Shab: Leaders please read both private posts. Also please do not cover this post unless you have some sort of emergency to post about.
This is from Jupiter, an acp soldier.
Hello ACP,
I talk, now, to all of you, through the eyes of a soldier. Things are going out of control, ACP is going to dark places.
Now is one of those times when we all need to stand up for what we believe, and put our strengths and differences together and look at what is happening. All around us there are things happening, recent events like Oagal’s Coup d’etat, and Thom, Saint, Bfan, and Div’s retirements.Things are going all wrong and I know most of you see it.
I ask you all, not just high ranks or low, ALL ACP, to come together and look at what is happening. Yes, there are opinions, yes there are disagreements but you have to come together. ACP is falling apart piece by piece. You all see it.
I talk to you and ask that we try to stabilize. I take this army seriously, sometimes too much but now isn’t one of those. We must ask our allies to help us, Many arguments are happening among our own. The question of “Do our allies still act like real allies?”is being questioned and most of all we are going downhill.
I tell you this as a fact not my opinion. I have seen things on ACP that shouldn’t have been seen. If we continue on this path, ACP will go into civil war, friends will be questionable.
I know that you all know what im talking about. If we could just not argue about something for one day, if we could not argue about the senate, not argue about ranks and who should be this or that, we would not be here.
You all see it.
Yet here I am telling you all anyways.
Why you may ask? Because I care.
Because you should care to.
Because if we don’t, things will start to happen that we don’t want to happen.
Once again I say I speak through an eys of a soldier. I may not go to senate meeting, I may not be a high rank, but that doesn’t keep me from knowing some things. ACP isn’t perfect. We backed out of the color wars. Yes, they were pointless but we could have STOPPED them if we wanted. Leader’s you know what im talking about. Ive seen things on our chat page, things that are not true, some that are but are hard to take in. Things like “ACP is being attacked because we are weak”
Yes, we are weak, but NOT in man-power, NOT in government but in LEADERSHIP. Oagalthorp has started a chain of events that cannot stop unless we ALL make a compromise, ALL of our allies can help, they WILL give suggestions and we WILL take them into consideration because we need help.
From the eye’s of an ACP soldier
– Jupiter5
Filed under: ACP |
Very Interesting. I like the way he described it in his own words.
Great post.
This is what I said in a comment that didn’t show for some reason.
I dont see that the ACp will go down hill from here. I think we are just “cruising” along smoothly and i think the ACP is doing fine besides the leadeship problems.
i do agree. i have felt this same disturbance,but there is a way to stop it. we must keep working harder acp. Yes we have been having some tough times lately, but we can move past this. We are the strongest army of cp right? We are the army of club penguin. We cant stop. We must keep going. We are like sharks, we must keep moving forward,never look back,never turn back, or drown. You know what we must do guys. We need to keep going. We need to be strong and “keep moving forward.”
(NOTE: I am Kell65.) So touching, but I think I am worthy for a division general position…
ACP will fall, we probably know that, basically, all of that… For nothing.
you are a very smart and brave soldier. youd make a good leader.
the way of a soldier is the way off a person who kisses butt to get to high places. The eyes of another army is more accurate. ACp is falling and acp has been an influence on Armies for 3 years and none of those influences were wanted. THATS through the eyes of everyone else…
Awsome post
wicked post
I kinda still don’t uderstand whats happening,lol.But I do know this is an awesome post!
wow… you sure got me thinking
Jupiter is an akabawb fan 😀
You know what I think would also help. We should have leadership sessions, to see who would fit as the best 2ic, 3ic, and maybe even future sole leader. We would vote for nominees, then each nominee would take a group of soldiers to a practice battle with another nominee. The victor would be decided by a referee, who would not judge the battle by who won, but who lead their group the best. (Getting their troops to listen, good strategy, etc.) Then the referees would decide who deserves to be a 3ic, or 2ic.
ACP can, will and is growing. We are still and always will be the number 1 army in club penguin.
acp always will back up another soldier no matter what we treat each other like brothers and sisters
idk who this jupiter guy is, but i like the way he thinks.
Gets the point across without using too many fancy words to make himself sound older than he really is, that’s good stuff. ACP needs to stop fighting among themselves and come to an agreement or things are just going to get worse between the high ranks.
She is right.We need to stop fighting.