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Govenor Election Worker Form

Govenor Election signups will take place monday. They will end of thursday. That post will come out Monday. Today I need ppl to sign up to help run the sign ups. These ppl will get 20 points apiece. Just fill out the form.


1. Cp/Chat Name

2. Acp Rank

3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week?


These ppl will have the job of putting everyone with the server they r running for



41 Responses

  1. Make me govenor of mammoth. I will do good things blah blah blah vote for me blah blah blah

    IM sordman456 and i aprove this mesage or wahteva

  2. name: Bfan212
    Rank: Major
    I can get on everyday of the week

  3. oh yeah I would like to run for Icicle

  4. I am gonna run for Icicle too.
    Name: Zamros/Miroos
    Rank: Brigaider
    I can get on yeah…

    And Icicle is my favorite server 🙂
    I go there everyday.
    But I hope to have some competition with Bfan.

    Good luck 😉

  5. 1. Cp/Chat Name: Peguin21795

    2. Acp Rank: Vice Admiral

    3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week?: Maybe

  6. edwadu
    im not sure if anyone has seen my comment

  7. acpwarrior
    I can go on every day
    I will keep the server safe

  8. Good luck guys 😉

  9. Hey it’s me
    1. Bigpeng92
    2. Vice Admiral
    3. Of course!
    I will do what I can for all to keep them happy!
    I suck. 😆 Its true right?

  10. And what I will do is protect the server, and patrol it for over 20 minutes a day. Everybody will have their say as well…

  11. name noka 8 aka nokia 8 lol my rank is comandore

    i can get all everyday for like ever lol

    im runing for mukluk

  12. I don’t feel like signing up, I’m too busy.

  13. Name: Jim456
    Rank: Brigader or Vice Admiral i am not sure lol!
    Can i get on: Yes

  14. 1. Cp/Chat name: Ironkid2894
    2. Acp rank: Bridaiger
    3. Probably most of the days, but maybe not Thursday
    im running for ice berg

  15. 1. Cp/Chat Name
    2. Acp Rank
    Fleet Admiral
    3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week?
    also you forgot to ask what peeps are running for, I’m running for Sector D

  16. if this isnt for running in elections than i take last comment back XD

  17. my cp name is acatosh along with my chat name my rank is captain hopefull promoted to major and yes i can get on monday threw thursday each week

  18. 1. Cp/Chat Name: Biokid0

    2. Acp Rank: Major

    3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week? Yup.
    P.S. I’m going to run for governor, so if I’m not allowed to run if I sign up, I’d like to run instead.

  19. People, these sign-ups aren’t for people who are running for governor. They’re for people who want to help ORGANIZE the governor elections.

  20. 1. Cp/Chat Name:tntclay

    2. Acp Rank:i dont have one!! But i have been to 17 battles

    3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week: yeah sure easy

  21. Don’t forget guys! I’m running for Snow Globe!

    I just wanted to point that out.

  22. and don’t forget that im running for SNOW GLOBE TOO!

    here is my campaign:

    i would like to run for GOVERNOR OF SNOW GLOBE.

    Vote Stev71 for Governor of Snow Globe. Stev71 first joined ACP in May 2008 under the name:Royalprinzes, but was banned forever in a fight defending ACP. Stev71 was his first penguin but was not a member on Stev71. Stev71 has 4 months of experience in battles with ACP and has recently on October 28, 2008 helped make ACP allies with Marines, and made allies with the Ninjas after being the first one to arrive at a war against the Marines(which lasted 2 hours) and beating them whith the help of the Ice Warriors. Stev71 has shown many times that he can be trusted and even when people insult him or make fun of him, he still maintains his cool. Stev71 should be elected governor of SNOW GLOBE for the following reasons:

    1.He will make sure ACP IS VICTORIOUS in EVERY battle that happens in SNOW GLOBE.

    2.Stev71 will be nice to the ACP members that live in Snow Globe and all other ACP members.

    3.Stev71 will help out on possible practice wars and their arrangements

    4. Stev71 WILL listen to ALL your complaints and make sure to ANSWER ALL OF THEM!

    5. Stev71 will be on chat everyday if you want to get to know him more.

    6.Stev71 will help out ACP members and future members and help improve SNOW GLOBE anyway he can.

    7.Finally, Stev71 WILL DO EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to help out the penguins of SNOW GLOBE in need of something.


    “The person that works the hardest wins”-Will Smith.

  23. I would like to run for govener.
    2.ACP major
    3.Yeah I can

  24. Everyone, especially Bfan and ACP Warrior, join the UPSA (United Penguin Soldiers Army) at:


    We are just starting out, and need loyal troops! First people to join will get high ranks!!! Fun stuff coming soon.

  25. Join the UPSA (read comment above)

  26. 1. Cp/Chat Name:tntclay

    2. Acp Rank:i dont have one!! But i have been to 17 battles

    3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week: yeah sure easy

    I would like to run for the marshmallow server because i have been in ACP for a long time now and have watched a few govonouers come and go and do a real bad job but i will do a good one. I have always been loyal to ACP, i remember we had a war with the nachos and the golds once, they needed more people on there side so the golds asked me to be on there side of course i turnt them down! I have trieded to make it to every battle and i have never left one i have always stayed till the end no matter how hard it is. If am elected i will make sure i do a good job and i will make sure everyone is happy. I will be nice to all. I will make sure marshmallow will not fall to another army, and i will make sure im on chat all the time. I will listen to what my people want to say. I will try my best to get new soldiers and i will train them. I will always help the penguins of marshmallow if they need it. Thats why you should vote for me remember


  27. NOTE: I want to run not to be working

  28. zdoger
    yes, absoloutly even friday

  29. Sure, I will love to volunteer shab.


    1. Cp/Chat Name: THeBridgett, Bridget (on chat)

    2. Acp Rank: Colonel (or commordore I dont really know, because Jedi said I was going to get a promotion to commordore, but I really dont know right now.)

    3. Can u get on everyday from Monday to Thursday this week?

    Yes, I will be on here.

  30. Yeah, alwayys

    1.L900ipop( Governor of Husky)
    2.No rank (no offical rank, have fought with u)
    3.Yeah I can get on always.

  31. o sorry scratch my name out!

  32. i thought this was for governor

  33. wqwwswq

  34. am i picked or not?

  35. hey my acp chat name is centar my rank is brigader
    and yes i can get on whenever im needed oh and ive been in acp since the beginning

  36. 1. Black Icer
    2. Brigadier
    3. Yes

    P.S I am running for govenor for Icebound

  37. 1.kingjared7
    3.yes but not on wensday. i get on around 6 o clock to comment cuz i have to do my homework

  38. CP/chat name: Knight521
    acp rank brigaider
    and i probably can im not sure it depends on how much my bro needs me he flipped on a quad yesterday broke his head open and hyper extended his arm so i rly hope that doesnt count against me

  39. 1. name: Foxtails
    3. yes i think so

  40. fresca39/acp new

    i dont have one

    i will i promis

  41. oops i am running for mukluk

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