Dead End

Shab: Saint has retired. Please read below so you know the latest news. We will miss you Saint. You have proven yourself to be an intelligent and tactical leader.

She shrieked of the thought that came to her mind. As it inched closer to her, she couldn’t stop thinking of that thing. Slowly it crawled across the empty space, she couldn’t accept it was coming. But there it was.

She yelled and kicked and fought back with all her might. But here it is. It is here. And it isn’t turning back.

It turns out she was running from nothing, that thing isn’t so bad. She knew it would end this way, she just never knew it would end so well. She embraced that thing, letting it into her soul and mind. That thing was the end, and she knew it.

She’s happy she can leave, and she feels like what’s done is done. She came, she did, she left. That’s how it was supposed to be.

Deep inside that’s not what it was.

She had grief for all those lost, for all the ideas that slipped from her mind. Maybe she could have saved them, maybe not. Pushing and pushing until the end of time. It came close, but a new thing took the final step.

That new thing stepped up to the edge, dust clouding the air, and with one small tap… She fell over the edge. Down and down she fell never coming to a complete stop… until now.

Until now.

Until now.

Her heart screaming, beating so fast it seemed it was speaking. I bid you adeu as I take my final thud. As the blood rushes through the veins one last time and I speak to you through the pain and sorrows fornever more. Good-bye.


48 Responses

  1. 1st lol

  2. and 2nd.

  3. 3rd and bye saint

  4. 4th and bye saint

  5. what happened to boomer’s post that was made today?!?! I posted a comment like a minute ago and now the post is gone!?!?!

  6. Bye Bye that was a weird retrement-.-

  7. god, you should become a poet!!

    bye saint you were a good leader!

  8. Goodbye Saint. I salute you for the last time

  9. 😥 🙁 bye saint, i still love u.

  10. Bye Saint,you we’re a good leader

  11. Bye Saint. You were a great leader and I hope someday you can come back and help us if we need it 🙁

  12. Bye saint you were a good leader but didn’t really make a good leaving-Banning me from the chat forever

  13. It is the leader’s decision and you did do something wrong.

  14. Goodbye, I will miss your attitude. 🙁


  15. Bye Saint,omg how you made me cry!I cried for 1 hour.You were the best leader I’ve ever had.But you have chosen the right path….I know how it feels like.Deep inside me is great sorrow for witch I choose{…..}

  16. Bye Bye Bye Bye Sainty! I wil miss you more then I miss myself

  17. oh well you were a great leader saint

  18. miss ya saint 🙁 you were the best

  19. I am petitioning for a change in the Non-Member outfit/uniform.

    Corporal or Higher:
    Red Beanie
    Green Belt

    Sergeant or Higher (Optional):
    Safari Hat
    Green Belt

    Just a simple outfit like the RPF.

    And BTW, the RPF is basically dead.

    Prepare for more ideas from my mind. 😉

  20. bye saint ill miss you

  21. Goodbye saint gald you led when Im in acp!


  23. NO with Capncook we can WIN. Plus RPF already fell. So, beat that?

  24. Goodbye saint (cries)

  25. Good-bye Saint, you were a great ACP leader (even though i was only on the battle field with you with short time). We will all miss you!

  26. Saint you should become a poet! Well goodbye Saints, you were always a good leader. 🙁

  27. bye saint i salute you with honor. I will miss you as a leader and as friend and i hope to see you on chat sometime.

  28. bye saint

  29. Oh my! This is quite unexpected,but understandable. I can’t imagine how stressful it must be to head up ACP. We take off our hats this day,to an honorable person who shall be remembered in ACP for years to come. We will miss you,Saint. You have been an inspiration to us all!

  30. Saint you were my 2nd favorite leader. I will miss you so much!

  31. -_- Wow. Seriously. You take this as if someone died. -_-

  32. bye saint. dang that story was depressing.

  33. Saint you were the last leader that was from my prime in the ACP. I have been planning to leave from the beginning whenever the last leader from my time retired too. My retirement should be out sometime soon and i hope that someone posts it on the site. Good-Bye Saint, Leader of the Army of Club Penguin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lumarnara ACP 2nd Lietenant

  34. wow i cant believe saint is retiring, we will miss you, you were a very good leader, but now you are retiring so good bye

  35. 34th and bye saint

  36. Omg im tired of getting attached and used to leaders and then they wind up retiring. So I want to know whats next for ACP.

  37. NO WAY


  38. Joeyred56 this is going to be my site

  39. BTW Whoever takes that name will be removed, and do not create one like that.

  40. u were and still r a legend 2 me and acp

    >Dj $h@n£<

  41. U Saint are a true legend.i am greatful to have fought by ur side(what an honour).u guided acp 2 many battles against various armies but never gave up.u had that drive about u that never gave up. when acp looked like they were goin 2 lose u kept ur head held high with confidence and kept goin 2 the final attack. if u lost a server or land(which didn’t happen often) you went back a different time and kept fighting til u got wat u needed 2 get. i am very sad 🙁 that a great leadership like urs has come 2 an end so i wish u the very best of luck the next highest in command after saint (u have a lot 2 live up 2). i think i speak on the behalf of acp we will really miss u.


  42. we need some *sniff* MUSI-I-I-I-IIIIIIIC!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! BYE SAINTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO1!!!!!!!

  43. Is Capncook retiring? Oh no, ACP is going down without all those leaders. Oagalthorp, we need you!

  44. Its time that we end this chaos!

    “On this day, February 14, 2010, I hold that the People’s Republic Alliance will be created to assure a more accurate state of warfare. The People’s Republic Alliance will exercise new allies, organized warfare, new laws, and whatever the P.R.A. Senate will do so. The PRA will also, make sure that Nations are safe, and that bad blood will be broken rather than going deep.”

  45. Ok what is up? Is anyone here? I need a promo! I have been the most active soldier from this/ and last week! I was a Head Warlord in the RPF, I am a veteran from the start of RPF AND ACP, and I have fought every world war.

    BTW Today the People’s Republic Alliance will be formed, make sure to join.

  46. bye saint!! ACP i wont be able to come to trainings or stuff lke that because i have tons of homework.

  47. good bye saint. i know im new to acp, but u were a heck of a leader for the time.

    PS: nice poem, really good

  48. bye saint

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