is going to invade at that time on breeze.


    • Dude you fail RAA has no army no one joined

      • wow clubhot you are such a fail even if acp did bother to fight back you would be crushed in like 2 seconds. and remember that alliance you made to destroy acp?it didnt even last 2 months.plus echo beat you like 3 times

      • oh yeah i might make it

      • you a fail and so was your dads condom. anyway i have loads of soliders and armies on my side

      • thats what you said last time when you made the white allliance.And oh yeah i read your site and you acuttaly believe echo will betray acp?Are you frekin kidding me?Echo was the divison that fought back the white alliances failed invasions of mammoth.Seriosly what do you have against acp?We dont kill small armies,We dont own every single server,and do you have proof fo us destroying small armies?Look at the delta alliance they were disbaned after there first battle against acp and now even thier old leader thread joined us.You arent brave and tough your just one of those annoying anit acp noobs

    • *Unaccepted battle*

    • dude we will have like 30 people pratroling

  21. I can make it


  22. I can come

  23. i ican come

  24. Oh, perfect timing! I’ll be attending this one for sure!

  25. I cant make it due to confidential reasons

    Yours Sincerly

  26. I might actually go ;0

  27. I can come. I saved a 4 year supply of soda for this kind of party(It’s actually a 4 year supply for the average person. For me it’s only an hour)

  28. I can make it.

  29. My sexiness shall be present.


  30. If that’s the event we’re doing, I’ll be there! 😉 Even though the general idea of that many armies on one server would probably crash the server, I still think ACP deserves some more awards, and all 3 would be pretty epic. Anyways, good luck!

    ~Adamsapple4 -=Lt. General=- [ACP]

  31. ill make it.
    p.s thnx for the promo

  32. I’ll come unless Woton says I can’t.

  33. Yes, I will most likely be able to make it, by the way, what is CPAC?

  34. I can probably come.

  35. this will be the first acp scheduled event i can go to and that i will go to since joining.

  36. i can come

  37. I can make it.

  38. I can come !

  39. I can make it.

  40. Gonna try and come.


  42. I’ll try to make it but I’m celebrating my b-day on that day, so I’ll try to make it or some of it

  43. Yes I can make it!

  44. I think I can come.

  45. Theres a good chance but i dont know

  46. I might make it depnding on what time meh soccer game is.Most likely at 6:00 so i can come 😀

  47. I think i can

  48. i can make it but it is my parents anniversary

  49. I can come.

  50. im so gonna go 🙂

  51. I will be there! 😀

  52. I shall try my best!

  53. I’ll be helping the Ice Vikings during this battle, due to them needing more troops then you guys, sorry…

  54. The is a planned invasion of Breeze at this exact time with an alliance!

    Date: Saturday 7th May
    Server: breeze
    Room: Town and snowforts
    12:00 noon PM PST (Pacific)
    1:00 PM Mountain,
    2:00 PM Central,
    3:00 PM Eastern,
    7:00 PM GMT

  55. “I for one have grew less and less interested with CPAC”

    ” I’m not sure if you want to do this or not, I definitely had rocky thoughts about it”

    Please explain what you mean.

  56. I will be there 😀

  57. I can’t come ): I have a cheerleading competition *blech* AT SIX FLAGS! =D So good luck! Hope we get all the awards (;

  58. I’ll come

  59. I should be able to come but I might be a bit late.

  60. CANT COME SRRY!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁



    • ACP is not filth. If you’ve got problems about them, tell them.You can’t get punished for having your own opinion, but expressing your opinion in that way is just so…


      ACP are trying to protect CP, and they have so many servers so that other armies can’t use them for bad things. ACP rarely do anything to harm CP. So start thinking will you?


  61. Sorry I can’t make it

  62. Nope i cant make it

  63. I can come. Sorry I’ve been so inactive. We’ve had guests staying for over a week! :'(

    Have mercy on me!!! 🙁

  64. i can go

  65. Oh no D:

    I now cannot make it,due to the fact that my best pet (My hamster) has gone down with Wet Tail,which is just caused by stress which causes the victim to have diharria,I’m sorry,but family ALWAYS comes 1st with my life,feel free to flame,but before you flame,think about how hard it is for me and my family,so if you now hate me for missing the event.THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE!


    • And did I forget to mention that the victim dies within 24 hours without treatment?

  66. OK now im 99% sure i can go

  67. i can come

  68. I can as long as my mom doesnt make us eat late

  69. I’ll be there.

  70. I’ll make it both to the shindig and the defense!

  71. I can probably come

  72. Yeah i am definately going to be the re yyyyeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa ACP



  75. im definitely going to make it 🙂

  76. Yes

  77. I’ll most likely make it.

  78. Hello i am clubhot4 and 99kane of RAA. I am willing to make a truce with ACP. To make the truce with ACP i would like to be on ACP chat. And we should post the truce on both of our websites

  79. Wait, I can’t come to the shindig because my army has an event THE EXACT SAME TIME. Sorry guys.

  80. I can come.

  81. for Buck’s contest idk if this counts but im going for 100 =3


  83. I CAN COME



  86. OPENED

  87. 101th

  88. 102

  89. jujuflower

    This is strange I thought i posted on this already, but i dont see it.

    Of course I’ll be there helping

  90. I can’t make it i’m with uma.

  91. I can make it! 😆

  92. I’m not sure if I can come. I’ll be at my uncle’s house from Saturday morning to Sunday morning so…

  93. I will come i will really be happy to fight the 7. time in ACP blood

  94. i will come

  95. I can make it

  96. Finally, an event that I can attend!

  97. I can make it

  98. I hope we can do this!
    I don’t get the event anyway.,
    P.S Someone please give me some days I only got 1 left

  99. I will be very inactive in the next couple of months,at the most until July

    Sorry ACP

  100. can’t come because its my grandads retirement party to at 6:30pm (GTM)

  101. I might make it

  102. I can’t make it, I’m going to Boston to see the Sox play.

  103. I’m there.

  104. I will be there!

  105. i cant make it sorry im from GT and they tell that if ic ome for other army i will be demoted sorry guys 🙁

  106. acp ftw at the shindig

  107. if you went i like i did then your know it awsome

  108. I made it and I even got some pics, ill post them later.

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