As you know, there is a war going on. And just in case you didn’t know, the qualities that determine a World War are:
- Most major armies are involved. [check]
- Each side includes at least two major armies. [check]
- The largest army and the most influential army are involved. [check]
- At least 5 major battles must occur on several servers. [one more to go]
- The war must last over a month. [15 more days
These rules have been in place since 2006 during WWII, but I guess a lot of people forgot about them. Regardless, this war is not an official World War YET.
Table of Contents [click to skip]
This war has been a barrage of invasion after defense after invasion, and I love it. But we all need a quick break. So this Thursday or Friday, I’m suggesting a massive “day off” where each army can parade on their servers, rest, recuperate, and have enormous quantities of fun! 😀
For the ACP, I have two ideas. The first idea is the Klash on Klondike. The goal? Create as friggin’ much noise as possible. From what I’ve determined, there are five different noises a penguin can make. I’m suggesting we try to get the entire ACP into two rooms, and everyone makes as much noise as they can, just to see what happens!
Here are all the options I could think of:
Just imagine all that noise at once, coming from 110 soldiers. This, my friends, will be epic.
The second idea is more traditional. It will be a massively humongous parade throughout Permafrost where we will prove to CPA Central that we can and DO get more than 60 soldiers per event. How many soldiers are we expecting? Let’s assume 100+ . . . I’m not exaggerating. How are we gonna do this? All we have to do is keep all of our soldiers on one room, then the remaining soldiers gather at the neighboring room. We lose soldiers during invasions because we keep moving and people get lost. But if we are in one place, we will be gigantic. Will this, too, be epic? Hell ya.
So, which of these parades do YOU want to do?
Either way, I’m sure we’ll have a blast. Comment with your suggestions!
~ Oagalthorp
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
First (wary)
Also, I like the Klash on Klondike idea best.
I think the parade is the best option.
Klash on Klondike
I got my cowbells ready 6th
Wow, you guys are dumb.
Club penguin is not the place for PVP combat.
uh..parade i guess
Fart up the room homies
You have good ideas Oagalthorp, very good ideas.
i like the klash on klondike idea best!
Great idea, its about time people brought back the good old days. And this isn’t anti-ACP but in the interest of CP armies I think it would be a good idea if a small army tried to ambush you guys or something. This gives the army recognition and also its great for you guys as it shows penguins on the server that you can kick ass. The golden age of CP warfare has died but who says we cant bring it back?
The Neutral Observer.
i like klash on klondike best! Even though i am not technically a soldier on acp, can i still comment?
The ” Klash On Klondike ” sounds pretty interesting!
Lt. General~Happyman444
Klash On Klondike,Dunn dun dunnnn….
Oagal owns at partys (wary)
I can’t make the senate meeting. My camp ends at 2:30 Est ):
Can’t we do both? Seriously, it’s summer, it’s not like we only have two days a week to do events… 😛
Both great Ideas, Oagal! I personally think the Parade would more suit ACP’s Numbers. I agree with Fox, we could do both in a matter of Days 🙂
klash on klondike!!!!!!
When is the klash on klondlike?
I have an even better idea than Fox’s, Why dont we just combine them? It will be fun, we can prove something, and it is combined with funness of both of the events. 😀
– Retired ACP Lt. Colonel Paint5278
CPM Leader
Oagal: They will both show our numbers and prove something, just in different styles. 😉
Klash on Klondike
Hey Matre or any other high ranks close to matre im going to be on vaca for three weeks
Alex Mac3 ACP Staff Sergeant
Klash on Klondike for sure.
i can make it
uh idk
I like both ideas because it is so much fun to makenoise and annoy “certain ppl” (wary). The parade would be cool too because we could see atleast 3/4 of the ACP’s size and maybe others would join us because of that.
🙂 Dj Yaseen
I like Klash on Klondike
Klash On Klondike RULEZ!!!!!!
I think we should do Klash on Klondike. (PROP)
Also, don’t forget that you can hold the whistle AND the bell at the same time
Both are great ideas, I’ll go with whatever one is picked.
~Division General, Snowballpink
i think both. it will be awesome!!!!
idk which one we should do
i think both it will be cool
Where is the war
When’s the Klash on Klondike/Permafrost Parade?