The end of the Legacy

Edit: The ‘Hate You’s’ section was removed, we are trying to keep retirement posts respectful, if you have personal issues with someone deal with it personally rather than publicly.

As we all know this is a retirement of Capncook blah blah blah. I will not be on chats and you can’t Email me. I might still play Club Penguin though so just say if you need me on chat. Anyway, my story:

During the Color Wars, I was only a noob penguin, and I decided to go on CP one day, I found the green army and decided to play along. During WWII I took a special recording of it and it’s on Youtube. I also attended WWIII/WWII unofficially under the ACP. WWIV I totally missed and WWV was the epic 3 day war. Anyway, now for the thank you’s and hate you’s.


Boomer: For believing in me and giving me the rank of Captain then eventually getting me to Division General.

Bobcatboy10: Good luck down there in Texas, hope ya don’t split up into 4 states. xD

Matre10: McDonalds Rap!

Dr Nono Jr: Biggest thank you of all, thank you for giving me leadership and believing in me, I truly deserved it more than some people right now, and same for you.

Klug1234: Shab: It was never your place. The leaders chose Klug. Don’t hold a grudge over it. You didn’t even have a chance.

Jediseth: Best friend in the army, I will see you on Xbox Live!

Thomas0270: Funny kid, be more active.


Uno148: Good luck with Alpha, nice chat pic.

Aero Master: Eh, you’ll get to leader sometime next year… NOT.

Capncook: That’s me!

Kenneth1000: You never deserved your spot to be honest with you.

Divotoo: Nice stories, I trusted you sometimes, others you were just a friend, good luck in life, always follow your brothers’ influences.

Noka11: You deserve LEADER.

Chapa23: Eh

Danny9632: You of all people need to be more active.

Ganondorf787: Plan failed. 🙁

Foxtails: ROFL, see you on WoW.

Kingkinz10: Good luck with Nachos.

Lillie Rose: Go home… Just go.

Solraida: 😀

Everyone else: Follow how I got to my rank, it will get you leadership faster. *Winks*

If you cry because you got punished fornot doing your job then you will get nothing good in return. Do not be a jealous, immature person like Capn.

I sign off for the last time: Capncook

31 Responses

  1. bb dude

  2. P.S. why next year?:@

  3. Good luck in life, u’ll need it.

  4. Some your sad to see go, some your not. You are definitely some. Good luck in your future.

  5. Welcome to the Retired Moderator Ranks Club, Capn. And remember, don’t come back, enjoy life and check on them sometimes. That is what I am doing currently.

    -Monsterfully ACP Retired Legend

  6. “Danny9632: You of all people need to be more active.”

    Capn theres something called life 😆 And plus sad to see you go…

    P.S You could atleast say something good about me..

  7. And the ‘Hate You’s section was so rude…. Isaq it.

  8. * I saw it

  9. its really sad. i like u in ACP. LONG LIVE CAPN!

  10. bye bye

  11. The person who put If you cry because you got punished fornot doing your job then you will get nothing good in return. Do not be a jealous, immature person like Capn is an @$$.

  12. At the bottom of this post, someone is insulting Capn in a disrespectful way saying “never be like him”. I would appreciate if you respect retiring soldiers even if they were the worst soldier in history of soldiers. Remember them for trying to overcome their reputation and doing their best to be the best. As a retired soldier, I respect other retired soldiers, even Meat, but that is another story. Anyways, whoever wrote that note under Capn’s retirement post, shame on you. His post is as sign of leaving, not being an immature idiot, you can do better than that whoever wrote that note upon this retirement post. That is all.

    -Monsterfully ACP Retired Legend

  13. I just noticed that he wrote mean things to people, but still, don’t give it back, just ignore it.

    -Monsterfully ACP Retired Legend

  14. Wow capn

  15. CYa!

  16. Bye Capn,

    You know I once was really mad at you and kinda hated you. It was actually something quite stupid that I was dumb enough to take to heart. Anyways I know what is was but I want say uit but ever since you told me it, I have been trying my best not to do it ever again.
    So really I want to thank you 😉

    Also I do knida remember you when you were a noob on ACP chat :mrgreen: Good times.

    Well remember dont mess with Texas 😆 and be safe and good in life, I’ll be praying for you

  17. bye capn u were epic and my next rank is captain THE RANK OF CAPNCOOK lol but anyways the captain rank is the rank i will remember as capncooks rank u will be missed.

    acp major

  18. sad to see u go. I know u since i started acp. bye!

    Nina aka icebaer10

  19. Go home? What is that supposed to mean :/

  20. Bye…even though…..I dont really like you..but still,good person.

  21. Most likely Shab wrote that right at the bottom of this post…

  22. Your welcome! XP

  23. Bye Capn, nice knowing you.

  24. cya capn wont really miss ya but cya

  25. good bye. forever 🙂

  26. *Gives Triple Quarter Pounder (:o) With Large Fries and Coke*


    Well anyways Capn,you were always a Loyal soldier and its sad to see you go 😥 Best of luck in life


  27. -Pukes on Matre- Were the puking bros 😆 !

  28. its sad to see you go but we all haft to leave armies sometime enjoy life and have fun

  29. Bye Cap 🙁 You are the best!!

  30. Capn 🙂 I’ll miss you man, you were actually cool.

    Ehhh…. maybe it’s right to get rid of hate comments, maybe not. But the edit at the end is totally out of order and there was absoloutely no need to cross out his ending joke.

    we’re being respectful in retirement, so why aren’t the edits?

    Bye Capn:(


  31. I know people will miss you, even though I did not know you that well you always were working hard at your job and I respect you for that. We will miss you.

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