I’m not sure where to start with this since most of what I wanted to say was in the edit that was removed, but here it goes…
I apologize to Dry to what has happened the past few days. I’ve been going through a lot personally and I’m still in the process of getting myself back together…
Yes, I believed Flappy deserved a fair chance to defend himself, I am a forgiving person. When he was banned however, I did not go against anyone’s wishes by unbanning him, and respected Dry’s decision. As for this thing about overruling the leader’s decision (specifically for an election), I did not write the bill (which was specifically for overruling the leader), I did not tell anyone to write the bill, and this is the comment I left about it:
I would make a bill saying that the leader must consult with the other leaders as to whether or not to have an election. If that does not work, the other leaders and/or the Senate can overrule the leader’s decision.
All I was trying to say was that I agreed that the other leaders should have some ability to make the decision as well. If all the power is in the hands of a single leader, they can do whatever they want. They could make Billybob the leader and no one could do anything about it. What I was talking about was a simple checks and balances system like the one the United States has, where everyone has a say, not just the leader. The U.S. Government has worked for over 200 years, so I didn’t think this would be an issue.
I thought I was doing a pretty decent job of leaving Dry alone as leader considering my last non-Top 10 Army post was August 12th (more than a month ago). Maybe me just being here was enough to make it difficult, and for that I apologize, but I still don’t see how you can say I was “looking over your shoulder every minute, questioning every move”. I still do not see any examples of when you said we were going to war and I said no, or that I blatantly overruled you, in your words to “question every decision I make, and not do it quietly, but right on chat”. Either way, I am sorry for that too, if this really did last as long as you say it did, I wish you had said something when you said it was occurring rather than once Saint told me to make you a Contributor to stop you from resigning before you had said a word to me about it…
As for the post I made, I tried to make it clear at the beginning I was talking about all armies falling (common knowledge at this point). I only have access to our own statistics however, so that’s why it was focused more on ACP. I tried to use it as motivation to get us on Club Penguin more without the leader having to ask. Maybe my methods and words were extreme, and I apologize, but sometimes it takes drastic measures to make people realize what is happening in armies today. I wanted it to be a wake up call, that if you really want to fix this you really do have to work at it. If anyone took offense to it at the time, I did not hear about it, and I’ve looked through all the comments. I would like to post some of the comments (from ACP soldiers only) before I explain why it is in fact all armies that are falling, and why statistics can be deceptive.
As usual, great post Boomer! However, in all seriousness, i agree with you entirely. Something must be done.
Once again, another great speech from boomer. Even in his retirement, he still trys to fix everything However, he does make a good point. People these days, especially people from Oagals days, just complain that nothing is like when Oagal was here. Nobody is truely active, as the definition of active these days is being on chat alot. The leaders arent even encouraging going on CP. Nobody is active, and we need something to do.
I agree. I was actualy trying to tell people this, but for some darn reason they don’t like to listen to the elders
COME ONE PEOPLE! wars arent gonna get fun just like that and were not gonna get active just like that! you need to put effort. Boomers right go on cp as much as you can.
We should be on CP more often.
Dry Boomer was not calling you lazy. What he ment was All of the cp armys are getting a little inactive. Not just ACP. I think you’re a great leader and that you should reconsider your resignation.
I think this sums up the reaction I wanted best:
You all touched us Boomer…. Your posts always want me to go on Club Penguin and recruit, or patrol! I’m with Snowballpink, I try to get someone to recruit with me. But usually everyone says ‘NO!’. We need to stop our laziness
I felt good after I made the post because I went on chat and saw Batin taking the initiative to start a recruiting session, which as many as 25 soldiers helped out with. I got people telling me on chat that I was right, and thanking me for saying something about it. It wasn’t until I saw Dry’s reaction that I thought anything of it. I understand being leader when someone (as you said) criticizes your work, although I never mentioned you or any other leaders in my post, it becomes more personal, but I was hoping it would inspire you to work harder. For this, I apologize.
Now to explain the statistics. I won’t post the graphs, but the most symbolic one is the Google Searches one. Because we are “The Army of Club Penguin”, we get a lot of hits from people searching Club Penguin armies in general. This means that when our searches are lower, it is greatly affected by how well the other armies are doing. Our Google Searches were highest when ACP and the Nachos were both large and there was a ton of army activity on Club Penguin. As armies in general got less active, no one was searching for armies anymore, therefore our hits went down. I was trying to make the point that all armies were falling, and the lack of army activity in general on Club Penguin is the reason. We all need to get on Club Penguin more, not just ACP. I am also sorry this was misinterpreted by some, and I hope this clears it up.
Hopefully you guys realize that we need to work harder whether we think we are doing well or not. I would have hoped to see in Dry’s edit “Look how many recruits we got the last few days, but yes we can still work harder.” You should always want to be better, to strive for perfection, never to be satisfied with “good”. That’s all I was trying to say. I apologize to Dry and a few others who didn’t see it that way, but I hope under Meat everyone will take my words to heart and work harder than ever to make ACP the best it can be.
Filed under: ACP |
[…] PDRTJS_settings_15105_post_11419 = { "id" : "15105", "unique_id" : "wp-post-11419", "title" : "Resignation+Of+Dryvit", "item_id" : "_post_11419", "permalink" : "http%3A%2F%2Fblog.armyofclubpenguin.com%2F2009%2F09%2F13%2Fresignation-of-dryvit%2F" } Boomer: My apologies to Dry for this misunderstanding, and I still hope you reconsider your resignation. Regardless of your decision, I will support you and Meat, and I hope you all read what I have to say HERE. […]
link beat me grrrr
Awesome Post Boomer, The last post had a very strong point. After that post I saw MANY try and make recruiting sessions, Patrols etc.. It was a fairly good motivating post. Just some people saw it wrong.
I know where you stand.
Great post boomer….
9th AWESOME POST BOOMER. I think we should all have a HUGE war for mammoth. If it’s full, log on and off until it says its not full. If that doesn’t work after about 6 times, just fight on another server. Who cares what server you fight on ? Not me. Only the prize matters. And who gets it.
Yes, I believed Flappy deserved a fair chance to defend himself, I am a forgiving person. When he was banned however, I did not go against anyone’s wishes by unbanning him.
i see two thing wrong here can YOU find them?
Great post as usual!
boomer,i do think you have proven yourself.but we cannot follow any rules of you,because we must have war after this whole leader bru-ha-ha.and you have not posted anything about any battles in the past day.which you must.if we finish this whole leader thing,you have to post somthing about a battle,because we are being watched be enimies.if you dont,we cannot listen to you.
Boomer: I’m not the leader, so I won’t be posting battles. That’s Meat’s job now.
can u still do the top ten?
mort 765, u seriously need someone to tell u what acp does, and how it is run…
though i like the thing “whole leader bru-ha-ha”, I think that describes life. Yeah Life. Peace. xd.
Anyway, Boomer, I still think you must leave. I think it is time. There are many reasons why, but, I think that we may need a fresh sart… i dunno. Your choice man.
On the subject of Flappy, I would have welcomed him back… until he destroyed the site. That wasn’t cool, and that lost all trust. He could be welcomed back as a advisor, or sub-technician, but never full techinician for risk of a fall out or disastrous situation occuring again.
good post 😀 ya i rlly dont have anything to say now :\
Tank you Boomer who you thought sums it all up 🙂 Great post, I like how there long and I can think them through. We need to work on this. Maybe recruiting on Major Servers all at one time. Example: Frozen, Breeze, Mammoth.
I meant to say for the first sentence: Thank you Boomer who though my Comment thought it sums it all up 🙂