RPF Surrenders

 The RPF surrendered today before the Invasion. They agreed to drop all but 5 servers. These 5 servers include:

  • Tuxedo (RPF Capital)
  • Yeti
  • Vanilla
  • Yukon
  • 1/3 of Tundra (shared with Black Bandits and Watex Warriors)

The RPF are now once again apart of ANTA.

~ Kg 007

34 Responses

  1. 1st comment!

  2. this is so retarded!

  3. why do we always back out of wars at the last second,why cant rpf be tough and just go to war even though they know there gonna lose. WE HAVENT HAD A WAR IN 6 MONTHS

  4. 4th!And yeah i told everyone at the Penguin Union’s blog bout the invasion! Stupid cowards

  5. Terry that’s what the practice wars are for.

  6. This whole war thing, in my opinion, was stupid. The RPF just backed out of it anyway.

  7. Yea, It’s not like RPF has any problems to worry about 🙄

  8. yeah i know we never have wars anymore!

    but i prefer to be allies with rpf anyway…

  9. Poor RPF xD

  10. i dont think we surrendered we just made a deal we didnt surrender i think

  11. lol your kidding right king

  12. this is a joke, i want to fight people dont like us because people thing were bad

  13. i was waiting with some nachos troops in at the pool and some ppl where saying the war was called off so i just left

  14. What does ANTA mean again? I haven’t been on in awhile.

  15. ok 2 things kg
    1.we made a deal with you idoits
    2.form my understanding we are looking for a union we never said we would go back to antan

  16. It’s not like RPF are cowards. In my opinion, the ACP won, fair and square. We were just stopping total annihilation.

  17. actually rpf and acp had a battle today over mammoth and RPF won.
    which means we took over mammoth mammoth is now our server
    because acp forfited at the last second


  19. CPRA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Very wise move by RPF. They would’ve been totally annihilated if it went to war, so they chose the wiser option, and got to preserve the little amount of life they have left.

  21. yes we are not at war with them anymore

  22. Terryking ACP has had a war in 6 monthes memory serve right we had an extremely large invasion that took more than a week to have fullly acomplished

  23. yeah rpf has half of tundra

  24. i mean half of mammoth

  25. even your own troops in mammoth said so
    when we defeated them
    they gave it to us

  26. Thats great but kg why didnt you just tell us where we were going?:@

  27. Acp nver lost a battle except that one with UMA

  28. this is wack

  29. ACP only says they never lost a battle. They’ve lost lots of battles they just don’t like to admit it.

  30. We just took those servers in a surprise invasion. HA HA!

  31. Shocked, aren’t you

  32. whats the point of ANTA? i mean, noone listens or cares.

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