With a Heavy Heart…..

I announce the new leadership of ACP. With saints pending retirement and Stevs retirement, the following decisions were made.

The new leader upon Saints untimely retirement on August 9th , 2009 will be Dryvit.

Co-leaders/2ic will be SeaneHawk (Meat) and KTman

3ic will be TheBest22(TB) and Matthewmsh

I hope all of ACP realizes what we are losing in Saint and Stev. While we cannot replace them, we can try to make them and all of ACP proud. Promos will be done on July 31. This will be for all ranks do to the hack threat postponing the mid month promos. I want to thank everyone on advance for all their support during this transition.



55 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. Congratulations all new leaders

  3. and good job new leader 😉 you earned it

  4. W00T

  5. You earned it new leaders, congrats

  6. Congrats

  7. im really sad that saint and stev left. 🙁 but i know your going to be an awesome leader so congrats.

  8. Heh.. First time there hasn’t been a woman in the leadership area in a while now.

  9. Darn, Saint and Stev are retiring???? This is insane! But I think that everyone needs the rank they deserve, so you earned it new leaders. Hope im a warrant officer for promo day!

  10. Well it is saint’s and stev’s decision, but the leaders will do great. I can’t wait to fight along side promoted friends.

  11. IDk Saint was retiring. (:()

  12. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PPL FROM ACP THAT RETIRED THIS YEAR!!!!! LIKE 200000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY THE **** DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    – Greeniedude1 –

  13. I hope im sergent on promo day!. Last time on promotion day i did get a rpomotion so i hope is get one now! 😀

    PS. That other comment i made, i was just really pissed that tons of ppl are retiring but i didnt mean to be mean.
    – Greeniedude1 –

  14. sorry, i made a typo on the last comment. I meant to say I DIDNT get a promotion.

  15. Well done.. See ya Stev. 🙁

  16. we ll miss u saint from leadrship and congrats to stev
    and other guys

  17. oops dryvit

  18. So let me just get one thing straight… Dryvit is declaring Dryvit leader because Dryvit was made the second in command by Saint, who was made leader by Boomer? Aren’t you guys ever going to vote… on like, anything? Please? At least to humor us all? You can rig the elections for all I care, just TRY to vote.

  19. srry kyl i dont do the way to pick the leaders here, but i dont think theres gonna be an election. congrats to all new leaders!! told u Tb lol

  20. where did the ranks page go?

  21. please please please give me a promo and will miss you saint and stev you were one of da best

  22. Wow this is huge!!!!!!!!! Gooddbye Saint. I never met you but I know you were a great leader.

  23. For once, I agree with Kyle. Dryv, I know you’re going to be a great leader, but you do have your cons like everyone else, for example you’re not a great mod/owner. Everyone has their pros, and everyone has their cons.

    If not, congrats to everyone, I hope to see how this new leadership works!

    (I think the last leadership may have been the best in ACP history)

    Oh, and I forgot, bye Saint and Stev :'(

  24. Wow… I never thought that this day would come. Its just like the boomer retirement, but probably worse because we wont see saint or Stev again.

    Even though i never really got to know stev, Im gonna miss you both. Bye stev and saint!

  25. its about time mat got what he deserves

  26. more people retiring well thats just great. saint and stev and shab and boomer and batin and hasaanb and whatsisname… uhh.. theres alot of others… but A NEW LEADER ALREADY?!?!?! is drivyt a boy or a girl?

  27. Lol, Dryvit is a boy

  28. congratys guys who got on the will get above the owner line and congrats dry. Sorry to see you leave saint 🙁 this stinks i will miss you saint and stev ug why!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥

    Rock on acp!

  29. dry reply to this comment u told me u never will become leader and look who u are know dry i told u if u tryed ull become leader of acp im gonna follow u dry casue i wanna become a leader 1 day.

  30. u guys’ll do great! congrats dyv and srry meat

  31. YAY DRY sry meat AND CONGRATS KTMAN YAY YAY YAY i think ull do rly good


  33. Congrats new leaders. But you are missing something…Who’s field commander of Echo Division Now?

  34. Saint is retiring on meh brithday


  35. Congrats, everyone.

    Goodbye, Saint, it’s really sad to see you go 🙁

  36. Congrats new leaders


  38. one day i will be leader of ACP
    in like a bajillion years. bye saint…

    Yay! Hi Dryvit!

  39. Waaaaaat????????????????????????????????????????? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saint, why do you have to retire? You were leader for such a short time! I never get to know any current leaders! Boomer retired less than a month after I joined, then Saint was appointed, and now Saint is retiring! Dryvit, I just hope you don’t retire after a month.

  40. And also, Saint, why did you have to end the legacy of the first girl leader of ACP? And I am sad to see you go, Stev, even though I never really knew you.

  41. Wait, SAINT IS RETIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????? how long was she a leader? like 3 months? well saint, have a good life, and dry, You will be a super awesome leader of the ACP.

  42. Well done on becoming leader

  43. Congrats to all the new leaders!

  44. OMG Kt and TB are gonna PWN! 😀

  45. congratz dry i knew you would be leader one day and ya know whats weird my membership expires aug. 9th and thats my dads b-day

  46. congratz new leaders and bye saint and stev


  48. congrats everyone


  50. lawlz dryvit declared dryvit leader in a democratic army lawlz

    edit:Wow your an idiot

  51. pfft and saint retiring could be a good thing since shes on vacation like all the time :p

  52. Amen

  53. congrades dry!

  54. Everything has been happening so fast lately, to think i was gone for only 3 days… and this happens! Well, thanks for a solid performance Stev & Saint, good luck with life, and I hope you come back to visit!

  55. It’s so sad to hear that Saint and Stev are gone. They were really good people. But we must move on and be open to the future.

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