Hello everybody, I’m Thomas0270 in case you didn’t know me. Dryvit added me to the site as a contributor. If you don’t know what a contributor is, it’s somebody who cannot post without it getting approved by somebody who is not a contributor. Contributor’s can also not edit anything.
I enjoy looking at every division’s site looking at the progress made I will now be posting division news and ACP news once a week. Here is the division news for today!
ALPHA: Since Thebest22 and Ktman are now both Leaders, I think that Thebest22 will be field commanding Alpha and Ktman will be field commanding Echo. Ktman and Thebest22 will be picking either, Divotoo, Bobcatboy10 or Nate950000 to be the new Generals. It’s also confusing because Divotoo is first General of Delta and in Alpha too. They are also adding the authors, editors, and admins.
DELTA: Delta recently got beat bad in a division practice battle, but then beat ST in a practice battle. They are having one comment once in awhile, but hopefully their site gets as active as it was during the practice battle with ST.
ECHO: Echo recently won the division practice battle. They are currently having an active post, and they are having around 30 hits a day. They used to have the new site, but now Echo will be reusing the old site since Clintos rejoined. They also have a new Echo awards program
Here is the ACP news for today!
As many of you know, the first female Leader Saint1119 retired from ACP. She will be greatly missed. Also, Clintos007 quit the NGA and rejoined ACP and is current an SMG. And Ktman, Thebest22, and Mathewmsh are now in their Leader positions, Ktman as 2ic, Mathew as 3ic, and Thebest22 as 3ic. Lastly, the new mod-list came out recently. If you did not pass, there is another one in September that all mod ranks who did not take the test or failed will be able to retry.
That’s all. . .
-Thomas0270, ACP General*
Filed under: ACP |
Thomas you cheater XD
Congrats thom! 😀
congrats TB and plus 4th
cool thom
Welcome to teh site!
Anyway, that’s crazy, Delta whooped the other divisions then lost to ST 😐
Uhh Flapjack, in the last PB I led Echo and Delta only got one point.
Nice Post Tommy
I cant find the Echo active post 😐
Awesome Post Thom! This will help out new soldiers a lot.
Awesome Post! 😀
Very good post.
cool, finally someone realizes aplha need ssome generals, and FOR SOMEONE TO UPDATE THE RANKS AAAAAAAH