Well the day has finally come that I, Capncook, is retiring from the ACP. I will maybe be coming back for I was going to originally retire from the ACP and CP on June 10th of 2011 because on that day I will turn 15. Let me start with a little history.
Capncook’s Journal: Day 1:
Capncook: What is this place?
Slider52 (Capncook’s brother): I don’t know but it looks like a really cool game.
Capncook: Okay I will play it later so you can play by yourself.
Slider52: Okay thanks but can you still watch me play so you can get used to it too?
Capncook: Sure
End of day 1: Capncook’s Journal
Well I’m not going to continue from there, but that was exactly what happened on the first day of my penguin. Back to the retirement. One day I saw these massive groups of penguins on Club Penguin. One side was green and one side was red at that battle. It was in the Dance Lounge. I fought for the green team, and I soon found out that this was called the color wars. But that was the only battle I saw for about a few months. Then I saw the green guys again, only they were in uniform and Oagalthorp was leading them. I asked a penguin named Fort57 what this place was and who they were. It was the Dojo and they were the ACP. Or the Army of Club Penguin as they said. So I copied them and went to war. Being the noob I was when I was nine years old I said after about thirty minutes: “I’m the leader!” What a noob I was. Only to know so much today about this massive army. After this war ended, the next time I saw another real war was in December of 2006 during the Christmas party. In the middle of all this I became almost best friends with Fort57, not knowing he was the ACP leader. Then WWIII broke out and I helped. I even remmeber being at that last battle. After that I checked everyday at certian times for about two weeks, and there was no fighting. I knew ACP had won the war though.
Then my brother (Slider52) started to get really active on the forums before there was a site I am pretty sure. And he became good friends with Tom Yellow. I bleieve the ACP 2ic back then. After about two weeks he stopped.
Then one day I finally decided to look up the ACP site when I was twelve. I found it, immediately joined, and Boomer 20 was leader. A couple of penguins then asked me on chat how much I knew about the ACP, and I said I knew a few things. They said name all the leaders in order. Well me being so inactive for a long time after hearing that Fort57 retired from ACP I said this. First was Oagalthorp, then was Fort57, then now is Boomer 20. Okay that was wrong I know, sorry I skipped you Kg 007 and Rapidy and Dr Nono Jr sort of.
I was a lieutenant and for about three months, I got three double promotions or maybe two. I forgot. Bringing me up to a Colonel. Then Saint 1119 became leader and didn’t promote me for some reason. I never did anything to her. (At the time) Saint quickly retired and Dryvit became leader. I’m sure you all know the rest from here. All of these events leading up to today, my retirement.
Now for the thank you’s. Well there’s a few people I’m going to put on hate now mwuhahahaha.
7hanks to (No order):
Ganondorf787: You were always one of my best friends in ACP and I hope to be seeing you on Xbox frequently.
Fort57: You won’t read this, but thanks for showing me around.
Jediseth: Best current friend in ACP and I want to see you with a headset more often on Xbox Live.
Boomer 20: You were a good friend kind of, I never really looked up to you as much as many people in the ACP, sorry.
Kg 007: Wait why am I thanking you?
Oagalthorp: Good job, prosper in life and lead the army.
Seanehawk: One of my favorite leaders, good friend, continue with the games, get Xbox Live, and do well in IW.
Ennbay 0: I will be seeing you so no thank you for you!
Saint1119: Will you please stop calling me names already! It’s so annoying! But thank you for not promoting me. *Says sarcasticly*
Iasage: Thanks for betraying me that one time.
Tuxy 9439: Thanks for betraying me as well.
Dryvit: Thanks for letting me back into the army.
Dr Nono Jr: Good luck man.
Ktman: Eh.
I’m not going to say thanks to everyone else because I don’t need to. Most of you guys treated me harsh and unruly, yet I have loads more expierence that almost all of you.
People I don’t like:
and many more.
Anyway there’s a lot more you should know. But I have to leave now anyway so good bye ACP.
P.S. You can find me on Xbox Live, and the Imperial Empire chat.
Filed under: ACP |
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Eh? XD Well, you where a great soldier Capn, have a good retirement.
Have a good one Capn! 🙂
ok…………….. im confuesed. wasent he fired?
also can you plz add me back to the ranks already! i was a mg
I will never betray you Capn. You’re here aren’t you ? Wh do you think so ?
@frostbeetle he was fired but then Dryvit let him back. good luck in life capn
eh, sorry u have to retire, have a good life.
Bye capn 😥
Bai Cap’N.
cya buddeh D=
Hell with it i hate to see another soldier go but Capn your ugrateful and you blame things on other people when they did nothing, then you want people to feel bad for you, and just because Saint didnt promote you you jumped to conclusions saying oh well i didnt do anything to Saint WELL MAYBE SAINT JUST DIDNT WANNA PROMOTE YOU RETARD!!!!!!
Did my comment show
Cody765, on September 27th, 2009 at 12:25 pm Said:
Hell with it i hate to see another soldier go but Capn your ugrateful and you blame things on other people when they did nothing, then you want people to feel bad for you, and just because Saint didnt promote you you jumped to conclusions saying oh well i didnt do anything to Saint WELL MAYBE SAINT JUST DIDNT WANNA PROMOTE YOU RETARD!!!!!!
EXACLY WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY!!! he told a bunch of soldiers that nachos were invading blizzard when they had it(i was i one but i just started) then he blamed all of them and person came and tried to get us banned
ungratful capn00b