
You know what, I probably would’ve edited a post if I wasn’t an author.

I don’t even know why I wasn’t considered for leader. Iasgie joined what, 6 months after me? I’ve been doing my job longer than anyone, just as well. I’m done.

Thank you for the friends I had, you guys know who you are. I didn’t want it to end like this, but people have been giving me no choice. Lastly, people bashed Saint and Dry for no reason. Sucking up to Motor and Ias, knowing that everyone else was on that side, and wanted to be a high rank when they became leader.

You guys did not give Nono a chance whatsoever. He got it taken away. AGAIN. ACP was one of the most fun things I’ve done in my free time, although I worked my tail off while doing so. Would’ve been better if it hadn’t had to end like this.

Btw, Dragon, Palringo and cell phones. I hope to see you in Mexico very soon.

For the last time, yes the last time, Thom

31 Responses

  1. 1st hehe

  2. *heavy sigh* GOODBYE ACP… *errrr* I mean THOM!


  4. Not you too Thom!!!!!!

  5. Why can’t we hold down leaders for over two months?

  6. bai tommy 🙁

  7. Thom Dont Leave

  8. You know what? This is enough. This is like what, the fifth retirement in 5 days? I’m not poiting finers at you personally Thom, but people, stop friken arguing. Arguring is going to tear apart ACP. We’ve lost so many people already. All the armies are against us. If you see the grave future ahead of us, then you would of stopped arguing along time ago. If this keeps going on, we WILL fall. That much is certain. So stop arguing, and Step it up.

  9. You know what? This is enough. This is like what, the fifth retirement in 2 days? I’m not blaming you Thom, but seriously everyone, stop arguing. If you haven’t noticed, like Boomer said. ACP is falling, everyone is against us, and I seriously doubt arguing will make it better. It’s making it worse. All the new people are looking at ACP right now, and quitiing. Why? Because this isn’t what CP armies are for. Not for arguing, not for politics, but for fun. If you have to absolutly argue, then hold it off for later. We are at war, and have to look our largest. So stop arguing, and step it up.


  11. oh for crying out loud

  12. Wow…. thats…. sad. :/

  13. Well I wanted you to be leader, sorry man.

  14. Aww cya thom and thanks for everything 😥

    Thanks for Echo,thanks for backing me always up,thanks for letting me lead sometimes,thanks for backing me up when i fought,Thanks for making me the Head of propganada of echo,thanks for your recommendation for 3ic.

    You really deserved Leader a lot

    I could never say a greatest thing about you,you are an awesome friend and soldier. Best of luck in life and good luck in Mexico! 😀

    I salute you,


  15. Thom plz dont leave 🙁

  16. bye Thom thx for outting me in Echo,
    Your friend, Xeboxe1

  17. letting*

  18. Sorry to see you go Thom. You’ve always been considered one of my closest friends. Thanks for being there for me and being one of the greatest friends I’ve ever had. Good luck in life.

    I salute you,


  19. omg what did i say.
    just this. I said thom deserved to be leader and look wat happens ur new leader quits motor gets demoted saint is gone bfan retired and thom left now. If u had just promoted thom capn would be here and all would be well. Thom i was waiting for the day u were my leader and hopefully i can get u back i will not let u go. i will hunt u down on live and i will come to ur house. ok i wont come to ur house but i will take u down on live. u cant go plz thom dont leave meeeeeeeee. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ur like my best friend in ACP u cant go thom plzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  20. …Bye thom, we had some good times, hope you’r good and alls-well……. bye.

  21. Hello ACP,
    I talk, now, to all of you, through the eyes of a soldier. Things are going out of control, ACP is going to dark places.
    Now is one of those times when we all need to stand up for what we beileve, and put our strengths and diffrences together and look at what is happening. All around us there are things happening, recent events like Oagal’s Coup d’etat, Thom’s retirement, and Nono’s loss of leader ship. AGAIN. Things are going all wrong and I know most of you see it.
    I ask you all, not just high ranks or low, ALL ACP, to come together and look at what is happening. Yes, there are opinions, yes there are dissagreements but you have to come together. ACP is falling apart piece by piece. You all see it.
    I talk to you and ask that we try to stabalize. I take this army seriously, sometimes too much but now isn’t one of those. We must ask our allies to help us, Many arguements are happening among our own. Allies are being questioned and most of all we are going downhill.
    I tell you this as a fact not my opinion. I have seen things on ACP that shouldn’t have been seen. If we continue on this path, ACP will go into civil war, freinds will be questionable.
    I know that you all know what im talking about. If we could just not argue about something for one day, if we could not argue about the senate, not argue about ranks and who should be this or that, we would not be here.
    You all see it.
    Yet here I am telling you all anyways.
    Why you may ask? Because I care.
    Because you should care to.
    Because if we don’t, things will start to happen that we don’t want to happen.
    Once again I say I speak through an eys of a soldier. I may not go to senate meeting, I may not be a high rank, but that doesn’t keep me from knowing some things. ACP isn’t perfect. We backed out of the color wars. Yes, they were pointless but we could have STOPPED them if we wanted. Leader’s you know what im talking about. Ive seen things on our chat page, things that are not true, some that are but are hard to take in. Things like “ACP is being attacked because we are weak”
    Yes, we are weak, but NOT in man-power, NOT in goverment but in LEADERSHIP. Oagalthorp has started a chain of events that cannoth stop unless we ALL make a compromise, ALL of our allies can help, they WILL give suggestions and we WILL take them into consideration because we need help.
    From the eye’s of an ACP soldier

    – Jupiter5

  22. Goodbye Thom:(

    I wish I could say that we are all tearing this army apart, but we aren’t, because the recruits cannot do a thing. They cannot do a thing. It is, I’m sorry to say this, but the respected high-ranks, leaders, and legends, who are tearing this army apart.


  23. I honestly dont see what i have done. If you aint noticed, When am i gonna be leader? I havnt even got a rank yet.

    And that comment about why you werent chosen and iasgae was. That seems to be jealously and it isnt how long youve been in ACP that makes a soldier.

    Its a shame for you to go. But really stop trying to blame it on people D=

  24. yay your gone at last 😀 xD
    -Explo Ze Sexy Retired UMA Leader Who You Hate

  25. sigh you were a good friend and I hoped this day would never come.

    I saw it coming.

    sometimes u would get a little anoyed and I hoped this wouldnt come.

    thank you for your time in acp I will never forget you,

    Hiro 2

  26. 🙁 Bye Thom, you are always a fair and kind person, even when we are showing our bit of n00b left inside.

  27. Goodbye good friend, hope to see you on live still

  28. Thom, you have always been one of the most kindest leader to have around. I can ask for help and you never insulted me (Dryvit… -.-). You have served well and it is sad that you left because ias became leader, but not you. Thom, you are very young and you could stay here for a LONG time. You could’ve had many chances, but you still retired. I am sorry to say that you are gone, you will be missed and you are one of the best 9 year olds there are (I think you’re 10, but idk).
    -Monsterfully ACP Lt. General


  30. Thom you gotta build up. I was rejected as WW co-leader/leader for a long time. And what? I’m finally a temp leader which is enough for me.

  31. Last comment ! 😀

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