During the Past Weeks,I have Noticed Moderators Abusing,Or making Unfair Use of their Rank by Unfairly Guesting/Banning/Kicking Members or Guests. It has came to a level that,Into my Consideration,Will not Help us. Of course,Un-Modding Every Moderator Will not help,but It is for sure that those with these Behaviors will be Punished that Way.
From Now On,Owners will be Overwatching Moderators at all Times,and Should Punish Unfair Kicking/Guesting/Banning or Un-Banning. Now you May ask,How is Un-Banning Somebody Unfair? During the Times I am Invisible on Chat,I see Members getting Banned by Moderators for Breaking The Rules,Which is Excellent. But I Have Noticed that They get Un-Banned before their Ban Expires.
If No Owner Is on,A Moderator online should PC that who Unfairly Unbanned or Banned to Reverse the Action. In case The Moderator keeps Abusing his Rank,He should be Reported by another Mod to any Owner that is seen on. The Owner will keep the Report a Secret and will not Reveal it.
For those who are Members,When you Think that you have been Unfairly Banned,Press the “Report Unfair Ban” button. This Report goes Directly To Shab’s Inbox,Where he can see a Full Report of what Happened on Chat at That time,The Moderator’s Banning Reason,and the Member’s Behavior
We really Enourage you to Use that Button whenever you Feel Unfairly Banned by a Moderator. Any Pointless Report like When you are Fairly Banned wont be Read. You can add some Text to your Report to The Main Owner for him to Read it and Know more about what happened Aswell.
Below You can see The ACP Chatbox Rules:
1. No cursing – No swearing on the chat, the flip emote and censored swears are also counted as swears
2. No innapropriate topics – This goes from anywhere to sexual topics to drug topics.
3. No Racism OR Sexism OR Ethnicism– No saying anything racist or sexist or ethnicist.
4. No spamming – Spam stands for Stupid pointless annoying messages, This means no saying things like “FJKWERKJWER” or smilies/audies over and over. YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED 3 MOVING SMILIES ON YOUR NAME.
5. No advertising – Do not come and advertise your chat or site, Youtube and photobucket links are fine.
6. Don’t say things that you know will cause a fight
7. No innapropriate doodles – Don’t put innapropriate images on the doodle
8. Don’t ask for personal info – Do not request to see pictures, phone-numbers, ect.
9. No cyber bullying – Don’t pick on people.
10. No unfair bans – Don’t ban anybody unless they break these rules.
11. Follow orders – During a battle listen to the highest soldiers on Club Penguin and Chat
12. Don’t ask for paid stuff– Don’t ask for xats, days, or powers, and no bribes with any of the three.
13. Don’t ask to be a mod or an owner – You won’t get it just by asking.
14. No Trading Xats/Days Or Penguins at Any Times,In Protection Against Scams
We need to Make The Chat A Better,Comfortable Place for New Recruits and Everybody else.
Filed under: ACP |
dangit whoever that noob is ^^
I’m really sorry if I’ve been a bad Moderator 😥 !
I have been trying to be the best mod i can. Sorry if what i have done was being an un-fair mod cause i was trying to end a fight last might and im sorry if i was being un-fair
Can do
ok 4 things…
Now members will know they’re safe when they do minor bad things and will abuse this “power” when the owners are on
If members DO get banned, they will lose their temper(such as putting ”QUITTING (armynamehere)” or actually using the unfair ban button)
The now-irritated moderator will either get demodded or kicked and will in turn lose his temper
If that happens then it will cause a chain reaction or a strike(you know what I mean o.O)
I’ll help you guys by becoming a main owner 😮 (Just kidding)
well now more people will use that everytime there banned no matter what
can do