Never Look Back

Boomer’s Edit: You can change the post name if you want.

You know, for those of you who know me, I haven’t made one of my speeches recently. . .

Never look back

This was just in celebration of the post, so I decided to post the 1st chapter of something I’m writing.


Sometimes the logical thing to do isn’t the right thing to do. Sometimes what you may have believed in for the core of your life, may have been false. Sometimes things are an illusion, and sometimes they aren’t.  How can you tell?

Really? Is there even a way?

Ankita stood upon the sidewalk, her gaze fixed on the strange looking package. 

She sighed, with just a trace of sadness. Since she had quit ACP and all other armies, in pursuit of other goals, she’d been feeling rather lonely over Spring Break. 

‘Ugh, everyone is on break. Maybe I should pop into chat briefly, see how things are going? She considered for a few minutes, and decided ‘If I’m still bored a day from now, I’ll see then’. She hadn’t intended on coming back. She wanted a clean break.

A phone began to ring in the background. Ankita turned, and saw it was hers. She quickly opened it up, seeing that it was her mom.

“Ankita, I’ve got exams all this week, and won’t be back till 9 so, remember to study, and eat proper food. I’ve got to go. Love you, Bye”, Ankita’s mom rushed.

Other places, a rather peculiar incident had just occurred. Invitations had been sent out to all ACP members, inviting them to an exclusive resort in Ontario, Canada, with families and all. Of course, considering that the invitations were personal,  the members of ACP had neglected to mention all but the fact that they were going on vacation. 

All invitations had been written in such manner:

I’m pleased to inform you that in recognition of your great work, __________ (insert place of work), would like to treat you to a weeks vacation at Kai Land resort.

~R.I. Chan

(Tickets are attached)


Not surprisingly, everyone accepted, seeing that the letter seemed legititamate. No questions were asked, and people soon began to pack.

Soon, at the Kai Land resort, the lobby was flooded with new arrivals.

Kg stood in awe, looking at the giant display of Marian Barber, with a sign saying: “Even Barber goes to the Bars here”.

“Wow, Barber came here? Awesome.”, Kg said.

Fort yawned,”Packers own Kg, and you should learn to live with it. Remember what happened to your “cowgirls”, I mean cowboys against the Eagles?”, he said as he smirked.

“I remember pretty well ,thanks”, responded Kg.

Across the room, Dragonninja aka Gir was enjoying rattling some money mans rocker.

He had just picked up a newspaper with Obama’s face on it.

“Gee, its Obama Rama over here. I’m sick of looking at his ugly mug.”, he said contemptusly.

“Show some respect boy, he’s your president.”, some dark haired man in an Armani suit reprimanded.

“He’s your president, not mine”, Dragon said, as he sidled off smirking.

After some time, everyone was escorted to their rooms.

A rather calm voice broke through the intercom system. “I’m hoping you’ve enjoyed your stay thus far. We’ll be giving tours to adults, and children separately. That way we can avoid any complications, such as adults getting a concussion by tripping over the wii, and the kids falling out of the window in the ‘Scenery Room’.  Please get to room 421 if you wish to participate. Thanks.”

Wicket opened his eyes slowly.  Wii, he thought? I’m there.   “I’m going to the tour thing”, he called as he left his room.

Around 50 or so kids had assembled in room 421, eagerly awaiting the tour. Room 421 was beautifully decorated, and everyone was cheered at the thought of more fun than ever.

“Good evening children. I’ll be taking you on a tour of the Resort. Please follow instructions, as we don’t want any casualties”, the man said wanely.

‘Is it just me, or did sound like a threat?’, Nate95000 thought. ‘Probably just me. Lots of sugar does that sometimes’.

“Here everyone, do come through this door. This is the way to our, gaming room.”

Everyone tentatively stepped through the arched doorway, peering into the white room.

“Where are the games?” Seanehawk asked. 

“You’ll see”, the man replied.  He then quickly crossed the room, and flicked a switch.

 All the people standing there simultaneously shivered, as a blast of cold hit them. White flashes of light began to appear, forcing everyone to shut their eyes.

“Well son, you asked for the game. You are the game, and in the game.”, he said jeeringly, his voice broadcasted by an intercom. “We’ve placed you into the best game possible. One, just like Halo, Call of Duty and all those other things you like. Sorry girls, we hadn’t expected this many of you to be in a Club Penguin army, but hey, go with the flow. This game has all the violence, pain, and fear , parts of all video games. Remember clicking buttons to kill some prey or enemy. Well, children, you get to do the same, just in another game. Only one difference, the pain is real, the hate is real, the fear is real. You are trapped in an alternative reality. The only way out is to win, which I daresay is rather difficult, or be released. Do mark my words though, release is only  possible when our demands are met. It’d be a great tragedy if you, and your parents would all perish. Around 300 civillians, tourists, all dead. Killed by some militant group, causing world war 3. Now, that, would be fun would it not? Anyways, enjoy.”, the sinster voice said. “Do, enjoy”

_________End of Chapter 1_________

If someone can figure out which number I’m going to use a lot, they can help me write my next chapter.



61 Responses

  1. first

  2. 2nd boogars

  3. ewwww

  4. 3rd

  5. people people

  6. random comments are awsome

  7. I improved it.

    “Sometimes the freakin’ logical thing to do is the right thing to do. Sometimes what you may have believed in for de core of your life, may have been false witness. Sometimes things is a illusion, and sometimes they isn’t. How can you tell?

    Really kaneally? Are there even a way?

    Bigfoot stood on the pizza man, its gaze fixed on the strange looking package.”

  8. hehehe genious!

  9. OMG

  10. jedi you are frist a lot now!

  11. The resort was awesome

  12. we had a grreats time

  13. Here is a summary of all that.

    “It did.”

  14. arent i a genious?

  15. no

  16. ya man i liked that resort they had a nice pool 🙂

  17. Is the number 421 jedi?

  18. ??? ??? ÉÉÉ aaa

  19. have me in the second chapter i pop up at the beginning and i turn this book into a musical and im like olayyyyyy olayyyyyy OOOOOLLLLLAAAYYYyyyyYYYYyy like that and then the world blows up and then the story ends!!!

  20. Its like the song “Hotel California”

  21. wow u wrote all that i would of got bored from writing that much but its a good story

  22. Can I be a hobo?

  23. Nice, can I be in it (I’ll except being a hobo with Person).

  24. is it Jedi17

  25. Its 421 isnt it?

  26. 4+2+1=7

    7 is my guess.

  27. And I think axevolution’s right, the number is 421.

  28. And for the record, the Bengals OWN the cowboys, packers, AND cowboys.

  29. ya 421 and if not that id pick 3 cuz ww3

  30. but seahawks own ALL

  31. Go Packers (they own kg) lol! good story! number is 3?

  32. uhhhh….this is completely pointless:roll: i mean come on. What is this for? U guys are going nutty! :mrgreen:

  33. show the leaders some respect!

  34. I’ve already read part of your next chapter. It’s real good.

  35. it’s either 421 or 7

  36. can I be a character in the story?

  37. […] the original post:  Never Look Back « The Official Army of Club Penguin Website Share and […]

  38. I thought you already finished chapter 2…

  39. how about 911 the date of the twin towers accindent

  40. i mean tradgedy

  41. That is awesome. Is it for school or something? I’ll give it an A+

  42. its 3

  43. Lets Go Buffalo!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great story=) GO ACP!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. is the number 300

  45. Why did you put Ankita’s mom in this story?

  46. umm is it 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30?

  47. Why aren’t I in the story lol lol lol jk lol 🙂 great story… well first chapter lol

  48. Guess what. There’s going to be another Clash Of The Unforgiven this saturday. And ACP supposed to participate in it. Visit Club Penguin War News for more details.

  49. I know what number it is. It’s the number 421

  50. Hey Jedi , can I be in it with CPSO?
    You might need backup! xD

  51. BTW , Los Angeles Raider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  52. 300?

  53. 421

  54. can i come in in recon armour with an assault rifle and shoot his arse off and save you and get promoted to hell?

  55. please can i be in it or is it just high ranked people that get in 🙁

  56. […] Never Look Back Posted on March 18, 2009 by jedimaster17 Boomer’s Edit: You can change the post name if you want. You know, for those of you who know me, I haven’t made one of my speeches recently. . . Never look back This was just in celebration of the post, so I decided to post the 1st chapter of something I’m writing.   […]

  57. hmmm, maybe they’d all be looking around and not shooting anyone, looking for a way to escape, then suddenly, metal staircases appeared, large triggers everywhere, and all the penguins, i mean, people, turned into people from the game “Marathon Infinity” and everything looks so pixely and weapons and aliens appear everywhere. That’s an idea for Chapter 2, lol…

  58. i got it! ill be one of them and ill have to save them from the aliens! id know all their characteristics and want to be called a hero XD lol

  59. The number is 7!

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