Shab: Ganon can you restart the polls but first talk to me?
Its that time, time to elect the next VP. This election is quite simple and is going to be smooth and easy. The poll will be up for 3 days and 3 days only. Here are the lucky 9 people who are running for the VP seat:
- Ditto230
- Shaboomboom
- Jcapp64
- John16216
- Hip2
- Coolguy12348
- TyloV5
- Monsterfully
- Js Thgrourhg
Ok the process for this is going to be quite simple. If anyone breaks the rules the will be DQed with out any say at all. To vote you have to fill out this very simple form:
– No Hacking
-No Bribing
-No Cheating
-Only 1 vote per soldier
-VP Runners cannot vote for themselves
-No asking for votes on chat
The act of breaking any rule will result in the Disqualification of the runner plus the possible use of a Ban from an Owner or President at his/her discretions. Dont break the rules because I can sniff this out as if it is a hamburger restaurant.
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks)
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well)
(the name of the person your voting for)
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?
These will be the final elections and i am hoping to soon get started.
Filed under: ACP |
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks) Kenneth1000
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well) General
(the name of the person your voting for) Coolguy12348
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP? I believe coolguy would make a good Senate VP because he is responsible and good for the job
Dryvit, retired leader. As shab is now 2ic, I vote for TyloV5!!
Tylo is a veteran , he is ready to step in and do the job. Well liked by all, very smart and truly cares about the future of ACP. I have never seen Tylo not involved some way in making ACP better, no matter the cause. Even during his brief retirement, he was front and center for every war. There is not a single person left in that poll who could come close to doing a better job then Tylo. Thank you.
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks)Xeboxe1
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well)Staff Sergeant
(the name of the person your voting for)Ditto230
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?because hes responsible and nice and i think its would be a good choice
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks)ditto230
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well)major general
(the name of the person your voting for)ditto230(myself)
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP? Because i know i would make a really good senate vp and i know how to post plus i want my name better known
Former Lt. General. Currrent Colonel
Because hes awesome and former leader 🙂
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks) Cg2916
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well) Staff Sergeant
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP? I think he has the experience.
i vote ditto240
i mean ditto230
purplejack its ditto230 lol
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks) Dalek Cam
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well) 2nd Lieutenant
(the name of the person your voting for) Ditto230
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP? well, Ditto is a close friend of mine, he always helped me when there was a problem, he even helped me create an army that has almost hit the medium mark. he would be an awesome VP/leader anytime. Go For it Ditto!
Corporal (delta)
I choose him becaue he was a great leader
vote 4 me!
no wait my mistake
great former leader
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks)
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well)
brigadier general
(the name of the person your voting for)
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?
Because i know coolguy and i think he will be a good choice as the vp
wait ditto230 i change my vote i vote for Jcapp64
purplejack you have to provide the information (questions) from above
Major General, former General
He is a loyal and dedicated troop, he knows what he’s doing, and he wants only the best from ACP. I know this for certain. Vote For Ditto!
CP Name: TyloV5
Rank: General
Person I’m Voting For: TyloV5 XD
Why: Because I don’t think, I KNOW that I’d make a good VP! I’m an ACP veteran, and I really care about this army’s well being. I’ve had a lot of leadership experience, and I think I’d really help keep the senate up and running. Thanks to anyone who votes for me, and good luck to my opponents!
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks) twingy
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well) maj. gen
(the name of the person your voting for) Tylo V5
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?
He is loyal, has been in the ACP for ages, and would do his job nobally.
Sorry Ditto, but Tylo definetly was my choice:(
I quit the senate vp
nvm i rejoin but i have to be honest to ganon so i could make this right
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks)
Johny 4
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well)
Major General
(the name of the person your voting for)
Tylo V5
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?
Hes loyal to ACP,Is always there in our hours of need.
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks) joeyred56
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well) sergeant
(the name of the person your voting for) monsterfully
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP? i know he will do a good job and have strong cometment as VP.
Tylo you cant vote for yourself its a rule
Bridgader Gen
I know what he can do. He is a great Leader.
i vote for
oh dont vote for me ever its always the famous people
retired 3ic
I just realized I can’t vote for myself XD. So, I vote for Coolguy instead because he’s a pretty high rank, pretty active, and he’s been around for a while. This is TyloV5, obviously…
XD sorry Bfan. But I don’t see you in the poll…
max attack
he has great leadership and resposipility
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks)
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well)
(the name of the person your voting for)
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?
I want shab to be the next DRACP VP because he is the most experienced one who is running. He ran SSACP, was a former leader/ co-leader, and remains in ACP to this day. He is for the good of ACP. All of the others are not as experienced and Shab knows what’s best. GO SHAB!
I don’t think you guys can vote for Shab XD
Attention Shaboomboom Voters:
You can no longer vote for him. He holds an ACP leadership position, and leaders cannot hold VP position
What is your Club Penguin name? (have to be in the ACP ranks) Jupiter5
What is your ACP rank?(retired ACP leaders may vote as well) Colonel
(the name of the person your voting for) Ditto
Why do you want this person to be the DRACP VP?
Have you seen his organization and leadership!?
Everyone who voted shab you must change your votes