All Senators, learn this part of the nations page. It is up to you to know your government. Please comment below the best day of the week and time for the senate meetings. We need to get moving on issues and Matre needs us to be funtional. So lets get a day and time set and move forward for ACP>
Dryvit: Senate President and Grand Poobah
The Army of Club Penguin is a Democratic Republic. That means that we are a mix between a Democracy (We elect our congress) and a Republic (The people have a say, and we have congressional votes for big decisions) We do have a bit of a dictatorship when it comes to picking new leaders, co-leaders, or third in commands. New leaders are picked by the retiring leader. A retiring leader can choose to have an election for the next leader if they wish not to pick. Head Generals, or Second-in-Commands, and Commander Generals, or Third-in-Commands are picked by the current leader.
When making big decisions, everyone in the Senate votes, but the officials in the government have more influence in the end. If a voting is tied,the Final decision is made by the Senate President. Any bill may be vetoed by the leader/s of ACP at their discretion for the benefit of ACP. Keep this in mind when presenting bills that may not benefit ACP.
Filed under: ACP |
Okay Dry!!! Thanks for the guidelines
thanks dry
Learnt it,don’t know what dictatorship means..oh yeah and Sunday/Saturday 8:00-9:00 am.
Saturday 5:00-6:00 Pm Mountain Standard time, Zara, dictatorship means there is basically no goverment, just one leader that controlls everything. Just hope that clarifies a few things.
P.S. Thanks for Guidelines.
Mondays are the worst time for me, Tuesdays are clear after 3:30cst, Wednesdays are fine between 6:00 and 9:00cst, Thursdays are fine after 3:30 cst, Fridays are fine after 7:00cst, and saturdays are fine up until 4:30pm cst, and Sundays are fine all day.
Matre told me to make this in a comment-
Today, we held an unscheduled raid on one of TG’s servers, Icebound. We had a good amount of people on. Mchappy started us out by leading, with me co-leading. Mchappy had to leave, so Jupiter5 and I led then. I took over when Jupiter had to go, and we finished the battle out with a truce. I had an amazing 17 pictures, and i didnt even capture most of the charges! This battle was at least 1 1/2 hours long. Here are all the pictures!
So sorry, i didnt have time to take out the frame from the pictures.
if the day is between monday to thursday than no later than 9:30 uk time but if it is friday to sunday than i can stay till 10:30
I am fine with Sundays too 6:30-7:30 pm because of church
umm..any time on sundays, or saturday evenings (EST), or weekdays, excluding monday and wednesday
ok im not a senator but why are we a democratic rebulblic? we can just be a republic since democracy is being a democratic republic isnt nessacary…only a “republic” is..well i may be wrong but im learning about ancient greece and rome and thats basically where we get our government from(rome) and greece created democracy,so i think i know what im talking about..just wanted to mention it 😉