Boomer: I got the video of our patrol up! Check it out HERE!
Also, don’t go to the IW site, it’s domain got sold and now it’s a rickroll that’s hard to close unless you know how.
Boomer needs to talk to Fox
Would it be over the line to have a contest to see who had the best comment against Meat between his ridiculous retirement post and then this? Cause there are some pretty good ones… I’m kidding (I think). Maybe the winner gets a vegetable of their choice (cuz it’s anti-Meat, so it’s not meat)…? I’m in a very satirical mood right now… 😕
I’m not a vegetarian, and I’m not [censored] scared of him 🙄
So, so very bored… Meat hack it again so I have something to do…
Well as most of you know by now, Meat aka Seanehawk, the former member of ACP, hacked Boomers wordpress account and took control of the site for an hour or so and declared himself to be the new leader of ACP. Sadly, a few soldiers from ACP ran to be near him as he falsely claimed power. I cannot begin to guess their reasons, unless they like a dictatorship and having their comments edited or deleted. Anyway, with Oagalthorp’s god powers, we regained control of the site. Now many of you told me that Meat accused me of taking the domain away during the hack. This is partially true. Painttheskygrey, my brother (very proud of that) hosts this site on his server, all he did was take the site down until Oagal got here. Simple and effective. He also blocked any attempt to circumvent the dot com address as Meat tried to do but was blocked. Meat then proceeded to call Boomer some horrible names that cannot and will not be printed here. I am sure that meats career is finished with the ACP. He is the snake we all knew he was, the liar we all knew he was and the hacker we did not know he was. Thank you to Oagal, Painttheskygrey and Boomer. Long live ACP!!
Boomer: Well here is the only pic from our convo appropriate enough to post (the rest were f-bombs lol). Gives you a good idea the maturity level you’re dealing with… It’s pretty funny actually…
(LMFAO, at first I was like “uruguay? That’s a country, moronnnn” I’m starting to suspect the “dumb blonde” concept 😆 )
Also I got bored, so I edited Meat’s post:
Meat is [was never even close to being] the ACP leader again! The chat is now [infested with swine flu]! Stay tuned for a bigger post [as I make a bigger fool of myself publicly] later!
Fox: Actually, it was not a hack (Though it was quite close and 2x as wrong) it was a failed phishing attempt by a moron who did not wait to talk to me, the smart one, before his temper finally exploded && he went insane :]
Filed under: ACP |
Your mom fails hard.
2nd to justice
D:l im batin btw
i should prolly log in xD
im here sir
Long live ACP
Always stay loyal to the real ACP.
Same here enn always will
O.O those were some powerful words…
P.S. “Your Right… I love you seane” XD
meat=epic fail
i was fooled…
Good Post Dryv
Psh , meats pathetic… Impersonating is awesome (Y) But I could never make him as mad as Eric did . GOOD JOB BRO!
Eric: You’re the best Meat impersonator I know 😎
yesh, epic fail WOULD be a good way to describe this :lol
i knew meat was just a smelly poopy pants
Who won yestardays fight cos i couldn’t come to it cos im in Ireland so i want to know plz tell me!
this is meat “ohh im stupid and an idiot let me hack the acp site to atract attention” hehehe.nice one Boomer.
hey todays my b-day!i forgot 😆
Ha Ha! Take that Meat head you dictator.
i kind of liked meat as a leader, nahhh, i take that back, he sucked
lol FAIL! xD Good job using your god powers Oagal. 😀
hello my name is meat and i just want power so i over throw people when im retired and it ends in 10 mins because i suck balls and have no life and im a nerd with man boobs
my usual reasponse to hacks:
Z0MG H4X!!
wow bye meat
a mod on chat gave an inap pic to a soldier
it was saw
meat= epic failure.
Who wants a stupid person named after a food produced form ani8mal parts to lead this army 😕 not meh.
Boomer: LMAO
Thanks Rock
ROFL, nice boomer. Meat sucked as a leader and he won’t accept that.
xD meat sucks
Greetings Army of Club Penguin, My name is Meat. I live in the Kawaskaski desert, I have a computer made out of sand. I have no girlfriend, I am 19 years old and I lost my virginity to a scorpion. Retirements for me is a definition of, “Retirement; Leaving a place or a thing and coming back with ultimate homosexuality of randomly calling people, “urgay”.” I really love the ACP, because my whole life is based upon ACP. I wake up, go to ACP chat. I take a crap, I tell ACP on chat. I just got AIDS from a mysterious black woman and I also tell it to ACP on chat! I watch Lifetime while eating a fresh batch of white colored donuts. Thank You.
I am an epic fail 😛
wa ha ha ha ha wow!
ahhhh i love this.
but now i am going to retire. see ya.
this is like a dream come true, i must say… meat’s foolishness, arrogance and hypocrisy has finally ruined him. 8)
Boomer: Well put. Are you really retiring?
how come he doesnt have name glow in that pic (scn)
Boomer: He ran out of days, I have a pic of him asking Brad for one right before telling him to go cuss at Shab 😆
didnt see this coming
I always hated Meat. Nice job Boomer, Oag, and Painttheskygrey
woah meat is just sad
Is Oglethorpe (or Oagalthorp) back?
Where is my comment?
yes i’m really retiring. i just have to write the speech…
That was pretty suckish for him to do. I mean really we were just becoming friends again and was just forgiving him. Hes just mad, mad that no one like in ACP or real life. Thats way to sad that u cant make freinds on a computer game. I mean like no one. You were even overthrown. People didn’t even bother to quit they just over threw you. Wow Seanehawk you completely and utterly SUCK.
Honestly I’m disappointed in Meat. Not because his hack failed because he is treating this like it is his whole life. Meat was overthrown (which i disapprove of). He can’t do anything about this he overthrew you and that was a bitch of a thing I told him this after he started dropping F-Bombs to Boomer. I told him to stop or else he would just tear it open the wound that has been made until he was just absolute disgrace. Now meat is close to this stage he told me he was gonna do this thats why i asked Boomer to PC me. I was gonna let meat fall fall till he realizes something, that he cant win. 😐
I said it before, on meats retirement post, I say it again to you meat, with more confidence than before… HASTA LA VISTA MUCH RETARDO
I meant mucho…
Bye bye Meat.You are an epic fail.
I saw it when Meat put it there. As soon as I saw this is not a hack, I knew it was a hack. Also, Meat, if you read this, YOUR A MEAT HEAD! HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF CONTEXT CLUES?!
Hey Meat… You just got Owned, Pwned, Defeated and more =D
well of course meat deserved to be overthrown in the first place. he didn’t even do anything. i’m not even sure how we got into that war.
i have to say meat is a very humble person. no matter what others say u will always be my #1 friend
um, just wondering, whats the new iw site then?
I would have to agree with Starlorb3 in everything they said. This is simply sad,and it disturbs me that a person would go to such lengths for a little virtual power. Epic fail,Sir,epic fail.
wats the new site because ur so cool anyways let me no
i wanna join
try more to hack
okay who moniters this site for cussing? cuz whoever it is failed. epically. and wow. you have to wonder what is wrong with meats mind