Stevs Retiring

Stev retired today. Most of us will miss him. He said he will not be on Acp chat or chats again but hopefully he will be on another chat once in a while if not on acp chat. He is not going to make a retirement post but he said his goodbyes to anyone on chat. The only person he wished to say goodbye to who was not there was Hattrick.

A post for stev:

My words to stev: Goodbye bro…good luck in life and don’t take this too seriously.

Don’t take life too seriously; you won’t survive it anyway. – Roy Lent


42 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. anyway the WWFF is great! its so fun we are fighting ninjas

  3. We will miss stev :'(

  4. another person quiting!!!! and stev was awesome!!! 🙁

  5. Bye Stev we will all miss you!!! 🙁

  6. ALL ACP WILL MISS YOU STEV 🙁 Good luck in your life wiah ya the best 😉

  7. Bye Stev you where the greatest leader ever.

  8. Stev… we’ve known each other for so long. You are a friend. A Legend. A Pheniox. A brother. Not only we became such amazing friends, we had a great bond. Nothing in the world could break that bond. Not even death. To know you so long… You’ve made a possitive influence in my life. You’ve stopped me from suicide and helped me through times I thought I will never survive. But I did, and its all thanks to you. I remember when we first met each other, from that point, we’ve became close. And I thank-you for helping me get over “you-know-who”. I really love you for that, I really do. You made me love someone who actualy cares for who I am. Yes, you Stev, but I love you as a brother. I’m talking about “Olivia”. To know that you cared for me, even when you were so depressed… I wish I could do more for you. I wish I was there to say goodbye. I wish I was there to stop you. But life isn’t fair. When will life be fair. I don’t say this much to you Stev, but I love you. I will never forget you. Never, not even until the end. Great minds think alike Stev (smirk). Its really sad to see you go on such a short notice Stev. And for me to miss your departage… It just hurts me. Shab txted me but I was at baseball tryouts. I’m sorry… but I hope you will forgive me. I wish we can still talk, and I hope you will still be on youtube and such. I have alot more videos of my guitar skills to upload, and I want you to be the first. Its been a lovely ride Stev, but just like every ride, it must stop. Its been one hell of a time with you my brother… I will truely miss you. I would’nt listen to most people that say they will miss you. Becuase I will miss you the most. We all know (D). “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” I have no other words to say my fellow brother. Long live the king, long live the king…

    Live a wonderful life, take life to the fullest.

    Until then…
    Fight On!


  9. bye Stev we will miss you and will you guys stop retireing

  10. Stev!! 🙁 Others please don’t retire for dramatic purposes – please.

  11. we ll miss you stev

  12. Bye Stev! I can wee why you are retiring. People complain to much. Someitmes they should shut the hell up and let it be. xd. Gooid bye Saint, don’t know why you were retiring. I know u were on vacation but u need to telll booma to post less sometimes, coz sometimes i is ur job. btw the new 3ic. Mathhewmsh banned to people for ages for no reason – they hadn’t done anything wro ng. Oh well.

    bye guyz.

    Twingy, Major

    btw mchm

  13. why :@ :@ stay plz stev

  14. Bye Stev.

    Oh, yeah I quit. This army has changed too much. Have a good time everyone. I won’t be on chat but I might check back once in a while to the blog.


    P.S. Can someone post this please


  15. bye stev

  16. I’ll miss you Stev 🙁 Please can people join my army at I really need recruits and if you join now you’ll be a high rank like head general or even co-leader!

  17. Stev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY WHY WHY!? 🙁

  18. Bye Stev 🙁 You were by far one of my favorite leaders in ACP, you were fun on chat, you didn’t ban all the time, you even let us occasionally have spam fests! I wish I had said goodbye to you personally, but since I didn’t have a great life.

    (Just to lighten the mood, I hope it works, I accidentally typed “fart” instead of “far” (WARY))

  19. bye stev

  20. Bye Stev. I’ll miss you.

  21. :'( bye stev

  22. see ya stev i always thought you had the potential to become a leader but unfortunately you didn’t but look on the bright side you became 3ic of CP’s largest army who doesn’t cheat the hits (RPF) and whos among us Widget (Person)!

  23. bye stev im gonna miss you 🙁

  24. Stev i’ll miss you, you were a great 3ic and thanks for all those training seasons 😀

  25. Stev You were a great leader and i will miss u

  26. stev you were one of the best trainers we ever had and you were a great leader we all will truly miss you stev for you were one of the best!

    Rock on acp!

  27. STEV….
    ~Sonic the 1 😥

  28. a… but… ta.. me… DONT RETIRE STEV! We’ll miss you dude, you were the best 😥

  29. 🙁 bye stev i really never knew you but you where a great guy ;(

  30. wa wa waaaaaaaaaa!!!

    saint is retiring too?!?!?!?

  32. bye stev you were really cool
    have a good life

  33. Good bye stev. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.


  35. bye stev 😥 . every one is retiring 😡 like 20 retirments this month, and now Saint is retiring in August after shes only been leader for like a month or 2

  36. OMG WP GOT BACK THE OLD EMOTES!!!! 🙂 😀 😆 :mrgreen: WHOOO HOOO!

  37. bye stev

  38. i’m not sure what to say when I came on chat to find out that you were retiring stev I was beyond sad, me and you had good times together stretcing from scpa and SA to just talking about stuff. You always gave me good advice and i’ll miss ya stev 🙁

  39. help me take down walrus go to comment if you want to

  40. i’m retireing on aug. 10th :[

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