Echo has planned some Events and I’m here to make sure it gets the word out.
What: Tactics Session
Where: Snow Forts, Snow Forts
When: Wednesday September 8th, 2010
Time: 4PM PST, 5PM MST, 6PM CST, 7PM EST, 12 UK (Don’t have to attend.)
Who: Echo
Little: Great turnout, Echo! Go to to see a post including pictures.
What: You-Lead Session
Where: Snow Forts, Snow Forts
When: Thursday September 9th, 2010
Time: 4PM PST, 5PM MST, 6PM CST, 7PM EST, 12 UK (Don’t have to attend.)
Who: Echo
This is for Echo only!!! If you do not know your Division than go to the Divisions Page and find out.
Not in a Division? Sign-Up for one or just come to the Echo one. Sorry for a short Post
Filed under: ACP |
I can try and make them 😀 !!!
(d) 2nd 🙁
i can make them both!
ill be there 5th
Darnit, I’ll be at Cross Country till 6 D=
I might not be able to make it due to HW. (School started for me on August 25th)
I may be able to come.
***Could Bob and Bob only answer this question***
Bob am i being transferred to Echo? Or am i staying in Alpha? Because you said i was being transferred but my rank still has not been updated.
I can make it
i can come.
I think I can. MY FIRST EVENT IN ECHO!! 😀
Probably can’t make it..running..
Mchappy the link is wrong the link is
Whoops, my bad 😳
I’ll be there!
I’ma be there.
I made it.
Bad news guys, my laptop’s charger is no longer working, so I wont be able to get back on until its replaced. Please do not demote me, this is beyond my control.
Little: That sucks, Dj, don’t you have any other computer you can use in your house?