I’ve noticed a comment by someone who is considered a legend in ACP by Oagalthorp, but this person is only a high rank because of what they did in the past. I haven’t seen this person on the chat for at least 3 weeks. This is what this person had to say about my rant;
“no kg I am right and you are wrong. Dont try to argue with us because your easily outnumbered. Your saying how fair you are yet you give up to head admiral the chance. So if your going to say that then ill just say the opposite : Everyone should be given a chance. look I am not goign to lie, I am the best choice for leade rnow will I ever be leade rof ACP no . . .why ? Because everyone who is a very high rank is just powerhungry over a game for 3 year olds.”
This person is really full of themselves, how could you listen to someone so selfish saying how “they’re the best choice for leader” when all they do is complain about the leader. I’ve also mentioned earlier that this person hasn’t been on the chat for weeks. This person will probably do either of these two things: a.) go on the chat and prove me wrong, or b.) make an excuse to why the can’t go on. This person (Shortkid8tee) is really acting really loyal, he thinks all the low ranks should quit. So, if this person really wanted to be leader, they’d would need to be more loyal to the army, and trust that what the leader is doing is right.
By the way, he also said “don’t try to argue with us” now, could you please tell me in your next comment, that is, if your not IP Banned, who’s “us”?
~ Kg 007
Filed under: ACP |
I remember him saying lots of things on chat.
I tend to ignore him since he wasn’t the one to be on my best side…
I would ignore him if I were you kg,
people like that do not need to have attention to them.
http://poll.pollcode.com/EJP i made the poll if u want to use it
what do u think he would say hes not good at being leader? thats not being selfish thats being confident.
Kg 007: He said he’s better than everyone else, that’s cocky and a very selfish thought. If he said he thoguht he would be a good leader, he’d have a case, but he said he was the “best”.
I kinda agree with this guy. Not him being the perfect leader but how only the high ranks are only chosen to be in votes such as this. Like there are low ranked people that know way more stuff about armies and has actual experiance. Not like n00bs that fake there experiance. I’m not complaining, I’m not arguing, and I’m not persuading to make them high ranks. I’m just saying there are some of us that deserve a little more respect, thats all
Hatt’s Bro,
They don’t have to trust what you’re doing is right to be loyal. A lot of people are running for leader to change the way ACP is being ran for the better.
who r u talking about?
What’s my rank?
oh my…..
Yeah, Short you were really being rude to KG. You will probaley never be leader anyways.
ooo burn
hey dont make long post on school days I DO ALOT OF READING AT school JEDI FOR LEADER
back in the old days when oaglthrop and tom y what happened to the good days what happened to the days that every three months the leader changes to a new leader what happened to THE BEST ARMY IN CLUB PENGUIN what happened to one of the strongest army in club penguin AND U KNOW WHAT I THINK i think that we lost that TITLE WITH LET IT FALL AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET for letting that title fall ANYONE AGREE????
Koolaid, I’m sorry but what you did was just stupid. I aknowledge what’ve you done in the past, but what your doing now certainly isn’t correct. It’s well within Kg’s right to pick whichever canidates, whichever rank etc.. As he is the Former Leader.
My Campaign site is http://votejedimaster17.wordpress.com
Please visit. Bigpeng, you are a total retard, faking those pictures and w/e. Remember this, once the first missile has been fired, and it has, we have free reign.
Ok first off you consider yourself the leader although you retired. Look I know it looks like I came off mean. . .becaus I did. Because me, like the lower ranks, never get heard, I really dont care what you or anyone else thinks, but lower ranks (there) opinions has absolutely no outcome or say on anythign in ACP. The funniest thing I have heard on this site is your title… me being full of myself ? WOW lol two things wrong with that:
1) Hmm have you looked in the mirror . . .like ever. . .no seriously?
2) Have you seen the candidates speeches? I would say 75% mentioned how they were the best candidate for leader. And teh other 25 % think or “know” they are. I know you do although you will never admit it now.
Well Kg you made my day (and my return to ACP) by finally giving me some spotlight in the ACP what I know i deserved. yeah call me full of myself (which i will get so insulted because its club penguin, and for you who dont know that was sarcastic ) call me selfish, cocky not dedicated but for the first two months of my return I was the most loyal to the ACP and whatd I get. Well, in short, Nothing. I love hwo you dont reveal my name till late ron in the post. And saying that I am full of themselves is just like me calling you full of themselves but u can post on the main page. So back to what I was saying. I know I am the best candidate, repeat KNOW. Well you certainly arent the best leader doing absolutly nothing for about a month only to retire. Shab pretty much did anything. I find it funny that aber and kg agree with dis-agreeing with me. They are the high ranks the ones who can run for leader. So I advise low ranks to quit because every candidate and every future candidate is doing it for them selves to gain popularity not for the ACP, just look at the previous ones. So all the low ranks ther eis 0 % chance of ever getting reconition in the ACP. . . which is why everyone joined to begin with. Through corrupt and buttering up people to vote for them they became popular only to choke and do absolutely nothing. terking and Hattrick thanks for your support. Heck yes I am a legend and I deserve it.
“us” as in who ever has a half brain below head admiral and arent stuck ups who believe they have a chance.
ur turn
ur a fag,in a good way……wait there is no good way..
Batista, you’re more messed up than Michael Jackson in an all boys orphanage.
who was that supposed to be to batista? I mean you would have to be talking abotu kg.
hunt70 i cant say notin about u cuz ugh nobody even knows you ,i was talking to u shortkid
ok then first off great comeback i was Laughing out loud for a few hours from that. You are one of the few that are stick ups that think they can go somewhere in the ACP. God or who ever you worship looks down upon you for making that statement. See real men like myself can just go out and call you a fag . . .Batista your a flaming homo fag. But sissies like your self have to try to make it funny and in doing so totally ruin the entire joke. And you do realize we are talking about a game . . .on the internet. . .for club penguin. . . for a virtual army?
Someone’s getting a little deffensive
Then why get defensive?
If you were the most loyal ACP, then why do you “know” that you’re better than everyone else? That’s not the kind of attitude that we want to have here in ACP. Also, I remember you told me that all I wanted was fame, well i’m sure you’re right because it’s not like you say that “heck yes, i’m a legend and I deserve it”, last I checked a legend is a hero and a hero is someone who does a good act and expects nothing in return, maybe if you practiced what you preached you’d have a half decent argument.
Really, I don’t know why I’m still in armies in Club Penguin. Though I thought joining the Army of Club Penguin would be fun long ago and it was. I also learned respect, responsability, and leadership but that was also long ago. Since May 2008, everything about the ACP has been falling apart. Then when “you” people banned Oagalthorp form the ACP forever, I knew this was bad. I mean really, the guy was trying to bring back the ACP from its inactive state. I don’t know if you knew this soldiers but I for one remembered how the ACP used to be. “We” used to be 110% active, “controled”, and “respectful”. Now…..I don’t know how to explain it. from my years in ACP since October 3, 2005, I know we are not the number “one” army thore the “strongest”. After the elections for new leader, I just hope this army can become once again 110% active, not 60% active.
ACP Fleet Admiral,
woops that was October 3, 2006. sorry.
just ip ban teh fag already
Well I said I used to be but still just because your loyal you can still KNOW ur the best. And your so bs “thats not the attitude WE want to have in the ACP” you retired that means you can no longer say “we” as including yourself as part of the army. Yes you checked an online dictionary congrats. If someone can actually become a real legend by playing club penguin i would like to meet him. Your the one who called me a legend in your post so Im just responding to it with correct wording making sure not to confuse you. Even if I ddi preach something noone would really look at it because im under “head admiral”. Two more extremely humorous things you just said in your previous post that “That’s not the kind of attitude that we want to have here in ACP” oh so the attitude you want to have is “your opinion doesnt matter, joining is pointless, and defending your self in rants is great ! (since that is what you just did in response to my rant, after (i could of swore) that you wanted peace and no fights as part of you relection speech for leader. And you so see the proof to my point here too. Lets see who agrees with you on the list aber, jedi, and ofcourse you. Hmmm? What so all 3 of thsoe have in common? cant seem to put my finger on it does anyoen else no the answer?
yeah if ip ban me its just a greater offense to the fact that you “won” just because your more powerfull. Even though I know i am better then you in almost all categories as leader. . . so if you do I hope everyone sees how the ACP works. Someone quote me on this post so when it does happen I can proove i was right.
who are you talking to?
Shortkid, if you would have said “All ranks lower than Head Admiral shouldn’t vote in the election, because they can’t run” that would have been a better statement, rather then going to the extreme and telling people to quit. Also, I don’t know how I loose when two people on your side of the fence say “Burn” and “pwned”
lol go kg!
who you talkin bout
shortkid8tee, you say you are really old and all but you are so not!
Thats the first page Ogal made of up to 375 members. I am the 333th member of ACP and it is proof right their, even though he spelt my name wrong.
So if you say you are older than HA!
People these days.
Thanx for clearing that Bridgett. I have been in ACP since April 07 and I have never heard of a Shortkid8tee. Liar. Plus u dont self proclaim urself a legend. Peeps these days.
Ha this has got to be the funniest thing I have read realted to Club Penguin. Bridget please just walk out of your hosue because thats a little sad. I dont even have to tell you why you just sounded like a complete idiot there. Battista what was so funny about the post . . .lol in my book means laugh out loud. There was not one joke and or funny statement in that post. KG honestly your losing you rpoint here entirely, how would of saying noone above head admiral will vote. So we will ahev everyone voting for them selves in a all way tie. . . .? Dont get that. That was actually one of the most unrelavant things i heard in a while. And no joke you you just made me at a loss of words here because if you cant figure out whats wrong with you saying “All ranks lower than Head Admiral shouldn’t vote in the election, because they can’t run” then you got elected leader because “you said the right stuff” taht none of which came true. Hmmm heres another toughie. . . Air Marshall who has no say or Leader of ACP, I wonder who most people will support in an argument. O yeah thats right the higher ranked because these are the people who think by siding with you they will go places in life. Telling people to quit isnt extreme at all I find it odd how you say telling people to quit is wrong when YOU RETIRED, which ofcourse in your next post you will tell me the difference but on teh Computer for Army OF Club Penguin they are the same thing. Bridget and Batista you gusy figured me you guys are so smart . . . . 😛
o and ctar dont want to start a argument with everyone (I mean I will own you all but thats a different story) if you read with your eyes open you will see that it was KG who first declared me a legend.
well thank you KG although it would be pointless for me to run now. . .anyway I hope you guys settle this out. Best Of Wishes
if it must be that way KG so be it I am not going to argue I was actually going to resign its not that I dont like ACP I love it I wouldnt do anything against it and well farewell
bfan put ur mouse over kg’s name!! that otherr kg is fake its says “cheatsandtreasures” lol he didnt ban u bfan
What dickhead done that then oh yeah short (d)
Shut up Shortkid. Ur just a dumb noob wanting attention. Hold up ur a pussy. Why would we want a leader who cant type. Answer my question
ctar plz dont cuzz on this site, sorry if this comment may offend you, im very very sorry, hope that wasnt too offensive to you
So then why would you want to be leader of an army in a game for 3 yr olds ?
And Kg is leaving waaaa
Probable cause I was away for 2 weeks and he
couldn’t talk to someone with a brain on chat
LOL Balloon …
Yeah. Wat Miroos said. U claim this is a three year old game, yet u wanna be leader. Sounds like someone is TALKING OUT THE SIDE OF THE NECK. Plus u didn’t offend me monkemanmua. Pussy isn’t a cuss word. U just shouldn’t say it.
He’s making ACP look like an army for 3-year olds xD
Exactly wat I told him Shaboomboom. He wants to run for leader, but he types like a 1st grader.
Being mean to others Shab? That doesn’t sound like a good quality an ACP leader would have.
its not being mean,its called the truth
Both the same thing in this case.
THAT JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are a low rank, well it’s just normal if you have just joined.
If you are a low rank for 3 months, it means your quality is’nt good.
And if Shortkidtee is leader, then we will have a leader who thinks CP is ‘for 3yrs olds’ and he even has bad grammar …
So vote Jedimaster and your troubles will be solved! (Although by my opinion Rapidy has an excellent campaign picture).
No I’m not talking about you.
i hate u
I said CP is for three year olds and I stand behind that. It is, and I really havnt ben on in a long time. Maybe just maybe if I had some respect or a higher rank (which i deserved) then I would start playing again. Kuro and to all the other “cant-run-for-leader” members you are in fact “useless” as of right now. all the candidates running for leader will keep it that way because they get caught up in wanting the spot of leader then they dont know what to do and think its not so great when they get there. EVERY single candidate running has the same ideas that we have had since the day ACP began. I dont know how you gusy dont see this. They say the same stuff “I will change ACP” but they never do. Want proof? look at the past 4 leaders. Look I am still dedicated for the ACP and I want it to be successfull. Honestly you can call me cocky, self centered, full of myself, greedy, power hungry I dont care. I know I am the BEST choice. the ONLY one who can change ACP. I would help but everyone else just would kill for the leader spot. And miroos putting and supporting an add for jedi on a thread is considered spam. I am the best choice for leader, and to those who dis agree this is the only thing that I KNOW i am the best at and deserve on ACP.
o and kg nice job erasing your post about
“Everyone can run for leader now”
Yeah he (KG) said this
want proof look at my post . . .why would i thank kg for no reason.
ctar to answer your question of why we would want a leader who cant type well mainly because this “dick” (aka me) as “head” called it is the most creative smartest and guarantee change actually to ACP. ANd ctar i am not sure if i said this before but you called me a pussy is that correct ? Well first off atleast I know what that is . . .and in both ways its doesnt make sense. And second off atleast I like them.
ok can you guys just stop this really come on oh and if cp is four 3 year olds then y do u play it
kuro wolf
Well since you had a question I will answer it. It is for three year olds and you obviously didnt read my last post I honestly dont play it anymore but maybe if I had a little more respect and a better well-rounded ACP i might go on more often.
you said you dont play it anymore but then why did you say “I might go on more often”
shortkig8tee I JUST SAW YOU ONLINE!
wht sever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sub zero his igloo
look here is the pic you probably have to copy and paste into your browser
so he was lieing about the whole thing he plays cp and that just proves hes one of the biggest liers ever his doing this probley to destory the acp!!!!!!!! I hate you
Yes you caught me on CP for 3 min. Good job like I said and I quote from myself :
“I havnt been on in a long time”
Do i still play it no. . .I just went on for a few minuted to see the update so why dont you guys grow a sack and stop your little hissy sit kuro. So now its your turn to say “Your lying or something” but you have to be mentally unstable to make a post liek that. Im trying to destroy the ACP because i went on CP ? I could understand if you caaught me lying about being a bad general, or saying something that I didnt come through on (like kg having to “change” the debate) but sayign i would destroy ACP because I went online for 3 min todya because i wanted to participate in the igloo contest is insanity. I mean what do u do ? stalk me on CP?
you were on for like 30 min
lol r u kidding me? I was on for 3 min you fagg. You would say that. You saw me for abotu amin then left so hwo would you knwo i was on for more then a min anyways?
ok I typed that badly my bad, I meant to say ” You saw me on for a min. then left so how would you know that i was on for more then a min. ? Yeah you wouldnt know . . . . . .exactly.
i came back like 30 min later stupid
whoa hold on miss danger lane like anyone knows you at all. . .? Batista no ya didnt, you can claim that you did but since the fact that I am totally owning you in this argument already noone will believe you. I was not on for 3o min and even if i was, who cares again? a half hour on ONE day. That prooves . . .wait let me calculate the results. . .nothing.
umm y where on for 23 min i counted