Ken: Alpha will meet on Alpha chat so be there at the time of the event
I want to schedule another tactics session for Alpha to work on our tactics, formations etc. We will be practicing stuff like charging, joke bombing, circles just to name a few.
Remember this is for Alpha Division only.
When: Sunday 11th of July
Where: Snow Fort, Snow Forts
12:00 PM PST
1:00 PM MST
2:00 PM CST
3:00 PM EST
Please comment if you can make it!
Filed under: ACP |
Unfair use of a Post (D) I refuse to show up! Well I’m not in Alpha… Good luck to them 😉
3rd…and OMG SAW!
guess i can make it..i dunno i probaly can!
Yess, less, kickss, somesss, asss
i ll try to come
im in
I can come
I’ll be there
DELTA1O1 (Corporal)
i’m in alpha and i will probably be there.
Well im not in alpha but ill come
I can try to come
I’ll be there.
Yes… I’m pretty sure I can make it 🙂
can i come im not in alpha but i think i need more training
im a rookie so yeah
training is over most of the acp logged off
sorry i didnt make it cause im new here