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hi ACP

Shaboomboom Asked me to post this

I think that myspace links should be banned from chat. If anyone posts them they should be banned for 1 hour unless it is their own myspace. I see alot of ppl postin aber and fort’s myspace link which is wrong. At least give them some respect and dont go around postin the links everywhere even tho head has done this so most of u know the links.

Who cares what they look like? They r still the same ppl as before u saw there pic so dont judge them on that.



Ps: Thanks for postin this cas

14 Responses

  1. That’s a good rule cause myspace is a private thing and only the owner should be allowed to show people if they want to. People shouldn’t just be passing links around…

  2. lol oh well abers ruined xD

  3. can i run acp boot camp

  4. *Latest news* I am not joining Nachos , because they would give me the rank of a seargeant , so I am all ACP 😉 And I have cooled down now .

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  5. just ban head hes the only one doing it

  6. aber cute

  7. head lol nice

  8. ok fort 57 u need to chill and stop baning people whoops its not fair

  9. ok i made up me mine i quit acp fort 57 bans me everyone WONT SHUT UP ON CHAT

    JUNLGE N U WERE THE BEST EVER MY MAN i will still see u on acp chat


    ABERCROMBIE u were a good friend helped me hwen i needed it
    mew i should have done u first but i still love u

    shleia gally jsut amitt it u love me i know its ok to tell me jsut do it ok

    fort 57 u need to chill but i liked u cuz of nascar

    to the rest of acp good luck out there

  10. shelia gally i did it for u ok idc what u all say im doing it for her

    cuz i well nvm

  11. Hi can i join?

  12. Thats just low people making fun of them. I thought ACP soldiers were supposed to be mature. And head, I really dont know why you havnt been banned yet. All this stuff is over now. The rebellion is done. You’ve been beaten. And you know what. You can’t admit it!

  13. thats a great idea so we dont lit those *******
    myspaces in great idea.

    p.s soz about the swearing

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