Oagal’s edit #2: Anyway, more people voted and “yes” is in the lead again. So there’s no need for debate.
Oagal’s edit #1: Someone (Meat? 🙄 (THAT IDIOT)) screwed up the poll. How do we know this? The “Yes to No” ratio went from approximately 85(yes):15(no) to 85(yes):100+(no) in less than five minutes. Where ever did these 75+ votes come from?? 😮 To make matters more fishy, there were no additional votes for any option besides “no”. Coincidence? I think not. The poll was hacked.
So, unless anyone with a substantial argument objects, we are going to pass the Succession Legitimacy Bill. Nice try Meat. 😉
Read Tomtwelve’s retirement post HERE!
In light of recent leadership disputes, Boomer and I (Oagal–the guy who made this army, for those of you who don’t know :roll:) have decided to propose a new Bill: The Succession Legitimacy Bill. Here are the conditions:
- The latest retiring leader of the ACP holds the right to choose how the next leader will be selected. The retiring leader can choose to hold an election or simply hand-pick his/her successor, or whatever he/she wants.
- The retiring leader loses this right if he/she has been overthrown or determined inept by Oagalthorp and Boomer. The qualification for ineptness include–but are not limited to–an obvious lack of care for the wellbeing of the ACP and the unwarranted destruction or loss of ACP property, such as pages on the website or ACP-owned servers.
Vote here:
Filed under: ACP |
FYI the last option exists to weed out people whose opinions don’t matter.
i agree
Nice i agree 😀
lmao oagal xd
“The latest retiring leader of the ACP hold the right to choose how the next leader will be selected. The retiring leader can choose to hold an election or simply hand-pick his/her successor, or whatever he/she wants.”
I want partial credit for that part. I thought of that first, and suggested it at a senate meeting, but Dry veto-ed it.
BTW- I’m not an editor. Gotta fix that =\
Oagal: This is the way I had things set up from the start–in no way is it a “new” idea.
P.S. Ask Boomer for Editorship. He’s your leader
Fox: Ha! Dum- I mean.. GREAT minds think alike. That’s why Meat and I think so differently. My mind is too great 😛
I voted for Im Awesome 8)
Boomer lost Mammoth. Does that make him inept?
Oagal: No, that was originally Aber. Then Meat. See what I mean?
Boomer: I think it was Aber’s idea to make it neutral, and Fort accepted.
Fox: Well Meat’s an idiot…. Sorry Meat xDD
Oagal #2: Well Fort and Aber are the same person, and Aber controls the brain (Fort’s p-whipped :)). And Meat had an oportunity to claim Mammoth after winning it back, but said “it’s staying neutral.” 🙄
yeah it’s true. this has been going on for longer than you know… (suspenseful music plays)
Fox you wanted an election . PERIOD. yes I vetoed that. I would gladly stand up, in the Senate and veto it today, cause there aint no doubt I love this army…..God bless the ACP!
Fox: Here’s the exact bill I gave, Dry, tell me that’s me wanting an election “PERIOD.”
“I think all leaders (Leaders as in highest leaders – not 2ic and 3ic) should be able to choose whether a selection or an election successes them. Then, leaders who don’t like elections such as Meat could just choose their successors, and leaders like me who think elections should be tried once again could offer an election. (Of course, this bill could be changed or cancelled if cheating occurred and the cheaters could be penalized.)”
I stated quite clearly it was the leaders decision – NOT SPECIFICALLY AN ELECTION.
Nice Bill 8) !
i voted yes but i agree with that AND the last one (8ball)
retirement post of tomtwelve
I agree 100% wit this. Rofl at the fact that Seane tried to regain leadership of ACP. Guess he is going into the ACP Hall Of Shame.
Instead of having Oagal and Boomer pick the new leader, i think that the senate should. It’ll give the senate something to do and it would reflect what the soldiers in the acp want.
Oagal: Oagal and Boomer don’t pick the new leader. The current leader does. Read the Bill
But in some cases it can just be the popularity vote.
nice oagal… Oagal will you be the next leader…
I’m awesome B-)
yes, yes i am
stupid meat
Okay, but I think that the senate should vote to see if the ruler is inept.
A good piece of legislation.
Kg, the Senate could be biased towards the “ruler”. It makes sense to have unbiased judges who are only concerned with the well being of ACP, rather than the pawns of an inept leader.
Oagal: 🙂
I’m naked 😛
Oagal: Wow, this comment really helped that last shed of dignity you had after screwing yourself over.
i think it should be election
I have made a new and better army up cpa the cpa team is YELLOW! and we attack the acp as our enemeys we beat the agents 5 times and we destroy armys!
only noobs pick ‘NO’ cause they want to be leader.. WELL IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN YA SADDO…. even if they did they wouldn’t know what to do they think its all about PB’s, Battles, and WAR, but it got meetings, elections, leadership, stuff like that so vote yes on the poll, not for me, not for your parents, but for ACP.
Hi Everyone
I agree that Meat should NOT have hacked into the poll.
I think he should be excluded from the elections.
Oagal, there’s alwas been a questions I’ve always been asking –
Do all running leaders/parties, have to be Democrats? Can’t a leader choose to have a different government? (ex. Monarchy, Republic, Democracy, Anarchy).
Oagal: They can reorganize the structure of the ACP–other than the infinite power of Oagal and Boomer :)–unless it harms the ACP.
i agree
Anarchy means no government.
Republic and Democracy are similar in basis in that at least part of the people have an impact on the government.
Monarchy is against the constitution of the ACP.
Just because its a different coalition, or ruling party does not mean that they can ignore established practice.
Fox: A simpler defintion of anarchy is this:
And honestly, it’s sad it’s like that, because it just shows how evil and corrupt some human beings are.
Oagal: Locke and Hobbs said it in their days—people naturally tend towards anarchy. That’s why government (more specifically powerful government, which sometimes is monarchy) is necessary.
ACP is hectically out of controll. Monarchy seems to be what this “bill” means.
I agree, but –
Giving Oagal and Boom erpower could cause trouble. I think if you want a rebellion, you should do it proffesionally, but not give 2 peope “the right” to sack people.
Fox: I agree with this part. Having two people with power to select a leader (Or to clarify, one person with that power and one person who just thought he had that power. Sorry Oagal :mrgreen:) has caused trouble in the past. I think it should be the decision of:
1. Oagal
2. Boomer
3. Senate
IF the past leader was a total moron.
Oagal: (ignoring that one part :roll:) It has been proven that Boomer and I only care about the wellbeing of the ACP—why else would we still be here? We have lives to live, ya know!
I think if you want a leader to be overthrown there must be a unanimous or close to unamous (10/10, 9/10, 8/10) vote by the senate for tht leader to be overthrown. If the leader does not accept his sacking, a rebellion force will be made. A legal rebellion force.
Oagal: That would cause more leadership rebellions and internal turmoil than ever before. 🙄
Yes Dee no president of the United States would make their country into a Monarchy or Communism in the near future because bills are set to accomodate the protection of the republic and democracy. (Hehe I sounded Intelligamentinatint)
“Meat, I’m happy for ya, I’mma let you finish, but Flappy had one of the best hacks OF ALL TIME! OF ALL TIME!”
-kanye west
(yeah uh, if you don’t get that, then click on this http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kanye-interrupts-imma-let-you-finish because this joke is everywhere!!
the last few leaders sorta were picked monarchy-style. the second-in-command became leader. and that sure didn’t work. i mean, no one said that the 2nd in command was next in line. you can choose someone else. and they should have chosen someone else, obviously.
Oagal: …which is why, if things go wrong, Boomer and I have the final say. 😕
Oh. Thanks. I think…
Hey guys, I know that Dry is intolerant of me editing his comments with my response ( 🙄 ) so is there any way you can enable replies to comments? We do it on my site all the time
i don’t think this site design allows that.
this bill will only hurt in the long run…………… just wait and you will see what i mean
sorry soldiers but i got to hurry cuz im grounded im sorry and only 3 more days till the anniversery or should i say 4th anniversery well im so sorry soldiers that im grounded bye dont worry im coming on tomrrow bye
why so said
lol ” i’m awsome B-)” *cough* cough*
Woah….. I just may be allowed to come on chat soon! maybe sometime this week! Im showing my parents the Ignore list, and how theres no predators on chat except well uh…… I Forgot
(Meat) Anyway, keep ur fingers crossed!
~Love….. YOUR MOM
fox it could be great minds think alike or simple minds never differ XD jk
Lsund it would be great to see you 😉
how do you get the pic at the top of the screen?
My comment got edited (goo)