I Need Some Help…

Being this will be the first time I attempt to do promos, I find myself in need of some help. We have so many great soldiers at Warrant officer and below that I find myself lost in a sea of names. What I would like from every soldier ranked Warrant officer and below is a brief comment on why you deserve a promotion. Just include your ACP name, current rank and a very brief reason why. I want to be fair to all and this will be a great way to do that. Also any high ranking soldier that knows of any Warrant officer or below, that you feel deserves a promotion, please feel free to comment on them here. Thank you in advance for your help.


55 Responses

  1. 1st and i think i deserve a promo because ive been on the chat every single day i joined and went to all the events
    sown man


  2. ive joined acp for nearly one year now and capt five and befoe that sgt two times

  3. 2nd and I am Tuxy9349 and my rank is Warrant Officer. I think I deserve a promo because I get many recruits ( once me and my cousin started as only 2 acp and in 15 min we had about 50 soldiers ) I am very friendlly on the chat and I always go to wars and practice battles. ( Saint never gave me a promo ) Ask yourself, do you think he deserves a promo ? Thanks.

  4. 3rd
    Warrant Officer (After Flappy’s Hack I was demoted to sergeant.)

    I think I deserve a promo because I have been Every day in the 3-day war and a lot of other events. I’m also active on chat.(I can vouch for sown man being on chat a lot.)


  5. well thearmyn00b deserves a promo as he is quite active but i dont know his rank cos the ranks page is gone

  6. Im a warrant officer. I have been in ACP for months and I am always recruiting! I go on chat a lot and have participated in 6 big battles since I started! I havent been given one promo yet, but I have a lot of experience in other armies, so I think I deserve it :D.


  7. Warrant Officer and under= THE FUTURE, MAN!

    Good luck, Warrant Officers and under.

  8. My ACP and Club Penguin name is Best Buy Boy.
    I’m a Warrant Officer.
    I think that I deserve a promotion because I’ve been on the ACP chat just about everyday since I joined. I’ve also read all the posts and gone to all the battles that have been scheduled since I joined. I was also here when we were faced with “Iamthewalrus”. That’s why I think I deserve a promotion.

  9. CP Username: Blackpen1234

    Current ACP Rank: Sergeant

    I think I deserve a promo is because I always attend battles/wars,practice battles,potrols and stuff.

  10. My ACP and Club Penguin Name is Jetfire926
    I’m a Warrant Officer
    I think I deserve a promotion because I have been on this website everyday checking for new updates, i go to every war and battle, and i have a lot of army experience. That’s why I think I deserve a promotion

  11. thanks toby 😀

  12. my cp name is Mandalore and my current rank is corporal i want to be a warrant officer. i think i deserve it because im always check this website on new news and when im on cp im always in ACP uniform and went to ACP battles


  14. My name is Pengbro2 and I am a Corporal. I think I deserve a Promotion because I am active in battle and I am not always For The Win, but For The Team. I haven’t been on the ACP site for a long time in the present, but I will always remain loyal.

    We Waddle On!

  15. My name is smiley8years and I am a cadet! I think I deserve a prom because i’ve been to all the battles sense i’ve joined!!!! And I’ve have been trying my hardest for a long time now!!!! So please think of the children/cadets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. CP name:Cars48487
    I deserve a prom because i am relly good at war.

  17. Cp name: Danthemanr1
    I think i deserve a promotion because i tell my friends to join acp, I got on chat alot (i dont talk alot though), and i go to as many battles as i can.

  18. CP name: Greeniedude1
    Rank: Corporal
    I think i deserve a promo because i am a loyal and very active soldier. I have been in ACP for about 2 or 3 months. I always check the ACP site to see if anything is new in the news and im very friendly too. The last time there was a promotion day i didnt get one but i hope i can get one now. In real i have always been a follower, i really want to be a leader because i think i would do a good job as it. I hope you can give me a chance to become something bigger than a corporal. Sincerely, Greeniedude1 :D!


  19. Name: Anirko11
    Rank: Corparal
    Reason: I think I deserve a promotion is because I look at all the posts in this website, go to mammoth everyday to recruit acp members, sometimes, for practice, I lead the newly recruited members in battle against the ninjas. I am a very good leader and have led many unofficial armies.

  20. Name: Coolroad Man
    Rank: Corporal
    Reason: I deserve a promotion because of my loyalty in times of war, my acceptance in times of peace, and my laughter in times of fun. I have made peace with Nachos to make sure they don’t declare war on us. I have defeated many armies at many times, even though I have been here for a month. I am the leader of a faction of ACP soldiers who want to help Nachos, and I know the responsibility of a promo.

  21. and i also post a lot and hire recruits

  22. name:Bfan212
    rank lt general(still xD)
    I deserve a promo because I have been active for the past 3 months (never getting a promo in those three xD) loyal, hardworking,dedicated, etc etc, I spied on RG because I was ordered to spy on RG (Dry said I would get a promo xD) and did good, I have been on chat everday for the past 3 months -_- and since I havent seen anybody say any of the things of y they should get a promo I will do one for the heck of it
    I insult other soldiers by calling them n00bs told a soldier to go do something (srry Motor I was frustrated with myself) I kick ppl for no reason at times on chat, and I dont comment very much on posts

  23. Did I mention that Sunday is my 17 month anniversary of when I joined ACP

  24. 1)aero master
    3)ok first congrats dry for ur leadership.Now i want this promo plz .i my last promo was when boomer was leader.Its abou 2-3 months.Ok now i am a loylal and actice soldier.I was come in pd and in 3 day war i wan on all the time.i am coming in battles .i think i deserve promo.Iths a dream come true to see ur rank and be aa rank up .So plz dry give me promo.

  25. hello. my cp name is boysruleman and my rank is coporal. i think i deserve a promo because i come to many practice battles and fight hard and listen to all the leaders there.


  26. i am corporal and i have been in acp for 2 months,i think i should get a higher rank because: i go to any war i can i stay in it until its over,i get to wars early,and im a good friend. ps im gunna miss stev!!!!!!!!

  27. My username is Ieled. I dont even think I am in the ranks page, though I know I first tried to join in the time of Oagalthorp. I never received a message saying I was accepted. I took part in battle but I wasn’t recognized as part of ACP, so why should have I?
    I then joined Henry Badgery. Because of the formula in which I made my join post he immeadiatly made me colonel. Even here some people call me sir and ask me what they should do. Not because I am of a higher rank, not at all. Warrant officers listen to me because they find a great leader in me, and sometimes once they even asked me what to do when master general shadow was right next to me. He of course said “hey I am leader”, and I said “Yes sir, of course, what should we do?”. Even though he was saying the orders, they did them only when I or any other good leader, even if of inferior rank, also said that. If I or any other good leader said “No” they would all listen to him.
    Anyway, after that I askd Henry badgery if I can also help him with his spying agency. He said yes, knowing I always helped him in battles. Just a little before promotion day, his army was destroyed. Guess by who? ACP of course. I was to be promoted Master General, even he sometimes said that. I wasn’t there to help, and I was one of two colonels, so because the army wasn’t big OR well organized, it was easily beaten by you and the leader gave up and joined your army without even telling me! He was a true coward. I gave Saint the forwarded e-mails I shared with him, ask him to give them to you.
    After that, I went to school, and for one year and a half didn’t go on club penguin. Then, a week ago I joined ACP. I recruited a lot of penguins. I wouldn’t like to exagerate with the numbers so I won’t. Then there was Saint’s order to leave Breeze. When this wasn’t bellow the chat anymore, I went to Breeze and got two Walrus spies or Shadow Troops, which raised suspicions if the Walrus have a secret service. I also gave Saint an e-mail about that. I participated as much as I could to the three day war. If I wanted to I could have made all of ACP from there listen to me, but I told them we listen to our superiors. Ask Sergent Puffball, he gave me the command once when he was too tired to lead anymore, but just then Shadow came, and he said I told you “Hey I am the leader” and I told him “Yes sir’. I also noticed theres no more development in ACP. Our safety is in numbers and friendship, but one day an enemy will rise which will outnumber even us, and we need a backup plan. Oagalthorp made lots of advances since the beggining, then Omega in tactic, even as he was of inferior rank. Yes you heard me. He made advances, he forced ACP to advance. An then there was Boomer. After that did anyone make an advance? As far as I know there wasn’t. I hope that during the time you stay here there will be some advances, and I have some suggestions. I won’t force you to even hear them, so please announce me by e-mail if you do want to hear them.

    Yours truly,
    Ieled ex-master general for Henry Badgery

  28. Kaisin here Chase50 defitnitley deserves a promo he is a Warrent Officer and he is extremley active!

  29. Rogueunit10


    I want a promo because i have been on chat every day since i joined i have attended every batttle that was on while i was in ACP and i patrol Breeze and Snow fort everyday and i check the ACP blog everyday to look for updates.
    Well done on becoming leader

  30. Wiggle Nn
    I should have a promo because i try my hardest to b active in acp and try to attend all of the ACP events this month i went to the ACP bootcamp and i think if i go there i become a major?

    oh yh heres something thts not so good….i cant go on chat untill september coz some stuff on meh comp got deleted and i cant reinstall it… so in september ill get meh laptop and i can go bak on chatz

  31. i think forde250 deserves a promo he tryed very hard this month.

  32. I have been going to practice battles, patrolling, and spending a lot of time on chat. This comment is a follow up to the email I sent to you, Dry.


  33. Cody765 and i deserve a promo becuz i recruited 17 ppl by myself 4 more with ACP. ive been to every war since ive been here which was march 6th and me and u are tight dry u know but i also do so much to help ACP the best i can im on chat every single day ive been on chat every day since ive joined ask anyone. Cody765~ACP warrant officer

  34. i recomend that cody765 gets a promo. i always see him on chat working hard to help and is usually very active.

  35. I beleive Cody deserves a promotion, just as Iron.

  36. Thanks SO MUCH thom and ironkid that u think i deserve a promo but i think i should get a double promo becuz i hae done a lot not tryin to push it im just sayin i should be whatever comes after Lt. i think its captain? im not completley sure but comment if u agree i should get a double promo (maybe)

  37. i think gernyman should deserver a promo even if he is a major.
    i think he deserves a promo because he has been goin on chats every day or 2 and been goin to every war ever since he joined
    he didnt get a promo last time because he was on a vacation and were no comps where he was so he tried to get a promo and asked anyone for him to get a promo but failed. so i think that gernyman should get a promo cause of his hard work that he has done and being active every day and goin on this site

  38. I am a Warrant Officer and I have been defending CP for a long time and I care about everybody here.This army is the only army left I can trust.If I get promoted I will get lots of ppl to join!

  39. I have a post above this one already, but I would like to add a few more things to it.

    I have recruited about 6 soldiers to this army since I joined it. I go on this site and on the chat everyday. I also go on Club Penguin everyday. I’ve gone to all the wars and fought against Iamthewalrus. (Also, sometimes, on the chat, people ban me for no reason. Sooo, maybe, if it’s possible, I could be promoted high enough to be a mod? Please? I understand if you don’t…)

  40. P.S. I’m a warrant officer

  41. Im a Warrant Officer and i/ve haven’t go a promo for 3 months. to tell u the truth ive been on all day but not on chat =/ im active on cp but not on chat but ive been in all the wars so far and ive been helping out alot too. i really would like a promo. Thanks…

  42. Name: Lincoln31543
    reasonfor premoshion: I have been in this army for 2 mounths and i have been to every major war and practice battle. Also i have been on chat every day.

  43. Name: Lincoln31543
    reason for premoshion: I have been in this army for 2 mounths and i have been to every major war and practice battle. Also i have been on chat every day

  44. I was a Lietenant but my rank got deleted because this guy called Flappy tried to delete the acp website so now im a Warrant Officer. May i please be moved back up to Lieutenant? I really try to be loyal to acp yet still take care of real life affairs.

  45. hey its me usa army10 i am a luentant and i really wnat to get promote because i recruted 10 soliders! thanks

  46. Hey its Alfrondo1465 and i am currently Sergeant and i deserve a promo because i work very hard and i havnt got a prmo for 2 months 🙁

  47. I like to keep thing orginized:
    Name: Rider4429
    Current Rank: Warrant Officer
    A Brief Reason why you think you deserve a promotion: I have gone to chat at every opportunity I can get(witch is a lot), I was at the 3-day long battle, on ALL three of the days. I have gone to many unscheduled Practice battles and Patrols.
    That is my reason for wanting a promo sir.

  48. Hello this Sergeant Major General, Snowballpink

    I saw Chase50 working really hard and I thought he deserved
    a promo! His rank is Warrent Officer he attends battles, practice battles,potrols etc.

  49. my name is snooper1999
    rank:Major General
    i deserve a promo becuase iv been to evrey battle evreyday and i am a respectful solider thanks!

  50. name: andrew 100 1 rank: corpral why: i think i could help alot more and take alot more action


  51. Name: Blizzardbox

    Note: I am officially a Warrant officer but when the page got deleted I was put as sergeant. So that needs to be fixed please.

    Why I deserve a promotion: If I was to be promoted I would be more motivated to go into battles and work my way up the ranks. I try to spend time getting to know everyone in chat. I also would try to help lower ranked members as I believe everyone should be treated the same way.

    Thank you.

  52. Name: Matre10
    Rank: Major
    Explanation: First,I know im a major but i would like to comment too.I’ve been waiting for my promo for 3 months since I joined. I went to all the battles except 1 out of the 3 days war. I also helped Meat recover acp site when pages were deleted by flappy. Meat said i would get a promo,

    Thanks Dry,



  53. I know many people who desever a promotion. But two that I can think about is: Chase50, and Speeder109 (maybe W.O.). Congratulations to people whom do get a promotion! 😀

  54. Supertron26
    I’m a warrant officer.
    And I dont yet deserve another promotion 😐

  55. im jumbo1201

    i am a corporal and i think i deserve a promotion because i am nice on chats and work hard during battles, practice battles and just around club penguin.

    good luck to those people that get promotions

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