New Leader

I (Kg 007) am now the Leader of the Army of Club Penguin. Now let’s get to what everyone really wants to know, the new Ranking System. Now, it’s not really “new” but some of the ranks are shuffled, and i’m sorry for those who have been promoted like 5 times in the last week, but, you may not be in that same rank. Others may look like that you have been moved back, but I thought it would be best to limit the higher ranks, you will still be near or with the people who were the rank as you in the old ranks. Here are the ranks:

Supreme Commander – Kg 007


Co-Leader – Shaboomboom


Head General – Dr Nono Jr, Nakib


Head Admiral – Lucario98765, Texas Vs A


Field Marshal: Casiusbrutus, Cooltiger314, Nodear


Fleet Admiral: Chrisdude100, The Jungle N, Tomtwelve


General: Abercrombe29, Bellehdewmah, Boomer20, Brbocko, Clintos007,  Jedimaster17, Shortykid8t


Admiral: Arosso13, Baloon451, Coleslaw7571, Jcs11, Meggis1234, Orgulan, Terrking24


Brigadier:  Borja, Diaa Lotfi, Hattrick, Nyg13, Penguin47212752, Speedmobile, Trickster 


Commodore: Saint1994, Seanehawk, Shnseymor, Capuzzi, Braves Z, Yellowguy458, Thebest22, Lousitania , Stg Jor, Orion Player, Islandershky, Jcapp64, Coolguy12348, Coolguy4442, Mamwen, Master Champ, Blue Speed 7, Nyg13, Batista1822, Jim456


Colonel: Jazz77, Keelord, Midnightmoon, Jayson23, Acacoroth, Alenwen, Lordcody56, Shad 8, Noka 7, Ev 007, Beta Robot, Jangopengo, Bc435, Jimmyjoecrew, Omega39, Superhighfly, Racegirl, Rianjr2448, Jackfrost357, Motomike37, Znozeberry, Ctar, Mr Random1, Kingcallum1

Captain: Lx72, Ephris11, Golaba, Blete, Emanuel2567, Zehroy, Wgfv, Shades2you, Rockstar74, Johanwillfir, Bobcatboy10, Pengui 202, Tommer651, Mr Nooner, Cycle22, Rainy,  Abced101, Speedyjason9, Jet the Hawk, Marineman2, Ironkid2894, Hero12985, Big P, Mrgreen10000


Lieutenant: Smartuin, Db Penguin, Ajf77, Ambrosha, Paperman96, Podie99, Cccorbally, Deidara48, Jarlo77, Mastha Blak, Jet Nugget, Flarry Jerry, Themouse10, Greenday9991, Bigguyben, Rapidy867, Blky2300, King Pete, Buffontis, Gurlkiara, Wadler1, Bid Now, Seancastle


Petty Officer: Reallyred53, SnowyOwl, Centar, Tone739, Stocic, Slider52 Rnemenja, Crazy Skater, Mod 59, Rocky3030, Danny606, Yankee225, Rlin, Coolster, Woton, Jakecat15, Splotman13, Starscreem 2, Js Thgrourhg, Ribler, Macopu, Blete, Pen122, Pinata246, Kingofty, Splot Man, Miroos, Lsund, Buford432, Zdoger, Fiddyy, Takeda95, Annie290632, Joe Trevino, Kpkrocks1, Youkaynine, Colleen Man


Sergeant: Kobiydoo, Nc735, Aalsdjf Gh, 789kqw, Stratman13, Solraidia, Bailey1217, Pengyster48, Sahfah, Paperman96, Splotman13, Goldraider, Snowland202, Fgf78, Mjoo7, Rulerguy, Orange Con, Jatar, Lemmy Koopa, Splotman113, Jazz474, Mrsquishy99, Fluffballbob, Emilylondon, 7 Gameboy 7, Waddlebox123, Willnow, Jim456, Thunder562, Soccerpr30611, Bfan212, Cismoy, Sgtpenguin13, Hidude45, Drakebell46, Acatosh, Jmmr88, Muttant444, Destany64468, Snooper1999, Zapper903, Annie290632


Corporal: Touchie, Meowcat1001,Goldfishrocks, Supersoulja17 , Dimimaster, Deoxys, beakerbill26, pacos315, Blueface9, Red Rocker, zzmasterchf, Cupcake2930, Geyer17, Pengu1, Icy9566, Mr blubob, Ozzyqualls, Rap 81, Cheruby, Maupi, Cp Army Dude, Ganandorf787, Santa Elf 10, Coolgirl77289, Freemen777, Doom, Super Blip, 11Steven1, Metalblimp3, Kas130771, Ally190840, Cole779, Plaite, Person1233, Beeky128778, Consor8, Acp Warrior, Legocity200, Big Goonie, Candycloud19, Crazy Raybod, Chas3r, Drake70434, Rainyee, Linkdude519, MichealB1996, Gara326, Legocity1000, Andy Pat, Tuxfoo, Coolster114, Pinky25, Mrfreeze53, Lot80, Master Ice79 

Noob – Tostipotato

The Supreme Commander and Co-Leader will be owners on the chat and Brigadiers and up will be mods.

~ Kg 007

52 Responses

  1. Cool post

  2. And second post. WOOHOO

  3. I still dont see me on it though

  4. Shaboomboom, can you talk to Kg, like you said you would?

  5. shaboomboom u are going to make a great co leader

  6. hey im the same rank im not gonna complain though before this i had nothing

  7. Can i be in the ranks? I have been on the chat and the site for awhile now, also im active. Please

  8. you didnt add me to the ranks KG

  9. You know what we need? Someone whose job is to add people to ranks based on performance reviews.

  10. Thank you so much kg. all of the chios with the mods was killing me.

  11. WOOT!is there gunna be a promo day?:)

  12. stupid ACP im still last rank i can throw snowballs CRAZY fast

  13. Well Althpugh I dont see why rap isnt leader anymore. . . he didnt do anythign but that doesmt mean I am unhappy with you. Thanks for atleast remebering me and I hope the best of luck to you. 😉

  14. Dang man, Ive been ACP for five months now and havent been ranked at all, I go on chat every day and show up to every battle. Yet Somehow people who are never on chat and Ive never seen in battle are higher ranked than me. My question is Why?

  15. i still have not been put up!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. woot! 🙂 im a sergeant now! oh yea! thanks kg

  17. can i run acp boot camp?

  18. When is acp boot camp running again?

  19. nice… 🙂

  20. I got demoted to Brigadier?! When im sopose to be Fleet Admiral or around there. I should be around Fleet admiral. One rank below one rank upper. Ugh…..

  21. Thanks, Kg. I basically got “demoted” but I’m with my equals so I;m good. 😉

  22. I quit ACP 🙂 cos rapidy isnt leader.
    And I should be at least Captain. So bye bye 😀

  23. ummm tylo has been in acp for atleast a week and ive been in acp for 4 months and im not on the ranks! this is so stupid please add me im always on site and chat!



  25. to the new leader:
    i have been in ACP for ages now but i have NEVER been put on the Ranks i hope you will add me to it
    penguinname: stanleycar
    penguinname: stanleycar

  26. I kinda need a rank here. Whoever the REAL leader is. I need a rank

  27. Alright ill tell this to rapidy. the REAL leader. Rapidy. You were only leader for a week or two right? Are you gonna let them take over? NO! THEY ARE REBELS. THEY WILL TURN THIS INTO ACP REBELS. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CHARGE! IM NOT EVEN CORPORAL IN ACP BUT I NEED TO HELP YOU WITH THIS!

  28. ya kg!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. jim your a freak

  30. Come on I was general, even ppl who earned their ranks got demotions??? And make cas a head general at once. You werent here to give demotions, you were here to lead. Fix this NOW,

  31. You comepletely kicked rapidy out of the army. Why did you do that?

  32. no didnt rap quit

  33. can i at least be petty officer iv been in acp since the start

  34. w00t nice im general w00t!!!!!

  35. hewy to the new guys dont start off with something like I wanna be a sergeant blah blah blah youll get it when the time comes because thats a GIANT mistake that you should never take

  36. im captin so i should move up

  37. can i at least be petty officier iv been acp for longer than alot of people here

  38. Acp warrior! You are no longer apart of my army?? Fine buisness will be done with Acp I will deal with you later

  39. y

  40. o krud he did it again gosh hes a pest

  41. petty officer woo hoo!!!

  42. sure acp warrior


  43. IM CAPTAIN!!!!!! W00T W00T THANKS A LOT KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!W00T W00T!!



  45. …Kg…Please remove me from ACP….I have done a dang great job serving you guys but I’m gettin sickly bored of CP.

  46. I may get on sometimes, but I can’t get on enough to serve you guys. I’m sorry.

  47. takeda shut up super noob

  48. thanks marine

  49. ganger fine yes you dont have to fire me if your gonna be like that i quit but iv got more people in my army which plans to help acp i hope we can still be friends your a great guy but kg has been a great leader and shab is awsome so i quit

  50. my brother said he will take my place ganger

  51. he got kicked out of wolfs because of a guy named pink so he might want some revenge

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