Progress Check

Edit: If you asked for a promo, I pretty much gave you one with the exception of the ranks just below/above the mod rank just because there were so many new mods this month.

Also, Flappy figured out how to broadcast live webcams on his site, and he has and will be airing LIVE footage of CP battles, parties, etc.  It’s really awesome!  Go check it out!

Now that the month of March is over, I thought it was a good time to see how we are doing.

The ACP site this past month, received more hits than it ever has.  We finished with a total of 118,811 hits this month, our second straight with over 100,000 (we almost had three, but we fell less than 300 hits short in January).

In addition to that, we have had more soldiers joining than ever before (regularly over 80 per week, sometimes over 100).  That can be easily recognized in our battles.  We usually get around 60 soldiers for practice battles (you talkin’ ’bout practice?), yeah why would people come to a practicebattle…uhh maybe because it’s important… 😛 .  Practice battles are a great way for young soldiers to get used to fighting in an organized army, and a great time for experienced soldiers to practice leadership and to show the young soldiers a thing or two (something I would like to see more of).

At realbattles, you can tell that ACP has more soldiers than attend the practice battles.  At the Clash of the Unforgiven, the biggest battle in CP armies probably ever, ACP had 110 soldiers on the server despite the fact that it was at night, and too late for all of our U.K. soldiers.  For battles with RG or other armies, we have gotten anywhere from 70-90 soldiers.

Our chat is always buzzing with soldiers, as many as 40 at any given time, and well over 50 during battles.  We make regular appearances in Xat’s Top 10 most popular chats, and have even reached as high as 3rd.

To put this in perspective, I have a copy of ACP’s hits by month, and you can see just how much stronger we’ve become in the recent months.

Pretty sweet, huh?  Impressive considering the previous record was during ACP’s peak back in August of 2007.  The other high point was August 2008 during the summer when everyone is home most of the time, as compared to now when everyone has school most of the time.  As you can see, we have pretty much destroyed the previous totals to the point where we have nearly doubled them.  As for those “lows”, they are still 45,000+ hits, which is higher than all army sites other than the Nachos and RPF recently, so it’s not like we are beating low hits totals.


We have consistently improved each month so far since I took over as leader, however I will be surprised if we can beat March’s hits total right away.  March is ACP’s month because of the St. Patrick’s Day party, so beating that is going to be tough, but I think we can do it if everyone works their butts off.  We just need to make a conscious effort to just get on Club Penguin every day, do some recruiting, and keep spreading ACP’s name.  If everyone pitches in, I can guarantee we will keep getting better.  At this point in my army career, I would like to thank all of you for your never-ending desire to keep working to make ACP the best army it can be.  I’ll keep working too.  This group of soldiers we have right now is perhaps the most loyal, active, and hardworking bunch I’ve ever seen.  Rather than just the top soldiers working hard like in the past, I can honestly say we are at the point where everyone is working hard for the common good of ACP and Club Penguin alike.  Together, we will make ACP the best army it can be.

This is also a period of reflection for me.  I feel like I have done a pretty good job as leader so far, but I really feel like I can do so much more to help this army and Club Penguin armies in general.  I am glad to have the support of so many allies and army leaders, something that probably makes things a bit easier for me than it was for Oagal.  For that, I thank you.  If I can just make ACP accepted among all armies, then I will have succeeded as a leader.  Until then, I promise my allies and enemies alike, I am here to help you guys out whenever you may need it.  I will welcome all those who would like to be allies with us, and I am here to give not just ACP soldiers, but everyone, the most fun Club Penguin experience possible.

Please answer this poll based on which army you consider to be your primary army.

I would also appreciate it if you can help me out on this one:

If you have any suggestions of ways I can improve as a leader, please feel free to comment.


58 Responses

  1. It hasn’t been deleted, it was just unstickied.

  2. 1st

  3. woo second comment 😀

  4. Wow, thats a lot of people.

  5. ACP should host a Easter turney.

  6. I feel proud to be in ACP. Boomer I am working extra hard. I am patrolling our most important servers and Klondlike.

  7. seems cool. we are unstoppable!

  8. 7th

  9. i am an unknown soldier but i will say this. the acp needs to fight more and we must stop all government crud. what hapened to the good old days. they r gone and the purpose of having fun has been killed.

  10. There should be a “heII yes” option on that poll 😛

  11. Wow Person, This may be the first time youve actually accepted someones ACP LeaderShip.


  12. youre a really good leader boomer but can we maybe have more practise battles?

  13. Boomer personally i think you puit TOO MUCH peace 😐

  14. Awesome! pretty cool oh yeah boomer you have been an awesome leader so far! 😀 keep on doing what you have been doing!

    Rock on acp!

  15. Boomer, there is not much you need to improve on. The only things I can come up with are checking your email more often so that some of us can tell you important stuff and having a practice battle every week just like somebody said in a comment above me.

  16. By the way, who deleted the post about Oagalthorp’s retirement. I liked that post.

  17. I still didnt go up a rank even though I gave really good reasons.

  18. Thomas is. . . ACTIVE. Anywho, bye xD.

  19. just make sure you have everybody that wants to join put on the ranks then reset the join page

  20. listen to soldiers ideas like we need a medic if a person has a virtual injury

  21. Person is right xD We’re great all in all!

  22. i think we should have more wars! it would make acp a LOT more funner. or just schedule battles against allies just for fun if theres nothin going on!

  23. Boomer. Iv’e been a enemy with the ACP for years. Not me my friend. But i have to help him. “Oathathorp was evil.” A quote from Zorbeaon my friend. I need to end it this. It’s boring. Your not gonna do this but can you say your quiting for a cople days? And then say it was a joke. So my friend will think he defeated u. But Your gonna say no right? But pplz help. DO THIS PLZ!

  24. Pinkgirl1114 u r soooooo wrong! ACp is so not boring and we do have something to do. In case u dont know this, this is the war to end all cp wars. duh! oh and i just won a battle at mammoth with star squad.:| not bad huh?

  25. Z z Z. no battle im bord right now plz set up a date for a battel !

  26. WTH!WHY IS ACP SAYNG THAT BOOMER IS A BAD LEADER?!!?!!??You guys think that you can top him :\
    well you cant probably 😈 Boomer has been a lot better then other leaders (omega xD)

  27. Boomer you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont know why that poll is out of whack. Maybe its the people who never had another leader besides boomer. Having served under every ACP leader so far, I can say you should all stop complaining. Boomer may be the best leader yet.

  28. I agree. I think ACP is growing and growing and we are at one of our highest points, even though we are having a bit of a battle with the Reneagade and so.

  29. What about the soldiers in Spain, or “Soldier”

  30. lol this is all crazy news (u can thank me) 😀

  31. axe how do you get ur name in bold anyway?

  32. may the foo be with u!!! 😎

  33. boomer- i voted acp- yes on the poll so u better give me a promo (jk) ((unless u really want to 😉 ))


  35. Boomer, I have been going on Club Penguin (Mammoth) as an ACP soldier for HOURS (when I say hours I REALLY mean it) a day! I have helped allies I saw and recruited more soldiers! I was just wondering if you could put my site on the CP Sites and give me a promo. I know I asked for it but I was just wondering. I give a lot of effort, sir!
    -Storm 479 🙂

  36. Oh, and click my name for my site! Thanks! -Storm 479, A loyal ACP Soldier


  38. Boomer, I think that the ACP should take the server Yukon. It is a very active server ( I patrol it) and could be good for the ACP. I just joined so I dont know if you can or not but if we can we should. Thx Boomer!

  39. Boomer I think you are doing a good job but you still have improvement I mean:
    1) We have no wars anymore
    2) all you care about now adays is getting a lot of hits and getting a lot of soldiers
    3) you can’t seem to have complete control over chat like Oagal did
    those are my top three reasons
    p.s. in 2 I mean all you always do is tell us like This week we got 500 views and 233 Google searches

  40. you can improve by NOT MAKING UR POSTS SO LONG! lol that was just a joke.

  41. Boomers a great leader

  42. Hey Boomer, thanks for giving me my old ranks back. You rock dude.

  43. i think bfans right in a few ways (u still rock tho)

  44. This post is so inspiring, actually. :mrgreen:

  45. battle,mammoth,FUN,me make bad guys go boom boom!

  46. can i get a bigger dester eagle? thx i need to make bad guys go boom boom! its fun

  47. uma is getting on my nervs! bommer ,i suggest u declare war on those uma idiots! i mean it! oh and the nachoz are a big threat to the other armies i am tthe leader of.

  48. Boomer your an awsome leader! The best leader I have had so
    far! Your doing a great job! I was just wondering but can
    we have practice battles like once or twice every week or
    something so we can really improve.

  49. i realy do not lik nackoz !!!!

  50. nackoz

  51. good bye

  52. Okay who hacked the poll?

  53. that poll cant be true, can you not track who votes……..

  54. Join the Freedom Fighters!
    Clik my name and join
    We’re helping one of our closest allies fight their enemies and we need help (there’s also a party today)
    The party is just before this praxctice battle, it’ll be fun

  55. Boomeh you’re doing fantabulously great as leader, my only suggestion is more war 😛 And even then, I’m a noob, I’ve never experienced real world war. Maybe I’ll hate it 😆


  56. I agree with person, a ‘hell yeah’ option should be available. 😆 From what I’ve seen, you’ve been a brilliant leader and though I’m not directly working with you you still seem fair, reasonable and intelligent. Keep it up 😀

  57. I agree thatt you could check E-mails and comments more but thats it!

  58. Can i join?Please!Ihave the right clothes!Please!If so please reply!

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