Crisis? What Crisis?

Make sure to read Divotoo’s retirement post too!

Date: 15/2/10

To: The soldiers and citizens of the Army of Club Penguin

From: Iasgae56, ACP Leader

RE: Crisis? What crisis?

Soldiers. Do not believe the fallacies of the other armies. We are in no crisis. The Army of Club Penguin is begging a new era. That era is a new, better era than any of those that have preceeded it. We are still getting an incredibly high amount of join comments. We are still getting an exceptionally high amount of website hits. Infact, our hits are growing. We will not fall. We are not falling. We have not fallen. We are beggining the new age I mentioned before. this new age will be a great one. A fantastic one. You have heard of the great and glorious leadership of Boomer20. Oh,what a great era that was, but now, we all have our own era. Every single on of you is involved in this new era. Infact, for this new era to work, we need you to put in the work. I am not saying this is going to be easy. Oh my it is not, it is definately definately not, but remember this, with the effort it can be done. We have an excellent support staff with us, true  legends to get us up. We are still the number one army. You saw our performance against the Nachos. We were bigger, much bigger.

I know, that deep down you want to be part of a great army. We all do.  Do you want to be part of an era that is remembered in CP army history forever? We can do it. It is frighteningly simple really. All we need to do is recruit and work hard. It is so simple, just work and work and BAM we are the biggest we have ever been. People will come and go during this effort. That is OK, they will be sorely missed, but they will have left part of the cause. This cause is for the new era. It can be done, it wouldn’t be able to be done with any army, but it can happen with this army. This is because we are the Army of  Club Penguin. We did not become the Number 1 CP army for no reason. We became the number 1 army with hard work, and we are going to stay there. You know why? Because our soldiers work tirelessly. No matter what rank, all your efforts will be recognised. If on promo day I have to trawl through every picture of every battle to see who is putting in the effort, I will do it. There is no reward without work. You must work if you want reward. It is a simple system, a system whereby you put something in, you get something out. All that is needed for this army to be as great in this era, is for you, the soldier to work hard.

We can get 150 people on Club Penguin like we did under Boomer’s leadership. He was able to work for it, the soldiers in his era were able to do it, you are able to do it.

Things that we have to do to achieve this level of superiority are as follows:

  1. Comment on posts. We have to start commenting on posts, we have to build up our numbers on CP with work, but this is the easiest of all of them, just comment on posts, very simple.
  2. Stop the fighting. All fighting is done now. I do not want to see one single person fighting. Any fighting on chat will not be tolerated, this is from people of any rank. If you are banned and claim “I was banned without warning” , this is your warning, we will not win battles on Cp with fighting internally, this is the point it stops. Now. Capncook’s Edit: Any fighting will now result in a ban for however long the person wants to ban up to three hours. If the arguing continues it goes for longer.
  3. Unscheduled recruiting sessions. This is one thing that we need is our 3iC’s, 2iC’s leaders and mods to start doing. Just random, unscheduled recruiting sessions. We will get, lets say 5 people at an unschuled recruiting session. If we have 4 of these a day, that is 20 new troops. We get around 20 comments a day anyway, so 20 more is 40 join comments. 40 join comments a day, 280 a week. That is how simple it is. Bang, 280 join comments in a week. That is three, four times more troops in total than other armies. All from just unscheduled recruiting sessions, and just good old work.
  4. We are going to have more practice battles internally. As was suggested by Boomer, practice battles with just ACP is better than any recruiting session because we are active and moving around. Noobs are a lot more likely to take notice if people are running around and shouting ACP ACP ACP constinuously they will eventually look it up. Which obviously leads to recruits.
  5. Tactic sessions. Once we have these recruits are gained, they need to be trained, as do you the already loyal and willing soldier of ACP. Obviously there is ACPTR, but higher ranks etc. cannot do that, and we need to train the whole army. That is what we will do. Tactic sessions will be held more than once a week, and will be intense, I hope we can get a good turnout at these as these are as important, if not more important, than any recruiting session.
  6. Leadership Work. This is not for all of you, just for the leaders. Leaders, hard work needs to be done. You were chosen to be leader for a reason, you are trustworthy and deemed hard-working. Please don’t let us down and help organise unscheduled recruiting sessions, schedule practice battles, recruiting sessions etc. and don’t forget to do things like Join page, division page aswell. You are the people charged with running this army, please do this to the very best of your ability, the same way things cannot happen without the member and mod ranks, this army is not able to function without you. Please do your very best, and I know that your very best is truly excellent.
  7. Fixed Schedule. Another idea suggested by Boomer was having a day with a fixed activity at that time every week. For example, we would have, say a division PB every Saturday at 4 EST (Just for example) This would lead to a familiar routine that all soldiers can be expecting every week hopefully leading to a good turnout, and as a result, more people wanting to join, i.e More Recruits.

So Soldiers, that is it. Seems hard I know, but these are all reasonable little things, but if we can get these thigns working together in harmony, we can make sure we crush any army that attempts to defeat us.

“If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of Revolution; when the old and the new stand side by side…when the glories of the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era? This time…is a very good one..”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’m ready for this new era. Are you?

~ιaѕgaє5б||a¢ρ ℓєa∂єя

35 Responses

  1. Woot. No more Saiya in town!

  2. 2nd comment!

    we are very close to a crisis and dryvit was right. of this pushes further it could end up in a number of bad things
    and isgae is also right. we need to work harder. this leadership problem is among a number of others. work hard troops

  3. Haha

  4. all era’s begin with some flaw at the beginning

  5. ours just happened to be losing a heck of a lot of soldiers

  6. You saw our performance against the Nachos. We were bigger, much bigger.

    actually you fell by 15 soldiers

  7. ok

  8. I am ready for this new era. ACP FOREVER!

  9. im ready to pwn some nachos

  10. The only reason people think ACP is falling is because of all the high ranks retiring all of a sudden.

  11. i do feel a new era coming, we may be losing most of our leaders, and some of our soldiers, but heck, keeep recruiting and we will make up for those lost soldiers! Besides, we are and ALWAYS will be the #1 army in club penguin. And we ARE the largest and

    ~Happy524, just another soldier who cares~

  12. If i have learned anything in my 4 years of cp warfare, its that more troops doesnt meen the army is better. Some people cant realize this.

    Ias: Yes.. Which I why I included a part which said we would have more than one tactic session a week, so we can train these new recruits and become a well drilled army.

  13. I’m ready for this new and awesome era!

  14. Well said Iasgae. I am aswell, ready for this new era.

  15. i am Ready for the new era

  16. acp 4 ever!

  17. Let’s do this.

  18. IW might side with the nachos so be afraid!

  19. okey dokey. whatever u say…

  20. Please just make Kell65 a division general!

  21. w0000t! i know this new era will be a good one, i can just feel it.

  22. *thundrous applause*

  23. I know youre a respectable leader, las, and I hope you will act so.

    -Dj Acp ww3 veteran

  24. What html chunk did you guys use for the Who is Amung us?

  25. And you are right, today we got 14 comments within a couple hours!

  26. Nice little speech! ACP Forever 8)

  27. Good

  28. Heck, I am SO ready!

  29. Hoorah im ready!

  30. I hate this, you should be trying to reverse the spell of a revolution. This is complete bull and I cant tolerate even being knowing that ACP is alfie like this!

  31. I made a post on here that alot of people agreed with, you cant calm us down James.
    I know whats going on here. You know whats going on here.
    We ARE in a crisism im more involved than you know. I know we are at the end of our tail.
    more than half our leadership retired in under 3 days. Shab is leader (thank god for that) now and he can set us back up.
    Shab, if your reading this, keep up the great work.
    You are doing ACP a favor. Trust me.

  32. BTW. Im jupiter5

  33. Amazing. If the ACP that check this site were in a room and you were giving a speech and we had to clap at the end….. daaang dude I’m just tryin’ to say this post is wikid!

    And I don’t even like you that much…..
    Now I change my mind! Because you obviously care what happens to ACP.
    Clovers Forever!


  35. i have new army

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