Today, Fiddyy pced me about these nominations and wanted me to put it on the site.
This Is called the army awards. Its made by Fiddyy and Squab. We give away awards to the people who win. We will make polls to see who will win it in diffenrent catergories. All armies post this on your site. I will announce the winners on January 3rd, 2009.
Favorite Retired Soldier – Boomer: Oagal won this last time we had one of these (except it was for Best Leader). Will he win again?? Oagal: 😀
Best Army Leader – Boomer: Please vote for me 😉 Oagal: Mhm.
Favorite Blogger Soldier Aber: Vote me 😛 Oagal: Yup, but only ’cause I’m too lazy to think of anyone else. lol
Favorite Army Comedian Oagal: Did you hear about the circus fire? It was inTENTs. lol
Favorite Army – Boomer: Vote for ACP (duh) 😀 Oagal: Mhm.
Favorite Girl Soldier Boomer: We got a couple to choose from with ACP soldiers (w00t) Oagal: Jedi, Sheila, Aber, etc. Sheila: Please, vote for me! (But thanks for participating altogether!) 😉
Best CP Cheats Blogger – Head: Vote for me 😀 Oagal: Mhm.
New Round
A new round of The Assassinator is about to start so sign up to be a police officer or victom at
Watch out!
~The Assassinator
Filed under: ACP |
hey you did not include me in the fav girl soldier thing
u have to put me down as favorite army comedian
HAVE YOU NOT HEARD MY SONG “I RAN OVER BARACK OBAMAS DOG” it was an instant hit (even though I was called racist while singing it)
Tomtwelve for cheat blogger, ankita for girl soldier, Sheila gally fo comiedian, Oagal for retired soldier, Boomer for leader, ACP FTW!
I’m definitely gonna win army comedian 😀
ill run for blogger soldier!
And im choosing UMA for fav army i mean come on ive been in it ever since i joined cp good luck!
o crap im doomed im runnin against aber 🙁
Or i could switch to comedian but then there is person 🙁
uhhhhhhhh guys not to be mean but this was nachos idea
That was the nachos idea! Not to accuse you, but just give us credit.
Nacho idea indeed
You shouldnt put the Favortite Girl Soldier in there. Why are we so different than boys?
Oagalthorp: That topic if for much more “mature” websites -.-
Anyway, most CP soldiers are guys, so it’s more fair to have section just for the chicks.
SEANEHAWK BANNED ME FROM ACP CHAT FOR 1 HOUR FOR NOTHING! HE EVEN SAID IT WAS FOR NOTHING! I QUOTE ” seanehawk banned unicow rules for 1 hour for no reason” WHY??
Headofpolice for cheat blogger, ankita for girl soldier, Sheila gally fo comiedian, Fort for retired soldier, Fort for leader
Hey wait a minute, why is there a Favorite Girl Soldier choice? Why can’t their be a favorite Soldier choice and call it a day. Lol
The purpose of this comment was to say that it isn’t fair to only chose girl soldiers for this choice.
Vote me for army comedian…..Or not………wait, yes!
Im happy oagals back to his old cool self……..
ps oagal can you add my army to allies the site is not trying to advertise im just asking for an alliance
psss.thanks for replying to ppls comments it really is nice of you
sorry for all the ps’s xd
Oagalthorp: P.P.P.P.S. Sure, I’ll have to talk to Boomer about it , though.
I voted.
Oagal, for God’s sake, quit posting something after everyone else. Why have you decided to be so active NOW?
Oagalthorp: I could say the same — the latter, that is — for you, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. XD
Sheila: Your such a Cheny….
You know I should win the comedian award. 🙂 Or blogger award, once you see my site get more popular and start up properly.
Wrath Strife should get the favorite girl soldier award. XD
can soldiers of an amry run for one of the awards????
just wonderin
oagal if they have a fav rank below major contest im in it!!1
wait people, vote for Tomtwelve for the blogger person
Vote Bfan for comedian me and my friend boxtails and me ffan will do awesome
Ladies and gentlemen, I have bad news… that does not concern you at all. But hey, I don’t have a journal. 🙂
Yesterday I was shocked to learn that one of my fellow classmates had been killed while crossing an unlit street on Saturday night. Fatally injured after hit by a car, he was rushed to the hospital by means of helicopter, but he died that night. Today, anyone in the school who didn’t know of this was told. During that time, not a single female in the eighth grade could hold back the tears. Most guys managed to restrain their tears. Some (possibly) didn’t care, and some guys actually did cry. The tears went on, for some, for several more class periods. Of course, the guys seemed to get over it pretty quickly. But anyway, life is precious, and suddenly, being an active soldier in the ACP seems to offer little reward, you know that? I mean, I’ve known this guy for 6 or so years, and all of a sudden he’s gone! He was serious about becoming a pro athlete, dude! I mean, you never know when you will suddenly be whisked away from this life, heading off to whatever else is out there.
Still, I will waste my time. 🙂 I might regret it one day, or maybe not. Who knows, right?
today was depressing! but i feel better now. I’m not coming on chat though. that will worsen my mood. it often does.
wait, didn’t anyone approve my really long comment? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
dont vote for shelia
ok it’s approved now XP
thats horrible Tom I had a kid on my football team that had been hit by a car he was only a year old than me and I went to his school what worstens it is taht his father is a police officer I felt horrible too everyone in my school donated money we had BBQs hat days where u payed a dollar to where a hat and what not everyone in my school was afterwards shocked when a week later a boy on a moped was struck by a vehicle and tehn the next day our principle comes on and says Do NOT GO ACROSS A BUSY STREET WE HAVE HAD ALMOST TEN SHILDREN STRUCK BY VEHICLES thank you
oagal u better watch out. we might put pink down! good luck though!
and to tom and bfan, i no how u feel. when i was at church one of my moms friends died, and she started crying her eyes out. and i was in the car at her funeral and cryed almost the whole time.
A little over a year ago two of my best friends died in a car accident; I was supposed to be in the same car as them. So Tom, I can relate to how you feel and totally understand what you mean about ACP being unrewarding. Hopefully, you’ll stick with us. 🙂
Kid Robot