CPU is hosting a sort of a invasion tournament on Nov.7th. This is going to be mostly just for fun, and I hope to see many armies there. All armies in our top 10 are automatically invited. Comment if you would like to request an open room also this tourney is a battle tourney you can form alliances and stuff and well you are wating for the cue on the chat for the tourney to start and we will be editing this post with our chat soon so when the tourney is on we wold like everyone there to hears whats going on and other armys like FW and ACP and wveryone else you CAN give orders on our chat or to suprise the judges do a cool order so bassicly on our trumpet cues you will be chargeing with a tactic to your next room if you dont know which room to go to just charge to any room and see what happens so on our big horn you will all be chargeing to the snowforts and have a epic battle .And also if this server belongs to anyone below dont worry you will not lose it, Its just the server that we picked randomly now it is time to talk about alliances in this tourney
So this tourney is also a ally aloud tourney for armys who might think they are too small for this tourny you can make a alliance with 2 to 3 armys top but if you are major you can only make a army with 2 armys.
When: Saturday November 7th 2009
Where: SnowMobile
Time: 2pm est, 1pm cst, 12am mst, 11am pst,( 7pm UK)
The tournament will run from 2pm-5pm (EST times)
Map of Armies
Burnt Orange: Nachos: Snow forts
Gold: GW: Soccer Pitch: ACCPETED,CPIB(Club Penguin Ice Breakers) ACCEPTED
Black: WW: Plaza
Purple: Tacos: Forest:ACCEPTED
Red: IMAF: Beacon
Sillver: HSA: Ski Village: ACCPETED
Burnt Red: FW: IceBerg:ACCEPTED
Light Blue: UMA: Cove: ACCEPTED
Gray: Sun Troopers:Dojo Courtyard: Accepted
Also I forgot to mention that there can be more than 2 armys in each room to battle well they are waiting for the tourney to start f you want to sign your army up for this tourney please comment with the questions below.The judges will be Sparky will be the main judge,Saw and Panthers will be other judges and Leboto as full army commander.
- Army?
- Room?
- Site?
~CPU Team~
Filed under: ACP |
Hello ACP. My name is Lje98 (and yes, I have commented before, sometimes critical of the ACP, but please, let’s forget that for now). I am the leader of the Hydro Warriors. We are also taking part in this tourny, and would like to form an alliance with you. We are quite small, so this is part of the reason I would like to ally you. I hope you would gladly accept this offer. If not, I understand. Also, feel free to look at our site http://elmodude.wordpress.com and feel free to join (mod ranks available). Thanks!
~Lje98 HW Leader~
first! and i cant wait to fight with acp! just make sure to please ad me to the echo division my name is soundbooth rank warrant officer
(scn) Why did KG posty this (Shock)
How did KG post this he isnt on chat (at this time) ! Btw sounds cool
awesime!!!!! i ll come
N.U.M.A.(National Underwater and Marine Agency
Killer blues of club penguin
thats my army please join
SITE http://clubpenguincsfarmy.blogspot.com/ OR BBP ON BLOGSPOT. ARMY CONTAINS 109 PPL. DIDNT SEE WHY U DIDNT INVITE US!
Lol I see my army there, we got our own room
/ /
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Did that work? XD
i will come
____+| a text dog im working on (not DONE) copyright Frosty B. © 2009-2999
ill be there!
peace out!!!———-
IMAF has accepted the beacon
IMAF accepted the beacon.
i can’t make it. sorry
You can count on me sir!
Awesome! Can’t wait! I should be able to be there!!!
ACP Colonel
I might make it! But i might not be on right when it starts
Cool i will make it
Imin the taco’s but ill be with ACP on this one. and most lickely all of them 😕
Hello Boomer 20,
I am the creator of Aqua Marine Army, I would like to be your ally, our sites link is http://www.cpaquamarines.com
please accept my offer.
Also if you accept I would like my room to be the petshop.
Army? NCPA, National Club Penguin Army
Room? Mine Shack
Site? http://ncpa12.wordpress.com/join/
I will not be able to make it because it is at midnight and if it is actually in the daytime then I would be eating lunch then going to the doctors. So sorry I cant come.
I will be there Dry.
hey wont it be too many people??????
I have school 🙁
it ends at 3:30 est
zomg 77 hockey calls the ninja hideout to eat senseis magical card of doom 😮
Army? The CP Kingdom Army(CPKA)
Room? Cove
Site? http://cpkingdomarmy.wordpress.com
Guys stop posting your entries into this site please go to cpucentral.wordpress.com and comment,and for the people who have coebted here please comment there and we will accept!
i cant come to the tournerment
1.penguin patriot force
2.mine or mine shack
3. penguinpatriotforce.blogspot.com
plz let us in! we were
trying to make ourselves known
c u there:-]
Awesome! Can’t wait for the tense battle 🙂
cp clones
ski hill
oops can i change that
cp clones
ski lodge
Army: Black Bandits (Not the leader, but I know the leader very well and I told im to request but he didn’t)
Room: Ski Hill
Site: No idea I will ask Mrtchy and pot a follow up
what is the plan there?