Promos for Brigadier General and below only….


Promos are done to Captain. If you are a 1st. Lieutenant or below and feel you deserve a promotion, please leave a comment on this post. Thanks. To all others, Brigadier and below, if you feel you were over looked for a promotion, please comment here. No angry comments, that will not get you a promotion. Thank you for your help.  Dryvit.

Edit: Please check your comment to see an update on your requests or complaints. Thanks.  Dryvit

133 Responses

  1. 1st! Stick this dry,I guess no one saw it XD


  2. Name: Matre10

    Rank: Brigadier General

    Why?: I’ve attended a lot of battles this month,as well as Senate Meetings,and I was chosed to be the Cp news poster. Right now im the Army of Club penguin Training Regiment Leader,and It would be great to have a promo.

    Thanks 😀


  3. Thanks for the promo dry 😀


  4. Name: icebaer10

    Rank: Major

    Why: i was REALLY active this month. i was at most of the battles, im on chat EVERYTIME i can… 🙂
    it would be great if i would get a promo 😀

  5. Name: Twingy

    Rank: Brigadier General

    Why?: Well, I may not have been to that many battles this month but I find it really, really hard to get on. I live in England. However, I am on chat for over an hour everyday, and would really appreicate a promotion. I have worked hard in ACP, and, well, I won’t go on with the list. I am retiring at Christmas and would really appreicate to get over the mod-line.

    The point is – if you think I’m active or you don’t. That what decides it. But if ya promote me now, I’ll never expect a promo ever, ever, ever again. yeah. That would be nice.

    Thanks Boomer/Dryvit



  6. pokecatch

    warrent officer

    i haven’t got a boost in the ranks for 2 months, so i need it now
    Promoted from Staff Sgt. To Warrant Officer

  7. wens the brigadier and up promos cause i might get general ooooh so exciting

  8. Stton
    Active…. i Deserve a promo

  9. Name: Kenneth1000

    Rank: Brigadier General

    Why?: I think i deserve a promo because i had been very active and i attended lots of ACP battles/events.I also i have on chat almost everyday except on Oct 28-30 because i was busy.
    i always patrol acp servers too all the time.

    Thanks Dry


  10. Monsterfully

    Brigadeir General

    I feel I deserve a promotion because I always check the site and chat every single day. sometimes, I patrol on our servers. I was very looking forward to becoming a Major general, and I’m very active and I want to be appreciated for my work. I had a very bad day today and now this, please promote me IM BEGGING YOU

  11. I derserve a promo because I be active and go to ACP events.
    My username is Ninja Shodow

  12. i deserve a promo because i go on acp chat everyday, go to every battle and also dryvit promissed that i will get a promo ( i have a pic )

    thx itunes

    I never promised a promo to you, I told you wait till promos and see if you are a mod rank, when you were begging Boomer and I to make you a mod. That’s the only pic you could have.

  13. Bluesockwa2
    Brigader General
    I’ve attended as many battles as I could and been as active as I could this month. Plz consider my request Dry

  14. User name: Ocean Wave11
    Rank: Major
    Why I deserve promo: because I try really hard and im loyal to this army and this army only! And also it would be nice to get a promo 🙂 .

  15. Riccorock
    I would like a promo plz cos I haven’t gotten one in awhile and im a loyal soldier.

  16. SAS Commando
    Brigadier General.
    Boomer took me off the ranks, and this was my old rank, so technically this isnt a promotion 🙁

  17. name:danny9632
    I would like a better promo because Ive attended as much battles as i could this month to the best of my ability.I was on chat everyday this month for as long as i could! Please consider this Dry this is not a angry comment i just think i deserve a better promo
    You were promoted and are complaining you got a promotion??? Seriously???

  18. Name:Mrchips10
    i am always active to this site and i come on ever day

  19. Name: Cooldude7401
    Rank: LT conoel
    Reason: I Made as many Battles as I Could I Went on chat EVERY Day and Its Hard to Make Battle with Homework and School so Please guve me a promo

  20. thx dry

  21. name: Bird Jay
    want to be:next rank up
    I have been in every battle since i joined acp.

  22. i deserve a promo cause i come to most events and i am on chat alot

  23. oh cowbay rank 1st lieutenant

  24. I tried to be as active as I could Dry, plz, I rlly think I deserve a promo.

  25. Im waiting for the war to start… If your coming today, you better hurry, because klondike is like full.

  26. Name:Johny 4

    Rank:Brigadier General

    Why?:Because I went to every invasion,I even provided pics.I was on chat a lot.I havent gotten a promo in about 3-4 months.And I’ve been very loyal and active to ACP.

    If ranks B.G and up have not gotten promos,forgive me for this opne.

  27. Gilford5
    Strategy_Focus Chat name

    Rank: Sergeant

    Why?: I’ve Been on chat everyday all month. Attended all official events and unofficial events
    such as this unofficial recruiting session on the alpha site
    I’ve tried to get to the battles/division Battles but I’m British so it was near impossible because of school being at the same times as the battles


    Please consider me for a promo thank you!

  28. dry i really want to have a promo. i was really active! idk if u noticed it but i was on chat and patrolling on cp very often… pls tell me why u do not want me to get a promo pls!
    You were promoted, I do not understand your question…..

  29. *forget this one.

  30. Im warrant officer and i didnt get a promo my name is J55559

  31. Name: Freepro
    rank: Lt.Colonel
    Reason: I come on chat everyday and I go to battles

  32. Congrats Matre!

  33. thanks dry! 😀

  34. Thanks soo much!!! :D!!

  35. Name: Pinkgirl3919
    Rank: Lt. Colonel
    Reason: Because I’ve been active this past month, and I come on chat about everyday. I also check the site to make sure if there is any upcoming Pratice Battles, Battles, etc. It’s also hard to keep up because of School, Homework, and my little brother getting sick..

  36. Thank You Dry! 🙂

  37. Thanks thom

  38. Thanks for the promo!!!!!

  39. can i please have a promotion im a colonel and havent had one in months

  40. Thnx,Dry!

  41. I went to the traning thing and was in ALL ze pics. Ahh well, I guess I cant use that to cover my butt. Lol.But still.

  42. can i have a promo im a sergeant

  43. i deserve a promo because i went to all battles, recruitings and warws i could, im active, and im a loyal soldier
    I do not see you on the ranks…..

  44. sorry that was me im antiaka ]


    rank: BG

    why: i deserve a promo because i went to all battles, recruitings and warws i could, im active, and im a loyal soldier

  45. name: pengopopper
    rank: 1st lieutenant
    reason: i cant go to every battle, but when i can, i always do what im supposed to do, and i go on the chat.

  46. Name: Greeniedude1
    Rank:Lt. Colonel
    Why?I think i deserve a promotion because i try my best to be active and go to events. I was gone for four days tho and my family is getting really busy. I will tyr my best and i hope you accept this and give me a promo.

  47. name: Bp98

    Rank: Brigadier gen.

    why? Ive been very very active this month

  48. Dry PLEASE! I really think i deserve a promo 🙁

  49. me too, but im not begging 🙄 more you beg less chance.

  50. Name: Clack iii

    Rank: Lt. Colonel (I should be colonel, but thats another story)

    Why: I’ve been super active this month, and I am on chat nearly everyday. I’ve been to all the battles in the past 2 months, unless there was absoulutly no way to get on.

    ~Clack iii~

  51. I feel like I need a promo because I have been on chat every day and am trying to go to a lot of battles so I think I need a promo.

  52. I have also been here for a month now.

  53. Happy halloween from

  54. Im a fairly active colonel, and i wont lie, i do miss some battles. But hey, who dosent? Well, thank you.

  55. Spongie555
    Brigadier genral

    I go on chat and go to baTTLES

  56. Name:Fresca39

    Brigadier General

    Why? Because i am active i make it to LOTS of wars and,PBS and Battles. I try to Use good grammar For new recruits and i do not use Bad language when i get on chat. And i respect the leaders and all my fellow soliders.

  57. Name: Bluebirdboy1

    Rank: Lt. Colonel

    Reason: Well, I’ve been checking this site quite often. I’m on chat often too. And I’ve come to a few battles this month (apart from the ones which were too late for me). But, the real reason I wanna be promoted, is because I’m doing really well in this army. If I get promoted, I’m one step closer to getting a mod rank. I’m not going to stop there, but it would be a real achievement for me if I ever reach there.

  58. Name;Johnny770

    Rank:2nd lieutenant

    Can i rank up?
    im loyal,active and everything

  59. Dear Dryvit,

    I think I was a overlooked for promotions. I’ve been to the CPA Tournament Battle and the Server Invasion Round 1, in addition to recruiting sessions. I also attended chat sessions many time. Please reconsider.

    Thank you,

  60. i havnt had a promo for almost a whole year! i say i desevere one

  61. Name: Cars48487
    Rank: Major
    Why?: I check the site almost every day

  62. thz dry

  63. snooper.. its been since may, and, AND, you are some random noob whos been impersonating snooper this whole time, so just leave it.

  64. Name: Rock71

    Rank: Colonel

    i deserve a promo because i was at every battle this month except 2 and i am always on chat during and not during battles and i comment on every post. i also didnt get promoted last month and my comment was ignored after 3 times.

  65. No Complaints by me i just wanna say thx

  66. I am a Brigadier General, but I am not on the ranks. My penguin name is Slimball2007. I am known as “Flippy” on chat.

  67. dan 9765


    can i be a mod plz i have worked so hard

  68. Name: Rider4429
    Rank: Brigator General
    Why?: I have activly servered ACP for the last month. I’ve gone to many battles, been on chat A LOT, and i ALWAYS follow the rules on chat. even if others dont (wary)

    Rider4429 😀

  69. Kaisin
    Brigaider General
    Why? I have been very active, attending every battle faithfully, i was on chat every day, and I recently became a Drill Team Leader in ACPTR 😀


  70. i go to every acp battle, patrol and watch my server, and go on acp chat daily

    thx itunes

  71. Name:smsm3
    Rank:now brig gen
    Why?Boomer demoted me on the coup, and that month i was active as ever

    Thank you 🙂

  72. and i would like to be a Master General..

  73. i am just wondering have many battles will i have to attend to get a promo right now i am a warrant officer

  74. name 1piplup2bu rank major ive been active and came to most of all the events i realy wanted a promo if you can

  75. Bluesockwa2
    Brigader general
    Boomer I was as active as I could possibly be this month, I was very busy, and my parents wouldn’t let me on. Plz I rlly feel I should be promoed.

    Posted at 3:54 PST

  76. srry i meant 2:54 PST

  77. Umm yes i would like to file a complaint, i was active all month =( So yeah (boomer gave link at top for us to comment here) so yeah…

  78. Btime6
    2nd lieutenant
    I am sorry I was not active this month as much as the other months I have been in acp, but I can make up if you would like. I do feel that since I try to be active as much as possible I should be promoted to 1st lieutenant.

    Posted at 3:59 PST

  79. danny9632
    Even though i got promoted to colonel i believe i deserve a batter rank i came to all the battles to the best of my ability and im on chat everyday

  80. Hey. I came to EVERY battle there was since last month. Been on chat a LOT. Corymigs2 wasn’t at a lot of those battles. He got a promo. I was VERY active. Please take a t ime to look at pictures. I was in almost ALL of them. Yet no promo.

  81. Rank: Captain
    Name: Srgt Flame
    Complaints: I feel I have been treated unfairly. Being a loyal ACP soldier and not having been promoted in now two months I feel that it is not right. I take my duties seriously and though I can often not attend battles on a week day I check the site daily, voice an opinion, and attempt to go on chat, even if I am ignored. Hope I can make major, thanks!

  82. tuxy u liar i was at MORE then u and i thought we were friends i would never do that to u.

  83. btw i should get a promo because u did do a lot

  84. Name: Flipper6998
    Rank: Lt. Colonel
    Reason for promotion: I try to be as active as I can and attend battles, pratice sessions, and practice battles if I can.

  85. Name: JediSeth
    Rank: General
    Reason: I’ve been active all month, you could ask a lot of people, and since when did the division generals pick the new ones??

  86. Name: Mathepen
    Rank: Brig. General
    Reason for Promo: I made alot of events this month and 2 months ago i had been promoted to maj. general but declined it.

    That’s for midterm promotions only….
    It’s the first day of the month. It’s time for the higher ranks to get promoted. Also, for 6 months now, I haven’t gotten a single promotion. SIX MONTHS. From June to November, I haven’t gone up a single rank. I had been active over the summer, and had to go out of commision for only ONE MONTH because of powers beyond my control. I request that I can be promoted one rank up. I am tired of seeing people be promoted that are far less active than I am while I spin my wheels and try to go up a rank and get nowhere at all.

  88. Spongie555
    I go on chats and go to battles

    Sorry i commented my wrong rank

  89. sir must speak to boomer sir there they are (gasp)there. plz email me and my milisha men who are on patrol all the time(in forest on server breeze.)at

    my milisha men would like to thank bomer20 for all the help we salute u all-forest scouts

  90. thanks for the promo dry i got to a captain to a major dry thanks so much

  91. TAKE ME

  92. I am a Brigader General I Am Loyal To Acp and like it

  93. Name: Leoblue33
    Rank: Brig Gen
    Why: I go on Chat Every day And Attend Any Battles i Can.

  94. Name:

    Bridageir General

    I have been waiting for 3 months to get a promo to major general thats all im asking of people I was promised by a leader i would be promoted to major general but please for once listien to this complaint I try but i dont know whats wrong please listien to me leaders im trying to ask nicely.

  95. Name: Dommo3
    Rank: Colonel
    Why: I have been loyal to Acp for a year now, I check our site daily for updates. I’ve attended many battles and practice wars. I’ve been a colonel for the last 4-5 promos except when I was a sgt.mjr.general then the ranks were changed and I went down to a colonel again. Please I am asking nicely. It has been frustrating being “active” and not getting a decent promotion.

  96. Happyman444

    Rank: Colonel


    I have attended many many many many many many many many many many battles… today November 1st,09 i have been on chat for 7 hours dying to see my promotion to brigadier general… and i ask of you to promoted me to brig. general or SMG if there still is such thing if there isnt brigadier general would be very nice. i beg you please i have been very very! active. please promote me. if i havent attended ALL the battles (like i would? i got a life too ya know) i still have attended MANY of them. and like i said i have been on chat for 7 hours just DYING to see my promotion to brigadier general! please promote me.

  97. P.S. if Dryvit promotes me i always greeted him when he got on ACP chat when he was leader and hes really nice and i loved him as a leader so my hopes are up for him to promote me!

  98. Hey this is Ladies Man… I have attended the last 3 battles and have yet not been ranked, I am just going to ask if you or one of your helpers could rank me when you get a chance thanks

  99. Name) Sklooperis

    Rank) Brig. General

    Stuffsies) Well, I know I will sound dumb XD I DID get a promo, butI thought I deserved a double. I have come to literally EVERY event the past 2 months except 1, no lie, and I didn’t get a double this month OR last month. I understand if I dont get another promo, considering it would bring me to mod rank, but I just thought since i’m so active that I deserve it 😀


  100. Oh yeah and I make sure I clock at least 1hr on chat a day, 2 if i can XD

  101. Ps. #2 evan if i havent been very active my computer broke so we had to go to the library so thats why i havent been very active but this month i keep track of how many times i go on acp website not just chat but the website, and i counted 88 times in Oct.

    Happyman444~ sadly a Colonel

  102. Name: Omega90

    Rank: Colonel

    Why?: I’ve attended a lot of battles this month,as well as Senate Meetings,and some how Missed 2 Promos idk i should be a mod or below but i want a promo its not fair ive bin the same rank for 3 months now 🙁


  103. Happyman444

    Rank? colonel

    Why you should be promoted.

    I wanna change that up what i said earlier.

    Dear Dryvit,

    I would like a promotion because evan though i havent been on chat alot i have still checked the site and followed you around to where you go. Basicly i check the site see what time and place and when it is i go on clubpenguin see my fellow soldiers and i wait for the enemy to rize over the hirizon and. well basicly i just really think i deserve a promotion. i havent attended all the battles because my computer broke so we had to go to the library. and i have to do my homework and everything. just PLEASE promote me. i know its the right thing to do.



  104. itunesgeek1
    Brigadier General ( currently)

    I de serve a promo because i have gone to every battle this month, I go on acp daily, and I check the site daily, Also I try to comment on every post etc…

  105. P.S. sorry i keep forgetting to add stuff but im also sick so if i dont get promoted than that just makes me go to bed with a bad heart.

  106. Adamster97
    2nd Lietentant (currently)
    I have been to every possible battle. The only reason I have not attended some events is because my mom is always planning stuff on the weekends. So I think I deserve a promotion at least to a 1st Lietentant. At least.

  107. I went to every battle I could and knew this would be my month to get a promo. I dont want to whine for a promo but please reconsider.

  108. P.S. I go on chat almost every except Wednesdays.

  109. Sorry for spamming just remade this a little

    Name: Jrobert5
    Reason: Im not going to lie I did not go to every battle but If it were a fraction it would be around 3/4 of the times. Also much more homework is pouring out than last year and football is making things even tighter.


  110. please check my comment Dryvit

  111. I’m ok with no haveing promo, it just means i have to do better next month 😀 😀 😀 😀 :mrgreen:

  112. my friend flipper6998 is really active. i think he deserves a promo.

  113. I know I’m way above those ranks but could I have a promo some time soon. If not, I understand.

  114. Name: XBox JT1
    Rank: Captain
    Reason: I’ve attended lots of battles and I’ve checked this blog even when my Internet was so slow even slower then a snail.

  115. hiii ravin….do a favour for us….plz put a pic of ur rapture khushi on ur website or orkut…we all wanna discern her…..plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……

  116. name: obiwan4321
    rank: lt gen
    reason: ive been in acp for longer than most of the people at my rank and i go to every battle i can though lately most battles have been 12:00 UK or something

  117. I think I deserve a promotion because of the following things:
    I check the site daily.
    I wear the ACP uniform often.
    I always yell out “ACP” but nobody ever pays attention.
    I immediately change into ACP uniform when I hear anyone talking about ACP.
    I always defend ACP when someone accuses us.

    So that’s why I think I deserve a promotion.

  118. For the fourth reason in my list of reasons above, I was shouting out ACP because I wanted to get them interested and join.

  119. And my rank is Captain.


  121. Name: Trooper7890
    Rank: Colonel
    Reason for promotion: I think I deserve a promo because I’ve been comming to the most important battles and tactics. Even though I’m busy and cant come to 10-30% of battles, tactics etc… I always scout and station myself in the snow forts for watching. When I was a member, I used to patrol and plan operations with my acp soldiers and friends to look for enemies and “noob” armies including ninjas. I’ve been patrolling with my friends in Mammoth. I’ve been making small operations in Mammoth and other servers with my troops.

    And I think my commanders in my division and the leader is satisfied with me so far I improved, even though I don’t come to much battles. I think they think that I’m a good soldier, innocent and don’t mess with nobody. I think I’m doing ok. I’ll be more active when I’m a member after I do good in high school. Wish me luck in exams. And that I can go to university, get good marks. Have my back. And I’ll be an active soldier again after my busy days.

  122. um under my name it says im promoted but ranks says im not promoted

  123. Kaisin
    Brigaider General
    Why? I have been very active, attending every battle faithfully, i was on chat every day, and I recently became a Drill Team Leader in ACPTR

    Plz premote me this teh 2nd time i commented 🙁

  124. Haven’t been on the ranks for 3 months for some unknown reason..

    I was a Major General and I am active but when the ranks were re-made, I never was able to be back on the page..

  125. i want a promo i havent had one in months

  126. I made it to all the battles but 1 last mounth and there where 4 battles that I herd about. So this is why I feel should have goten promo. I know this must be so hard to do all these promos and i feel kinda bad about buging you.


  127. Name Cheese 679
    Rank Warrant Officer
    why not ive been to every battle possible, why cant i be promoed
    ps also for adam13 hes my friend and same rank

  128. I have been to spy on the Nachos and u haven’t promoted me! I can’t make battles cos I need them to be Monday 6:00 PM UK Time. I want to be a General!

  129. Name: Ekpenguin9
    Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
    I have been to a lot of battles and the tactic session, I was at the party. I have been active and loyal too acp and i have been on chat and the website regularly. Please give me a promotion!!!!!!!

  130. Antarctic yer not gonna be a General that quickly..

  131. Can I get promoted to Captain? Im long time in ACP and I were at all the battles.Also Im friend with Boomer 20,the owner.I am called ” Octavian123 ” and I came a year ago to ACP from Red Lei Army.I were Co-Leader there.Can I get promoted to Captain?


  132. I have done A LOT of recruiting and I’ve been to a few patrols.
    Rank: Lt Colonel

  133. well i been on chat a few times my rank is: 2nd L.t

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