ACPTR July Graduates

2nd Response: What does making fun of Tylo have to do with bringing democracy to acp?

Response to Omega and the other dim headed people: Dryvit does not choose if there is an election for the next leader. Saint does. It is not that hard of a concept to understand for someone who claims to be so smart.

Dryvit has nothing to do with your whole campain because he has no control over how the next leader is picked. Saint just announced him to be the next leader when she retires so stop directing all posts and comments against him.

I would like to take this time to congratulate our July ACPTR  graduates. You Should be very proud of yourselves. You proved worthy of your new ranks due out July 31, 2009. In no particular order here are the Grads!





All 0

Again, congrats guys. We also need to acknowledge Tylov5. He runs the training center and quietly and without fanfare, trains our new recruits to be great soldiers and ranking officers in the ACP. As always Tylo, great job and thank you. Congratulate the new grads and officers on chat or cp when you see them. And be sure to thank Tylov5 and his team for doing a great job for ACP.

26 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. 2nd!

  3. 3rd

  4. awesome

    now to read the post

  5. 4 awwww

  6. woot woot good job ppls

  7. hola lillie

  8. Thanks for posting about us dry!

  9. Nice, you saw the ACPTR site eh dry? Nice! a Leader who cares about the Boot camp and will give the Grads their fair promotions! oh and thx, since i am on Tylos team 😀

  10. ATTENTION!!! all units report to the capitol i need help guarding it.

  11. Congratulations! I’m going to start Training right away! 😀

  12. Good job to the graduates! Good thig im in the ACPTR Staff XD

  13. Dry, or any ACP editor/admin/person that can post, plz edit this party into the post, so all can come to our party 😀

  14. edit into post plz bout party info

  15. whoops, So srry! i diddn’t mean to do it twice, srry

  16. i might join the boot camp just for fun (or be a teacher for itt “how to kill the n00b nga

  17. Good job, new recruits!

  18. Thanks Shab, but I know how to own people. Any support is welcomed though.

  19. 😀 awesome job everybody and nice tylo! you are doing great!

    Rock on acp!

  20. @ frost beetle n00b? you call rapidy and commando n00bs? LOL your the retarted one.

  21. Congrats grads!!!

  22. congrats, and wow, never seen a corporal graduate ACPTR

  23. saint retires on the day of meh birthday party

  24. ummm mario i was talking about the ones in it like omega

  25. Dim-headed! I like that. I’m gonna start using that.

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