A Rant / Candidates

Some of you may be so blinded to your own ignorance that you think your self righteous attitude of “i’m right, you’re wrong, shut up” is what everyone should think is right, but in reality you have to think about this for a second, because thes people think it’s wrong that i’m holding elections.

The reason why I chose to hold elections was because I wanted to have a non-biased person giving everyone allowed to run a fair chance. I didn’t automatically pick Shab to be the next Leader, because there were two second in commands. Most armies would have only let the second in commands be in the vote, while I let it go all the way down to Head Admiral. So stop being selfish because you weren’t picked, when I could have just picked the leader instead.

Someone in particular has been making frequent posts stating how the parties are stupid. I made the parties as a way to narrow it down, the parties aren’t really based on the issues, but it was just a way to break down the election, to bad this person didn’t think about it before they decided to blab about whatever their brain was thinking. Heck, when this person was born, they probably thought that god said trains instead of brains, so this person replied back saying “I’ll take the caboose”. This same person also made their own party and started calling ACP a communistic government. I don’t know how voting for a leader of out 12 people is less democratic than this person’s army. This person’s army didn’t even vote for the leader, the founder decided to make like 9 people in charge and ended up picking the person who they wanted, because this person would do what the founder told them to do.

Candidates Speeches


Dear Fellow ACP Soldiers, Officers and friends,

On behalf of our leaders retirement he leaves ACP in the hands of the victorious candidate. I will have a heck of a time competing, but I’ll give it my awe. And maybe, just maybe I’ll win. I HAVE SEEN 3 LEADERS LEAVE NOW. Oagalthorp through my glaring eyes laughing at him, when I was in nachos. Fort with great sadness, and his brother Kg with great shock. I am hoping to win this election for the people, not for myself. People think I’ll destroy ACP but why would I do that? I have so many friends in ACP as well as enemies. ACP should be rebuilt, the government and the army. I would make the government a free government, decided by the people but the officers get the final word. No, not a dictatorship, not an empire. A “Controlled-Democracy”. Below are some things that I would do for ACP.

Take more servers for our Controlled-Democracy.
Build a navy, air force and new army.
A new flag.
More promo-days.

“You know the way, Meggis’ way, you vote for me your not in the way.”



Ok I got my speech,

My fellows ACP, as you probably already know I am running for leader in the ACP. You are probably wondering why I am running for leader of ACP, what I have done, and what I am planning to do. I am running for leader of ACP because I know that I can do great things. I have always and forever will want progress in the ACP. From allies and enemies, to game expansion, and so much more, ACP has always been my top priority. Here’s some of my history, I joined ACP August 27th, 2007. Here’s how I joined, I was a fan of a YouTube show call “CPTV” on the 10th episode they started an army (It never really caught on) I tried to join but nothing happened. So I searched on Google for other CP armies. That’s how I found the ACP website. Seeing this was real I joined immediately. My first battle happened on August 24th, in the war against nachos. It was nearly a tie, but we pulled through in the end! From then I have been in countless battles but my favorite was the watex war. It was where I met some of my best friends in the ACP, including Mazachster (retired), Corvette360 (retired), Headofpolice (semi-active), I was a part of the big battle for the dojo/town in the war. After taking control of the dojo I tried to lead a squad to take over the snow forts. We where able to win with RPF’s help and attempted to attack the town. In the town we helped IW and keep the WW in the town occupied. Due to the victory the snow forts and attempt at the town we where able to win the battle! Now if elected I will focus on many things. Here I what I will do first, Proper ranking, Lots of people complain about there rank. The ranking system needs lot’s of improvement. Game expansion, first do any of us really enjoy CP just for CP stuff and not for CP armies. I’m sure there are some of us who enjoy CP but expanding to different games is a good idea. Recruiting, ACP needs to figure out how to get lots more recruits. I’m open to suggestions on how to do it right now though. There are lots of other things I would do if elected but these are the biggest. So vote for cooltiger413!!!



Here is my speech:
I ask you all to vote Jedimaster17, as the Club Party Nominee, and hopefuly the next leader. We are in a time of change, of revolution. We need someone who can balance Politics, with fun, one who will listen to the needs of the people, one, who will surely put their nation first. I belive deeply, that that person is me. I’m aware of the probems, and aware of our accomplishments. I’m a fresh face of ACP, (10-11 months present), and am not on of those, who’ve had power for a long. I like many of you, started with a low rank, unlike others who already were highly ranked, due to personal preferences. I worked my way up serving ACP, in any way I could, finally rising to ACP Head General. I’ve always stood by ACP, in good times, and in bad. When the VLA affair came up, I stood with ACP. When Order 67 arose, I asked for peace and tried to negotiate, but I also did my duty. I’ve seen what goes on in ACP. ACP was, and still is one of the best armies in CP. But corruption, petty disputes have stood in the way of ACP becoming even better. I’ve seen how many soldiers quit as to being unranked, I’ve seen the disdainful ways that higher rankers treat the lowers. I’ve seen totally unnecessary bannings, and whie I’m not totally innocent either, I’ve at least tried to stay above the fray. I ask you al, to think about this, have we seen any of the changes that others have promised? Have you seen fair ranks? Have you? Have you been treated with absolute respect? Have you never been banned uneccesarily? Have you seen that power always goes to the higher ranked/friends o f the leader type of people? Have you seen reform on the chats?
I’ve seen all of this, and this fills me with great sorrow, because I’ve always regarded ACP, as one of the best armies. In Kg’s era we became more democratic, but no enough. It’s still like an oligarchy, without a judical system, or an elected vice president. We still don’t have courts. I will work as leader, to the best of my ability to change all that. I will give every task, that I have with my full attention, I will answer to you, the ACP people only. I will never submit to threats to the ACP , be it from IW, RPF, or Nachos. I will fight them head on. I’ve trained new recruits with ACP Training Academy, and have seen the vast potential in out soldiers. I’ve worked as an embassador of CPUN, and helped resolve issues. I know that the challenges facing me aren’t easy, but with your help, and your vote , together we can over come them.
Thank you



My Speech,
Fellow Soldiers,Citizens,Politicians,Friends and Enemies. I must be honest with you, I do not really want to become ACP Leader but i will still run and wish to be one of the next ACP Co-leaders. I am Honored That Kg007 Put me in the Penguin Party as a nominee.
I Have The Following People down for endorsement:






Fellow soldiers, allies, and penguins, lend me your ears.

They say that everyone deserves a second chance. So, why not me? As ACP leader I promise to restore the good times like of those we have had in the past with Oagalthorp. And no, this does not mean I will become the President/Dictator of ACP. But, I will schedule way more battles for the ACP so we can bring Club Penguin armies out of it’s peaceful hold. I didn’t join ACP to be in the state of peace or do nothing, and niether did you.

Thank you for your time.



Well, my fellow friends (omg I just sounded like mccain) and soldiers. I am one of your candidates to be leader of acp, if you did not know. I believe that I have lots of experience from past leaderships and other major army fellowships. If I am leader, I will show a strong leadership, like we need, and continue with the tradition of the other acp leaders. I hope that other people who used to be lead by me, well vote and maybe even tell others how they thought and convince them to vote me. Also, Im not one of those type of people to go on other unknown chats and tell people to vote me, b/c I think that its fair to the others who also deserve to win, which is all of my running mates. So, well, hopefully you vote me!

Btw, vote for who you think would be the best and nawt what others tell you!!!




We the people need relief, i will bring relief to the CP wars, only choosing wars if we need to! I would not be the person to go “nuke” some random CP army for the hell of it. If I were leader of ACP, I would make fun activities. And before some one says I’ll be inactive, shut up, cause I am goign to be very active from now on. If you are to lazy to read this is what i would do:


-More Ranks

-Fun Activities

– And much more




Um i know ive been camping but im back now !!!!! Here is my speech:

 I’ve been co-leader for Kg since august when kg was voted leader. I’ve created contests and a point system for acp. I know all the major leaders and Im good friends with most if not all of them. I think I’m the most experienced other than being equal to Nono. I will continue with my point system and my vla squad for acp idea if im voted leader. I have govenor elections all set up on my site and ill have my version of the ranks done by weds too. I do stuff fast and dont draw it out. I wont say who my idea for VP is cause its unfair to get ppl’s votes because of the co-leader. I hope this election isnt going to be like last election where we went thru 2 leaders before Kg. Whoever the leader i hope that there isnt a major fuss cuase that hurt acp. Im hoping to get servers for medium sized armys to help them grow like the WW. I hope u guys vote for me.

Shab, Army Party


Dr Nono Jr

Hello my fellow soldiers, it’s Bread AKA Dr Nono Jr, your Ex-Leader, Co-Leader, and possible Club Party nominee to run for leader! As I run for leader, it’s not just for the fun or glory of it. I’ve been leader for a day, and I know it’s not particularly fun. You get half a million PC’s on chat and a bunch of people that hate you. But in the short time I was leader before my unfortunate demotion, I had already started to make the ACP a better place. Some of you may remember how I tried to reform the ACP with new policies on ranks and modship (high inactivity results in demotions, modship is not based solely on ranks). Due to my demotion by Oagal, I did not have the oppurtunity to carry out these goals. But I had a dream to make the ACP a better army, a more fair army, a more powerful army, and I wish to put that dream into action again. I can do this with your help. All I need is your vote.

Many of you may not know, but as Co-Leader, I, unknown even to Kg sometimes, handled some diplomatic matters with major army leaders. I discussed with the im PC’s the current issues, the ACP’s current stance on them, and how I thought we could work together to solve them. So when Shab was making a fun little contest, where was I? Discussing current matters with Person, or whoever else I might need to contact. In fact, Person and I have discovered we work well together. I look forward to the possibility of working alongside him to solve CP’s problems as allies. Another thing you may not know is that it was Oagal’s plan for me to become leader upon Rapidy’s retirement. He wanted me to be Co-Leader to get a bit of experience before I jumped right in. Being Co-Leader under Rapidy was a bit hectic, but serving under Kg was certainly a learning experience. I was able to communicate with major leaders and get the experience I need to lead. But my current rank is the barrier keeping me from putting that experience to use.

Many of you may say, “Yeah you have the experience but you’re never on!” I know Shab says that. And I understand your concern on that issue. But sometimes I’m just loaded down with homework during the week and I’m only able to get on late at night for 15 to 30 minutes. I pledge that as leader I will try my best to improve that and get my homework done faster.

In addition to my new policies on ranks and modship, I also have different views than past leaders on Co-Leader rights. Shab and I both know that there are many limitations to the power of Co-Leaders. I want to remove many of those limitations. Rest assured that whoever serves as my Co-Leader will be treated like a leader who makes decisions in my absense rather than just another rank. This is vital to the army, as then there’s an someone to make decisions if the leader isn’t around and something catastrophic is happening, like a massive war.

I would like to assure you that I will be as good of a leader in times of war as I would in times of peace. My goal in war is peace. As leader, it will be my goal to eliminate “evil empire” armies who wish to conquer countless servers. I want nations to be strictly regulated by ANTA to prevent territory wars. I will propose equal amounts of land for all majore armies. Also, know that if one of our great allies such as the Nachos goes to war, we will most likely side with them rather than Shab’s approach of staying neutral. An exception to this would be if that ally caused the problem (invaded the other army’s servers, etc.). In that case, we would most likely remain neutral or possibly side with the other army.

So, now you know where I stand on the issues. I hope you choose me for leader. I have served as Co-Leader for too long , and now it’s time for me to put my experience to use. Vote Bread for leader!

Rock on!/March on!



-!<~Dr Nono Jr~>!-


These are all of the speeches I’ve recieved from candidates.

~ Kg 007

30 Responses

  1. 2ND

  2. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who’s supporting me including: Tomtwelve, Crazyboy, Commandro, Furbur, Itachi, Articsledder, Ktman, and anyone else I may have forgotten. Sorry my memory isn’t that good. 🙁
    I would like to clerify something: I am not quitting in November, I’m quitting next September.
    Nice Speeches everyone.
    Let me declare my second Alliances:
    If I lose, Leader or Primary race, My first choice will be Shab. I consider myself a better canidate however, and voting for me would be the best choice, if you want change 😉
    Vote Jedi for Change.


  4. Lol, who was the person!?!?

  5. If you have questions for me, and want to join my staff or just have any questions regarding my campaign check out my site at : http://votejedimaster17.wordpress.com

  6. Alright, lets get this straight. Think of this.

    If Shaboomboom becomes leader, downward progress will continue to grow. Doing stupid things for example parties. No real progress will be achieved and he will be criticized until he is forced to retire.

    If Abercrombie29 becomes leader, well, just look at what happened to UMA after she took over. And the army her and Kg tried to start up. UMA is two people big now and Kg and her’s army is… gone.

    If Rapidy becomes leader, imagine a world where Oagalthorp went to war with every army he saw, on every ACP owned server there ever was. Chaos would fill the streets of CP forcing ACP’s alliances to go to war with them. To stop the mayhem.

    If Cooltiger becomes leader, not only will he not know how to run this army. It will probably end up crashing within the first month due to inexperience. He also got the Watex War wrong, the first day basically everybody lost and were forced to retreat back to the starting rooms. But on the second day the ACP got wuped in the dojo and ran to the Town to help an ally for an excuse. RPF charged its way threw every room into the dock where at the end of the day, RPF won the fight. That was the peek of RPF’s career so far.

    If Luc becomes leader, nothing will happen. Accept for people joining because of the daily lottery.

    If meggis becomes ACP leade…wait wait wait, who is this? I dont even know who this is. Shouldnt somebody important be running?

    If Casiusbutus becomes ACP leader, well he dosnt even want to become leader so why even vote for somebody not committed to his cause.

    But think of this, Jedimaster17 has her eyes set on the future. Tomorrow being today. She is very experienced and could lead ACP to victory in mean wars to come. The communist outlook on ACP could be easily lifted by the introduction of Democracy. The ACP servers could turn from marshell law and anarchy to a democracy where the people can get to decide the future. Imagine YOU have a say in what happens. YOU being able to decide ACP’s future. Every vote counts in this related. And dont forget, along with this democracy comes everything the other candidates are offering, not what will happen if they are elected.

    I endorse Jedimaster17 for ACP leader, Vote for the Future.

    – Commando717

  7. Rapidy for ACP leader!

  8. Actually, commando, I find Caos interesting, but I still vote for Jedi.

  9. Rapidy sucks


  11. Oh yeah, I got banned on ACP chat, somebody unban me seriously. I have no idea who did it nor was I there when it happened.

  12. Batista… Follower… same thing.

  13. Eat my annoying comments until I get unbanned on ACP chat.



  16. JEDI FOR LEADER !!!!!!!!!! time for some change in not just in acp but in cp armies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  18. rapidy you probebly dont now me but GO RAPIDY

  19. no kg I am right and you are wrong. Dont try to argue with us because your easily outnumbered. Your saying how fair you are yet you give up to head admiral the chance. So if your going to say that then ill just say the opposite : Everyone should be given a chance. look I am not goign to lie, I am the best choice for leade rnow will I ever be leade rof ACP no . . .why ? Because everyone who is a very high rank is just powerhungry over a game for 3 year olds. All of them seem nice (Well actually they all seem like querps) but when there is a chance to rank up they say the same exact thing and its just a popularity contest. The entire ranks is bs just based on “buttering up” high ranks on chat thats it. Even though you still say “dont try to persuade me to give u a high rank”. Ill say it again for those who didnt hear me the otehr 5 posts i made on the other threads : I am the oldest ACP member left, I am pretty much most creative and knowledge of ACP and CP war in general, and I have the best ideas that noone else came up with. For members who are below head admiral I suggest you quit. Theres no point its going to take 14 leaders (or how many are above head admiral) to go through until a new “generation” is brougth in.

    Kg 007: Who’s we?

  20. so back to waht I was asying abotu low ranks quiting. Quit . You can still play club penguin but the main reason people join ACP is for reconition, and Im sure YOU did too (everyone). And for you who are not popualr now you never will be. Sorry btu its true.

  21. Commando, each and every candidates is unique, i see you have a point,but this is a game. Anyways my dad was in the army and hes a guy with REAL expierence.Not like leaders of armys in a game where all you do is through snowballs!The only way any armie can win is when the oppnets armys troops gets bored.This is supposed to be fun, not insulting evryone!shortkid8tee is a guy who knows what he is talkin about!Anyways i need authors visit at


  22. Join my army at



  23. All these canidates are very good ones.
    Abercrombie, Shab, but I honestly think that the person who is the most dedicated and active, is Jedi.

    I am not pressuring you to vote for her, but we basically impeached Rapidy, and if we impeached someone they dont deserve a second chance.

    So I am voting for Jedi.

    Also, if you can vote for me for govenor of white out. 😉 thanks.

  24. Vote for Rapidy he has expierence he knows what hes talking about

  25. Nice speech Commando. I guess I’ll vote for Jedi.

  26. Jedi seems like a very good person to be leader, but she seems like she would get bored of CP after a few weeks and retire like all the other leaders.


  28. we need a leader who updates the ranks like every other day just like the other armies

  29. hey guys! . im back and ready for action!!!! . as u say we have to vote ill do it it’s something im looking forward to!!!! 😀 it’s going to be better than i expected. who’s going to be next?. im the best in the acp but i havent made a poll and as agentpen90 says “we need a leader who updates the ranks like every other day just like the other armies.” so good luck!!! 😀

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