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Congress Vice President Aplications

Since I am moving up to the rank of Second In Command, we need a new Congress VP.  Though this will not be the complete influence on our final choice, Meat and I would like to get to know any person who would possibly want this job a little bit more personally.  Below I have included a form in which every person of the rank Major General or above can fill out to apply to be the new Congress VP.  Being the Congress VP you must hold Congress elections every 6 months, plan Congress meetings, and show up at said meetings to host them.  You can also optionally continue Debate of the Week.

1. What is your Club Penguin name?

2. What is your ACP rank?

3. Why do you want this position?

4. Why are you the best for this position?

5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?


67 Responses

  1. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Packer1 Nfl

    2. What is your ACP rank? Major General

    3. Why do you want this position? I really like debates and I think this will really let me do something to greatly help ACP.

    4. Why are you the best for this position? My family likes to talk politics and hold debates, so I am used to all this congress stuff. And I have observed what the VP does, and I believe I am capable of doing what he can.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Of course I will

  2. 1. Dewtster
    2. Major General
    3. I think debates are really cool, and this will help me accomplish something great in the name of ACP.
    4. We do a lot of debates in school, and usually I get assigned the main argument.
    5. Of course.

  3. 1. Ironkid2894

    2. Master General

    3. Because i like working hard at making things better and improving our army and troops.

    4. I ahev alot of expereince in the ACP, i had a 6 month term of Senator out of my 12 months in ACP. I ahev some great ideas, and i think i could lead the senate well.

    5. Yes Sir

  4. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?


    2. What is your ACP rank?

    3. Why do you want this position?

    I want ACP the best it can be. A strong, loyal group of Congress means a strong, loyal group of ACP.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?

    Because I’ve been in ACP a long time, I’ve been a senator each election, and I love ACP. I’ve always chosen ACP above other armies. I try to be nice to everybody, I’ll try to include everybody, and I will respect and listen to everybody’s ideas. As I said before in the last question, I sure as heck want ACP the best it can be.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?

    Of course.

  5. Oh, and my rank is General.

  6. I could apply if I was just one rank up.

  7. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?wwehardywwf

    2. What is your ACP rank?corparal

    3. Why do you want this position?i very active i like acp and i want to be in congress very bad

    4. Why are you the best for this position?i am helpful to others and good at debating and im active

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?yah this is my favorite army

  8. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?Leoblue33
    2. What is your ACP rank? ACP comedian and Sergant Major General
    3. Why do you want this position? To Make Acp A better Place
    4. Why are you the best for this position?Idk But I think ill do good
    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? DUH.

  9. Alright, here I go:

    1. TyloV5
    2. Lt. General
    3. Because I’ve always wanted to be on the ACP congress, and now here’s my chance to actually lead it. I’ve been in the acp longer than even some generals, and I have lots of good ideas that aren’t recognized.
    4. Because I’m used to having responsibilities in this army (from being in the ACPTR), I am a good leader (I lead the ACPTR), I am dedicated, I’m open to other people’s ideas, and I’m ready to make an impact on the ACP!
    5. Yes!

  10. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Major General

    3. Why do you want this position?
    I feel like I am needed for this position because of my political values. I believe everyone should have a chance to say what they think is needed to be heard. I also have a bit of political experience and would like to become a diplomat when im older. My father and I often discuss politicas in the house.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    Same as before

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    For sure

  11. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?

    2. What is your ACP rank?

    3. Why do you want this position?
    I want to serve the ACP as a politican as well as the soldier I am.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    I am the best for this position because i have been great with debates as well as writing documents. You can view the USRPF Constitution as proof of my potential, since I wrote it. i have had political experience for a little over a year and I have formed the infamous Tundra Union (formally Omega Union) of the RPF, WW, and BB. I am good at making allies and keeping them as well.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    Of course.

  12. 1. Foxtails
    2. The Best General In Da World (Okay, so I added a few words. Whatever.)
    3. Because I think I could be as great an asset to the congress as I am to ACP. (Excuse my conceitedness. It’s half-kidding.)
    4. Have you met me? I’m FOXTAILS. Plus I always have good ideas at congress (Or at least I think they’re good)
    5. Of course.

  13. Thomas u say u always take ACP first ex: WW4 u fought AGAINST ACP in the battle

    I will do one for the heck of it I dont think I will be elected
    1.CP name
    2. Lt General
    3. I have been in ACP for 17 months (on sunday) I have been trusted by most soldiers I have run in a lot of elections for congress and never won xD I am loyal active plan to attend meetings and I want to be a lawyer when I grow up

    4. isnt this the same thing?

    5. no ands ifs or buts about it

  14. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? drakebell46

    2. What is your ACP rank? major

    3. Why do you want this position? I feel that I need to do as much as possible to help the acp and i feel that this would be the best possible way to do that

    4. Why are you the best for this position? Because i have 3 years of experience and have served under every leader from ogal to saint and I have no favoritisim so i wouldn’t be unfair

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? For as long as i can for sure

  15. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Monsterfully

    2. What is your ACP rank? Lt. Colonel

    3. Why do you want this position? This would be the best thing that has happened in my ACP career and I think that a rank under the moderator ranks should be able to be in congress and have a say in their conversation.

    4. Why are you the best for this position? I have experience in being the leader or vice leader of things. I’ve been the class president and we talked about issues and solved it, I think this experience can come into the Cp Army world. I will make sure everyone will have a say. Like I see in open forum the “talking stick”, well, you would give someone two warnings if they interupt the person with the “talking stick” and kick them after their two warnings. That’s why.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Of course, it’s better to have a person under the moderator rank, so they will stay longer and not retire as soon like moderator ranks do -_-

    “Follow Your Dreams”


  16. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Brigaider General (And Going)

    3. Why do you want this position?
    I think the congress spot is a very importatn part of ACP. With a little tweaking, it can be even better.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    Because I am experienced, I value opinions of others, and I also make strong cases for my self. I will not be a smart alec, but I’ll try to have an answer for everything.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Yes I have been loyal to ACP, I will never fight ACP ever, and I will be as loyal as the same to ACP Congress.

  17. i think 10th comment should automatically win… no jk i want some competionion… lol 😎

  18. XD i ment have for those ahev’s i made XD.

  19. 1 cooldude7401
    2 lieutenant
    3 i think i would be a loyal VP am in 8 armys and i am loyal to them all so i think i whould be a good VP
    4 am a very loyal soldier i all the armys am in
    5yes i will say loyal to the ACP and The ACP Congress

  20. Bfan, I was oging to be a lawyer too. 😯 Maybe we can work together 😎

  21. ok first guys he said ONLY major generals and above! that means above mod rank! so dont sign up if you are below the mod rank like me and best of success to all the mods! 😀

    Rock on acp!

  22. Well at least have a shot,

    1. What is your Club Penguin name?

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Master General

    3. Why do you want this position?
    It is a great position that needs to be treated with respect not just the person but the position itself. I have always seen great doings by the person in charge of the congress and now I have a shot to be that person.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    I am not the best, nor anyone applying for this position is the best unless they have already experienced this position in ACP before.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    Always have, always will.

  23. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? itunesgeek1
    2. What is your ACP rank?Lt General i think. its the one above major
    3. Why do you want this position? To promote my army and to help build a stronger acp, also to find a way to destroy the walruses?
    4. Why are you the best for this position? I have lots of experience and knowledge,, also i try to can to every battle?

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? yes and i have been for 1 year 2 months ever since i joined acp

  24. Well, I can’t sign up, good luck everyone!

  25. Wait Kt, I have a question. Let’s say in the passing months (Promo Day) I get promoted to Major General. Will I be still aloud to go into the VP spot? Or will I be gone from it?

  26. I meant by VP spot meaning VP possibility

  27. this is for Major Generals and over, i see Majors signing up read the post!

    or colonels or WHATEVER so I see ppl that should be signing up and TY to everyone that noticed

  29. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?
    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Major General
    3. Why do you want this position?
    I clearly think that I have the natural eye for talent to be an ACP Political Congress Vice-President
    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    I’ve been in the armies for 1 year. I’ve stayed dedicate for the whole time and I think that I’m just the right guy to do this.

  30. Gosh… You cannot run if you are lower than MAJOR GENERAL….
    Just one more rank for me…. xD
    but seriously you guys need to FULLY read the post before you comment…. xDDDD
    ~ Sonic the 1

  31. 1. jcasey2000
    2. major
    3.ACP is the most trustful army there is keep on doing great.
    4.I have been in all wars since 2007.
    5.YES.ACP has helped me alot and i would be on outback alot cause ACP nation is there

  32. Bfan, I was not in ACP at that time.

  33. Anyways, that’s my buisness to know, not yours.

  34. Well Sorry 🙄 But if you read my question, this makes perfect sense for my future 😀

  35. 1. Dr Nono Jr

    2. Major General

    3. I want to have some input. I want to help the ACP. I want a second chance! Having been demoted from leader after a day, I’ve never really been taken seriously. I want that to end now.

    4. I have more experience than anyone eligible for this position! I’ve been leader for a short time then Co-Leader for a while, so I know what I’m doing. I’ve also been in the ACP for 2 years as of 2 months from now. I think I have a lot to offer. I’m always looking to make things fair.

    5. Of course! I have been since September 07!

  36. 1. Sergie717

    2. Still don’t have one, but I joined since 06′.

    3. Because I feel that my experience with politics is enough to keep this job, in full responsibility. I have been trained alot from a former RPF leader, Ziehen. I am mature, and am to take the VP position seriously.

    4. I have talked to alot of representatives from different states, even in Russia. I have talked to President Putin himself once, for like 7 minutes.

    5. Yes indeed. I give a swear to my heart.

  37. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Yanksrule14
    2. What is your ACP rank? Major Gen.
    3. Why do you want this position? To help out with all of the acp congress.
    4. Why are you the best for this position? I am on acp chat almost every day, therfore i am very loyal, which comes to the conclusion that i will be loyal. I also have thought it out for a long while.
    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Yes, of course.

  38. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Bluey92123
    2. What is your ACP rank? Lt. General
    3. Why do you want this position? well i have always chosen ACP above all armies and i love politics and always wanted a chance to be in senate but didnt run last time
    4. Why are you the best for this position? like i said above i love politics and i listen to everyones idead and will never cut them off
    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Offcourse

  39. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?
    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Maj. General
    3. Why do you want this position?
    So i can help with congress and learn more about politics.
    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    Because i am a person with good judement,kind,and
    I make choices that are good for EVERYONE!
    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    Yes i will! i will make it to everything…(probably)

  40. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?
    2. What is your ACP rank?
    I don’t even think I was ever written on the ranks page
    3. Why do you want this position?
    As I told dryvit in a comment, I have some suggestions.
    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    I can help you make big advances and bring back the golden age, though I can’t tell you now because people from other armies might see this and some may just want to steal my ideas and say it’s their idea. I also have knowledge in economy, finance. I am also good at influencing people, by showing them my ideas in the right way. I have a lot of influence on my colleagues in battle even when there’s a master general right next to me. Of course I listen to the Master General, and I repeat what he says, because when two people agree on something, more people will listen to that. If I get chosen, you will not regret it, and I told dryvit about that on a comment, at the promotions post on the blog.
    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    Yes of course, I am sure of that, because I can come to the congress even during school.

  41. Erm? How come we have to be logged in to post a comment now?!?!?!

  42. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?
    2. What is your ACP rank?
    3. Why do you want this position?
    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congres. ALWAYS AND FOREVER

  43. I love to see everyone posting comments about how they should be it and they are lower ranks…. in other news my dad screwed with the computer and I cant get on chat anymore 🙁

  44. um guys some of you are not major general or above so you cant run LEARN TO READ EVERYTHING

  45. 1. Soccer792
    2. Captain
    3. I want to help ACP in any way as I try to help the CPUN for months and I want to get higher up so I will take my job more seriously and attend the ACP every day helping the ACP with all I can do.
    4. I am slowly getting higher positions in the CPUN and now I try to get higher in ACP. I will do the best I can to help ACP possibly helping conflicts get solved (I get many ideas fast). Though you might not know me well, I could be one of the best soldiers. Note: I’m sorry, for the last few months, I was looking at the CPUN grow an I am trying to help them.
    5. I would never try to be mean to ACP, when I am in the CPUN, I always try stating that I am an ACP soldier.

  46. I know I’m not a major general but I still wanted to fill the form, sorry for the interruption. 🙁 And I meant a 3 instead of 2. Good luck penguins above me!

  47. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Wurburt45348 (and King0nothing)

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Major General

    3. Why do you want this position?
    I feel that im a good enough leader, and i want to help the ACP out. I have lots of experience in this field, winning UMA government elections two times, beating my opponent by a long shot.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    I have lots of experience, being UMA 3rd in command, and I was UMA leader, Not to mention two times governor. I also do a bunch of behind the scenes work for the ACP that most people dont even know about.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    If i wouldnt stay loyal why would i be trying so hard to get in? so Yes i will be loyal forever.

  48. hi!

  49. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Fallingtail

    2. What is your ACP rank? Brigader General

    3. Why do you want this position? Cause i’m awesome 8) JK cause I always wanted to be at a respectable postion in ACP xD

    4. Why are you the best for this position? Because I’m cunning, smart, brilliant, and itulectually gifted 🙂

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Duh 😉


  51. 1. Sklooperis

    2. Warrant Officer

    3. I feel like I could be a good contributor to ideas to help ACP out a lot, but in the positions I am in now, my ideas don’t make it very far, so I think I can make us a better army.

    4. Because although I have been in ACP for months and I have been to a bunch of batlles and are on chat often I have never been given a promo but I never complain and i’m not mean like many of the other soldiers. I don’t complain if I don’t get promos, and i’ve always been a good leader, my real friends tell me 😀

    5. Of course, I wouldn’t even apply if I knew I wouldn’t stay loval and active 😀

  52. Charliem21


    Because I have not been active to ACP lately but I really want to help this awesome army

    Because I can lead , win and I come to most of the battles like the ACP vs Nachos battle

    Yes always Sir!

  53. Soooo, why do we have to be logged in to post a comment?

    ~SMG PinkGirl1114

  54. 1name:snooper1999.
    2rank:Major General.
    3why:because i would love to help even more in acp and i think i could make us a better army.
    4why again?:becuase i can lead very good and i wana take a step up in the army of club penguin.
    5will:yes i will always stay loyal and acp congress.
    ~Snooper1999~ !Thanks!

  55. name: andrew 100 1 rank: corpral why: i think i could help alot if i was a higher rank why 2: i think i need to take some more action and be promoted will you stay loyal: YES YES AND YES!!!

  56. Hmmmmmm, Sklooperis, sounds like your begging for a promotion but I feel just like you in everything else. I’m gonna try to get promotions harder now, even though it is kinda hard. I know we both aren’t gonna get the job but it is fun trying right.


  58. sorry im in bad mood but HONESTLY

  59. guys, look at the post. only MAJOR GENERAL and above can run for VP, no corprals or lt colonels and stuff. srry to disapiont u

  60. This shows how noobish ACP can be sometimes. 🙂

  61. 1. What is your Club Penguin name?

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Lt. General

    3. Why do you want this position?
    Because I want to help out with the ACP with congress decisions, and to help enforce the rules.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    Because I have been active and loyal to the ACP for almost 2 years now, and I think this is my time to shine.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?
    Of course.

  62. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Klug1234

    2. What is your ACP rank? Major General

    3. Why do you want this position? I have not won a congress election since i have been in ACP, and i feel that i can help the ACP more than i can now.

    4. Why are you the best for this position? I just think i am XD

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Of course, yes.

  63. 1.Why Mason
    3.Because I am tring my best to get a higher rank.
    4. I work really hard and be there everytime
    5. I know i always say this but i mean it! YES!!!


  65. i just realized caps lock was on for my previous comment XD

  66. 1.What is your Club Penguin name?

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Lt. Colonel

    3. Why do you want this position?
    I always read politics, war history, and history. Im good at politics. And I think its a strong interest. And it would be cool if I was leader of something.

    4. Why are you the best for this position?
    Im an experienced soldier and like I said, I know alot about/of politics.

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress?

  67. 1. What is your Club Penguin name? Icey Cold27, Mchappy 2

    2. What is your ACP rank? LT.

    3. Why do you want this position? I want to help out ACP more

    4. Why are you the best for this position? Because I’m very loyal to ACP and have been in ACP for a long time

    5. Will you always stay loyal to the ACP and ACP Congress? Defitenly, just like ACP

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