Club Penguin Igloo Catalog and Music Cheats

Hey ACP! Matre here again to tell you this Friday’s Cheats

Today Club Penguin brought a new Better Igloos catalog along with New music!

Here are the cheats for the Igloos Catalog:

Goofy lantern

Click on the Tombstone for the Goofy Jack-o-Lantern


Click on the First Jack-o-Lantern to get the LCD Television

Creepy cottage window for cauldron

Click on the creppy cottage window to get the Cauldron

Puffle jack o

Click on the highlighted brick to get the Puffle Jack-O-Lantern


Click on the Ticket Booth to get the Piano


Click on the knob of the stove to get the Fridge


Click on the top left of the window to get the Bowling Alley

Bowling pin

Click on the construction barrier to get the Bowling Pin

Band stage

Click on the Gramophone to get the Band Stage

Wall speaker

Click on the Dj Table’s CDs to get the Wall Speaker

Woah that’s all the hidden cheats! A lot today 😆

 And from now on,you can submit your igloo to be one of the winners for Halloween Igloo Contests!

Enter Contest

Pretty Cool Right? I will decorate my Spooky Gym and submit it soon!

New music this time is:

New Music october 2009

I’m so Using the Haunted Disco one!


12 Responses

  1. 1st 😆

    Hope I helped with this cheats


  2. Thanks for the Cheats Matre 😉 !

  3. aw, so awesome! i am going to enter my igloo as soon as its creepy enough!

  4. thz 4 the cheats man

  5. Everyone, I have decided to quit acp. I am doing this because no one cares about me here. I dont know why im saying this because no one is going to care. Well, Boomer you are a good leader but you cant stick to what you say. I am a warrant officer. AND JUST BECAUSE OF THAT YOU CALL ME A NOOB! I SAID I QUIT AND SOMEONE SAID YAY THE NOOB QUIT. ALL THE LEADERS EXCEPT BOOMER ARE IDIOTS IF THEY HATE NOOBS, WHY DO THEY MAKE THEM? IDIOTS.

  6. Hello acpwe are geting ready for war right now at 4:03 at sever snow forts were snow forts time right now hurry hurry hurry

  7. NOW IT 4:26 WERE R U

  8. hello soldiers a soldier told me the lounge is the acps base

  9. i gtg soz

  10. awesom tnx

  11. thanks for the cheat guy thanks to the peeps how set it up thank

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