My Speech

Shab’s Edit: I moved this speech to kg’s list of speeches so no one could say that u had an advantage cause urs was on its own post.

13 Responses

  1. 1st mowaaaaaaa

  2. bread for leader!

  3. Jedimaster17:

    Here is my speech:
    I ask you all to vote Jedimaster17, as the Club Party Nominee, and hopefuly the next leader. We are in a time of change, of revolution. We need someone who can balance Politics, with fun, one who will listen to the needs of the people, one, who will surely put their nation first. I belive deeply, that that person is me. I’m aware of the probems, and aware of our accomplishments. I’m a fresh face of ACP, (10-11 months present), and am not on of those, who’ve had power for a long. I like many of you, started with a low rank, unlike others who already were highly ranked, due to personal preferences. I worked my way up serving ACP, in any way I could, finally rising to ACP Head General. I’ve always stood by ACP, in good times, and in bad. When the VLA affair came up, I stood with ACP. When Order 67 arose, I asked for peace and tried to negotiate, but I also did my duty. I’ve seen what goes on in ACP. ACP was, and still is one of the best armies in CP. But corruption, petty disputes have stood in the way of ACP becoming even better. I’ve seen how many soldiers quit as to being unranked, I’ve seen the disdainful ways that higher rankers treat the lowers. I’ve seen totally unnecessary bannings, and whie I’m not totally innocent either, I’ve at least tried to stay above the fray. I ask you al, to think about this, have we seen any of the changes that others have promised? Have you seen fair ranks? Have you? Have you been treated with absolute respect? Have you never been banned uneccesarily? Have you seen that power always goes to the higher ranked/friends o f the leader type of people? Have you seen reform on the chats?
    I’ve seen all of this, and this fills me with great sorrow, because I’ve always regarded ACP, as one of the best armies. In Kg’s era we became more democratic, but no enough. It’s still like an oligarchy, without a judical system, or an elected vice president. We still don’t have courts. I will work as leader, to the best of my ability to change all that. I will give every task, that I have with my full attention, I will answer to you, the ACP people only. I will never submit to threats to the ACP , be it from IW, RPF, or Nachos. I will fight them head on. I’ve trained new recruits with ACP Training Academy, and have seen the vast potential in out soldiers. I’ve worked as an embassador of CPUN, and helped resolve issues. I know that the challenges facing me aren’t easy, but with your help, and your vote , together we can over come them.
    Thank you
    Jedi Nono, its not fair that you can post.


  5. Lol yea vote bread, that’ll be a good one

  6. i know who im voting for nobody

  7. Ok nono,

    It isnt fair that you can post and the others cant… that gives you a strong and unfair advantage……………….

    Also i been 3rd in command/co leader for almost 5 months…you only been doing it for 2-3 month…

    So you havent done it long enough


  8. Head, keep in mind that you begged for your position. If you ask Fort that’s what he will tell you.

    Nono’s not an editor, so what else was he supposed to do?

    For more Campaign Speeches by me, visit


  9. He could of commented the Speech.

  10. then how would he ensure that kg would put it in the post?

  11. vote rap

  12. heh i get it. army of club penguin. army party. club party. penguin party. genius.

  13. whoa, did you just put homework as a priority less important than this?!

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