I need division ranks in NOW. I want to do the promos for them and leave time for boomer and jedi to pick their promos before the end of the month. Right now I think im only waiting for Cas. If I don’t get them by Friday then I will pick a new Navy Leader.
Also, Im wondering if the CPAF would like to become a branch of the acp but they can still keep their site and chat and leaders and stuff just like SSACP used to be. I would like the leader to talk to me in chat about the answer.
Boomer I’m wondering what you want to do with the points system thingy. If I dont see you in chat then email ur response to me please.
Ps: Jedi what was with the protected thing?
Filed under: ACP |
My mother http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx2-gxJGwH0
Wtf is this? 1st? 2nd? 3rd? 4th? 5th? Why not type in something useful especially in these times of need for ACP.
Lol, I’ll continue the “nooby” pattern:
7TH!!!!! XD
I’ll be the new Navy Leader. *wink wink*
But to be serious I really want promotion day to come so get those ranks in!
Ktman is a hero. 😆
He destroyed the nooby pattern!
But… ummm…..
10th! 😆
I will volounteer to be the new navy leader!
(not that any of you care I just thought I’d bring it up)
btw SSACP is coming back so “used to” won’t work any more.
SHAB the ranks were already done and
i told boomer about this so there wont be a new navy leader
coment boomer dont remove me from ranks
Boomer: Don’t worry, you’re fine.
boom dont remove me either
I am part of the CPAF and I am okay with the CPAF and ACP merging. HOwever. I am no fan of ACP. And to tell you, I will NOT take orders from ACP commanders unless I feel it is necessary. I am sorry. But I feel your decisions are wrong. So know that I have nothign to do with you unless I need to. I hope you understand.
i deserve a mod rank i have been in acp for a very long time and expected a mod rank by now i would rly appreciate a mod rank thanx boomer and oeace out
BVLA Main Leader