Enn’s Edit: For those of you who were betting on how many times I retired, it’s now 10 times. Milestone! xP
London Bridge is Falling Down,
Falling Down,
Falling Down,
London Bridge is Falling Down,
My fair lady.
You must be thinking a few things. One might be “LOL WTF IS THIS?” Another might be “Uhhhh okay…” and another one would be “Is Enn ok?”
Well, time to get on with it. Here are a few things I want you guys to know, just so everyone knows the truth, not what Harv has given you.
1. Harv would not give me the UMA Chat Password, even though we were both equal leaders. Therefore, that’s not fair…
2. Batista1822 was allowed to cuss me out on UMA Chat without punishment.
3. I was treated like crap. You can ask Jd and Viper if this is true, because it is.
4. The password of UMA chat was something immature about me.
5. When they finally told me the password, Harv changed it.
6. I was already getting fired, my chance to help rebuild UMA gone before I even had it.
Yeah, so now you should know the real truth, not the crap that Harv gives you.
So, I’m leaving. Nobody should have to deal with the crap that I was given.
Some people who I liked:
Itachi6dark: Without you, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be writing this. I wouldn’t have known anyone on xat. For this, I thank you. See ya in homeroom!
Purpur5222: A great friend. You have always been hilarious and will do well in life.
Benu2: You, too, have been a great friend, ever since we met in the Red Raiders. I wish you luck with UMA, although I know you will do fine without it.
Crazyboy86: You, just like Benu, have been a great friend ever since we met in RR. I know that you too will do great in UMA.
11Jb22: I’ve seen you on more lately, luckily! I still remember you from RR. You are and always have been a great fran. Good luck in CP Armies and life, pal!
Thebest22: You were my first BFF. I do not know what happened, all I know is that you had to leave. Good luck in life, if you are reading this.
Yanksrule14: My second BFF. Well, buddy, good luck in ACP and in life.
Yoitspablo/Tostipotatoe: Haven’t seen you on as much. Thanks for being my fran. Good luck in life.
Trevor/Toe: I know you’re probably not reading this. I thank you for you’re franship. Good luck in life.
Kevin/Kg007: A former ACP leader. Boy, do I wish I could have been you. You’re a great fran. Good luck in life and good luck with ‘Nessa!
Vanessa/Saint1119: Also a former ACP Leader. You were a great fran, too. Good luck in life and good luck with Kevin!
Fort57/Phorty: You quit xat D= Well, you were a great fran, good luck in life.
Abercrombe29: I know you hate me. I know you hate ACP. I know ACP hates you. But, you were my fran. Good luck in life.
Oagalthorp: You don’t remember me much. Thanks for creating ACP. Good luck in life. Meat probably thinks you need it.
Iceyfeet1234: A good friend on chat. You are a great leader, IW is lucky. Good luck in the rest of ur army career (h/e long that may last O_O) and in life.
Josh/Person1233: A great friend on chat. You were a good leader. The Nachos were lucky to have you. I’m joining you in retirement. Good luck in life!
Eric/Boomer20: You too are a great friend, and were a great leader. Now, you’re back to help ACP. Good luck in ACP and life.
TomYellow: You were a great legend of ACP. Good luck in life.
Dr. Nono Jr: You’ve been here a while. Good luck trying to get up to leader in ACP a SECOND time! Good luck in life, too.
Rapidy: We have had our ups and downs too. I still call you a friend. Good luck in Nachos and life.
Shaboomboom: We’re kind of friends. Good luck in life.
Ankita/Jedimaster17: We’ve been great friends, and always will be. You were a good co-leader of ACP. Good luck in life!
Dryvit: You had a short term as leader. You were a great soldier of ACP. We’re friends, and I wish you the best in life. Welcome back as 2ic, by the way.
Seanehawk/Meat: Well, what can I say? I know you’re hated, but you’re still kind of my friend. Good luck in life.
Ktman: We have been friends for so long. I know that one day you will be ACP Leader. Good luck in ACP and in life!
Matthewmsh1: We aren’t exactly “Bff’s.” I know that if you work hard, you will achieve your goals. Good luck.
Dragon720: The new 3ic of ACP! Imagine that. We’ve been BFF’s forever. Good luck in ACP, life, and with larry. Larry’s lucky. Ily!!!
Adav: One of my besties! I’ll never forget you. Good luck in ACP, life, and with ur bf. He’s very lucky. Ily.
Foxtails: We’ve had ups and downs. Although, we’re still frans. Good luck in life. And remember… luv sucks!
Shedinja/Victor: You’re awesome. Good luck with life and court and errr anything else.
Jojofishy: Haven’t seen you in so long. You were a great soldier of ACP, and a great friend. Good luck in life.
Kid Robot: You come on from time to time. You were one of the best. Good luck in life, man.
Mitch/Bluespeed7: You have been a great friend. Good luck in life.
Solraida: One of my old friends, kinda. Good luck.
Sheila: One of the best ever. You have been a great friend. Cya around. Good luck in life, although I know that you don’t need it.
Stev712: You were one of my best pals. And I hope you’re reading this, even though you are “dead.”
Thomas0270: Still one of my frans, although we have had ups and downs lately. Good luck in ACP and life, even though you don’t need it.
Tomtwelve: Kinda a friend. Seen you on chat lately. Good luck in life.
Shad: One of mah besties. Good luck with everything. I know that if you set your mind to it, you will accomplish all of your goals.
Peguin21795: I didn’t forget you this time! Good luck in life, pal.
Nate950000: Good luck in life. Haven’t seen you lately.
Nodear: An old ACP great. Good luck with everything you do.
Mazachester: Another old ACP great. Good luck with everything you do, too.
Nakib: OMG, ANOTHER OLD ACP GREAT!!! Good luck with anything and everything you will do, friend.
Mr Random1: Yea, you retired. Good luck in life.
Meggis: Seen you a bit lately. Good luck in anything you ever do.
Motor20: We aren’t the best of friends. Good luck in ACP and in life.
Divotoo: Good luck in ACP and life, funny friend! (hehe, two F’s! And I didn’t even say firetruck! )
Uno148: Great friend. Good luck in everything.
Bluey92123: Got the name right! Good luck in life.
Klug: Idk your numbers. Good luck in ACP and life.
Clintos007: Well bud, time sure has flied. Good luck with everything you do, and remember, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to!
Jediseth: Bye pal. WORK ON XAT ANIMATORS! And remember, life sucks!
Noka: Cya pal. Good luck in ACP and everything else you ever do.
Bfan212: Same with you. Good luck with everything you do, ACP related or not.
Ganondorf: Known you for a while nao. Good luck in ACP and everything. I know you’ll be fine.
Amitc87: Same with yuu. Known you for a while, pal. Good luck in UMA or anything else.
Bp98: Idc what people say, YOU AREN’T A NOOB! Good luck with everything!
Capncook: Cya. Good luck in life.
Chris (The Member): Ur kinda mah pal. Good luck in life.
Matre10: Good luck in ACP.
Rock71: Good luck in ACP.
Kenneth1000: Good luck in ACP.
Zzztops: Good luck in Nachos. Good luck in life.
Commando: Almost forgot about ya. Good luck in life, pal, even though you were against ACP.
Pinki: A good friend. Good luck in ACP.
Pinky: Another good pink friend. Good luck in ACP.
Oberst: You’ve been a good friend overall. Good luck with anything you decide to do.
Akabob: You’re a nice guy, and many people don’t realize that. You’ve done so much for the Nachos, and I think some people should appreciate that like I do.
Flapjack: A funny guy! Good luck with whatever!
Tuxy: You’re a great friend, a great soldier, and a funny person. Good luck in ACP and anything else, pal!
Meadow Sue: Don’t really know ya, but you’re cool.
Videogamer7: Good luck in Nachos. You’re a great guy and a great leader.
Gwami: Good luck in Nachos. You’re great with graphics and all that stuff, so I know you’ll be fine in life.
Wurbur: You’re good with that stuff too, and you’re a great friend. Good luck in whatever you do!
Fallingtail: You’ve always been a great and funny friend! Good luck with anything you decide to do, taoh!
Fiasco: A funny and nice guy. Good luck in life!
Houndy: You’re a funny friend. Good luck in ACP.
Sky Warrior: You’re a nice and funny friend, too. Good luck in ACP.
DJ Layzie: You’re really funny. Good luck in whatever you decide to do in life.
Dj(then a lot of other letters): Can’t remember your full name. You’re nice, and I hope you have a nice life.
Sonic: I hope you really are the chosen one, pal. Good luck in ACP and life.
Mr Icefin: You’re cool. Good luck in life pal.
Apocolypse66: Not many people know you, but I do. You’re a great friend. Good luck in ACP and life.
Twilicat: All that I have to say is: HAPPY CATURDAY! Lol, you’re a good friend =)
Maxthepen: You’re too funny. Good luck in ACP and life.
Iasgae: You’re funny too. Good luck in ACP and life, I know you’ll be fine =]
Spaceybirdy: You’re probably not reading this post. You were a great friend. Good luck in life. I now join you in retirement…again xD
Omega90: You’re cool. Good luck in life and ACP.
Wafflemaster/Addy: You’re also cool. Good luck in ACP and life.
Some people who I do not like so much:
Batista1822: I thought you were nice. Then you do all this crap against me. Still, good luck in life. I hope you don’t need it.
Harv: Yeah, I thought you were my friend too. I hope you do terrible in UMA. Tell your “adviser” I say bye. Good luck in life, you’ll need it.
Trickster: Thought you were my friend, but you’re just like Bat. Instead of just insulting me for no reason, get on with your life.
P.S. I’ll come on xat sometimes, but not as much as I used to.
Also, If you want someone to blame for me leaving, here’s the people to blame:
Harv, Trickster and Batista1822
Filed under: ACP |
Congrats meat on being leader? Is this a re-used retirement post????
bye enn;again.
I always hated Bat. He would cuss me out and ban me because I had ‘Noka germs’. But one thing that makes me pretty upset, another one of my BFF’s quit. Not even mentioning me in the retirement post. It just kinda upsets me. But Enn, dude, just quit UMA, stay in ACP. And ignore Batista. Bat and I are kinda getting along now. He doesn’t bother me, but he still kinda sucks. I never met Harv, so just screw to him xD. But I’m just kinda shocked that neither my two BFF’s who quit. (Packer and Enn) Didn’t even mention my name in their post. I’m kinda chewing you guys out in this, but hey, I have bad memory too. (unless you guys accutaly hate me and purposely did that, THEN I would screw you up :>) Kbai.
bye enn good luck
Goodbye Ennaby! Good luck! I don’t blame u for not including me because of let’s see – WE MET 14 TIMES ALREADY!!!!!!!! I forgive u though. Harv sounds like a weirdo.
bye enn
Leaving again Enny? Well, Good-bye then. 🙁
Awww man.
Enn, Don’t retire because of some idiots… Theres always going to be idiotic people that hate you in life, You just have to accept it. You can’t just give up because of them. You have to endure it, ignore it and leave it alone. And why didn’t you just quit UMA… It was UMA’s fault..
enn, you retire every other month and always come back, so this time i am not going to even say that i will miss you, because i wont. you acted like a total jerk sometimes, and i wont be sad at all if you really are retiring this time. so whatever.
Yea idc really. They come back. They always do.
yep, totally max. see, boomer, shab, and ankita all came back! and enn has come back, what, 23 times?
Number 10 for you Enn. Once again, you retired because someone was a b!tch. Again, its kinda sad to see you go for a stupid reason… but whatever. I wish you good luck in your life.
Lol, uhm… leaving, again? You always TRY to make people feel bad for you. It was sad the 2 couple of times you retired but now its the 10th or 11th time that you retired and quite frankly you are a sad person. Im glad your leaving-sorry but I just am. Bye and please dont come back again and retire…AGAIN!
enn werent u already retired? watev. u were a great friend and i wish u could stay longer, u helped me alot in ACP.
BOOOOOO! YOU PEOPLE ___Insert Name here___________
BOOOOOO! YOU PEOPLE Harv, Trickster and Batista1822
For making him QUIT! XP
thank you enn for everything you did for acp you were great you were one of my army BFF’s good luck in life man you helped me lots
mia heee mya hoo mya ha mya ha ha
hello salut its me your duke
and i bought something to show you how i feel
hello hello its me picaso i will paint
my words of love with you name on evry wall
when you leave my colors fade away numa numa yay numa numa numa yay
when you leave my colors fade away now i paint it every day
P.S. trick bat and harv YOU SUCK BADLY f you enn is wonderfull
P.S.S. enn just quit UMA they are losers come back to ACP your awesome and your ewelcomed by everyone to come back
Pffffffff, I’ll give you 4 days and you’ll be back. XD
I have a baseball bat; point me in the direction of those meanies and I’ll start swingin!
hahahhah! Nice Fallingtails
seriously enn they just feal sorry for you. Thats the only reason they are commenting
pffft falling i AM a baseball bat 😎
Whoa, awesome, my dad just bought a new computer and it is so awesome! it is so much faster than the old one!
lucky! 😀
zomg its ur third retirement u forgot me -_- xD
… Just quit UMA eveyone says. Enn said it was only certain people and 2 out of the 3 arent in UMA anymore….. UMA isn’t a bad army.
i never in anyone’s ACP retirement PEOPLE HATE ME!
RIP ennbay Let his soul COME ABCK TO ACP FOR AN 11TH TIME! LLTNT (i made that up)
Field marshal dan.
Once I thought Harv was my friend but he proved me wrong and I hate him.
OMG Enn, you rock but, ummm you broke the Guinness World Record for Retiring. I’ll miss ya 🙁
Again didn’t know which post to put this on. Ok I got sense knocked into me. For some reason it did. Now
I hope some of you heard of an army called SF. Which stands for Sensei Fighters. They are a highly dangerous army. Wanted to let you know, it may sound boring but I have a serious grudge over SF. So yah I won’t be back in about a couple of days until further notice. Oh and Boomer thx for not getting my name kicked off the rank list.
I’m rejoining ACP, sorry for not putting it on my last post.
cya enn
i ment comment
Dear Ennbay,
You Are Invited To Walewaf CP Cheats 500/1000 Hits Party!
We Would Greatly Appreciate You Coming To Celebrate!
If You Are Coming Or Not, Please Comment On Walewaf Site!
Thank You Greatly,
Walewaf CP Cheats
Hope This MAke You Feel Better! A Party Invite!
notice how i dont put my link ! 😎
10th eh?
well how long before you come back retire again and make it 11 😮
bye dude!
Bye Ennbay I dont know you much but you seem like a nice guy, and I agree UMA were being immature maybe you should go back sometime and defend your self.
Bye Shpam.
Yeah right. He’ll be back.
🙁 sorry soldiers im sick and i stayed home but theres something weird why did it say lodin bridge is falling down lol 🙂 bye soldiers im sorry im sick
bye dude!
Bye ennbay you will be missed ;(
So good to get a mention on here, and such a generous one. 🙂 Thanks alot man, best of luck to you too. Your post pretty much sums most people up perfectly, it’s made me all nostalgic seeing all the old names again.
Just paying a visit to my favourite army, so good to see that Boomer is leader again :D. And it’s cool to see you’re still using my banner on the sidebar; even almost a year after my retirement my humble contributions are still being noted 😉
Much love people,
-Kid Robot
way to keep it short!jk well bye anyways