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What will happen?

Yo ❗

By agruing last night about whos gonna be leader I asked myself a question:”Do we Need to have leader elections?”I know some of you will think its a popularity contest or something like that but its not.I have the great nominees for Leader of ACP:Rapidy(The current ACP Leader)Kg 006(Where did the 007 guy go?xD)Dr nono Jr(Fort’s pick).But we will decide with democracy.The classic votes ,with a poll.

Should ACP Have Leader Elections?

Link: http://poll.pollcode.com/5YP1

Rapidy’s Edit: Look, we need to put in the good and the bad of leader elections. And (no offence Kg) but in my opinion… having Kg as leader just looks silly. He’s only been in ACP for a while because he’s always been loyal to RPF. What are you trying to do? Become leader in every army? I’m losing my point… (XD)


  • The 3 nominees are very well experienced.Examples:Kg Leaded RPF a very big major army.Dr Nono Jr is been in CP since war started and he was Fort’s pick.Rapidy is the current leader of ACP and is very creative but the polls will decide.
  • ACP will experience democracy after the leader election and solve this “Leader” problem.


  • Popular person get’s voted – leading to someone that may not be qualified.
  • We need to think about this ACP, this army has never had leader elections, why start now?

Vote Wiseley!


49 Responses

  1. I voted unsure for one reason and one reason only : Why are there only three canidates. I think if it is a democracy then it should be open to everyone. then we use a plan like tiger selected to narrow it down.

  2. I dunno, i like Rapidy leading but i don’t know wheather he should stay

  3. Hmmm I picked yes not because i hate rapidy its because:


    Hes inactive and everything. I am voting for Kg.

    Rapidy: You’re not even in ACP. I feel like IP banning you, but it would be abusing my power.
    And plus, I have a life. That’s why I’m inactive alot, UNLIKE YOU. Buuuurrrrrnnn. (XD) You hate me because of our past, and you told me to get over it. And I did, I don’t think of ways to hurt you anymore. (XD)

  4. help us rebel penguins in mammoth acp invoved GET UR BUTS OVER HERE NOW!!!!!!!! AT THE DOJO

  5. well im for rapidy.

  6. which is why i voted no.

  7. Rapidy admit it you just dont want to give up your dictatorship, what are you gonna do, hire one of those secret operatives to kill the next guys penguin so you can stay leader

  8. It’s nice to have some support. Just keep in mind that I’m working on some projects for ACP which is also why I’m inactive.

  9. SO does this mean the election is opened up for everyone?

  10. I am back from holiday !

    Well , it will be a tough decision for me , I have been friends with all those people , and well I think ( dont take it personally Head ) , that Headofpolice has had his chances , and had betrayed us at the war against the Nachos ( seriously I caught him in Icicle ‘s dojo wearing Nacho uniform – just before the war ended ).

    So definetely not head .

    Rapidy would be a good leader , and by the way he is acting now ( no i dont mean bad ) , it looks like he will stay ACP leader for a long time .

    At least now that Oagal is out the way , the people may be able to choose .

    Kg , well you are a great leader and all , but it is unfair to be high in nearly every army , and on top of that want to be leader . Sorry dude 😉

    Nakib , if you were a choice I would vote for you old buddy – but Nakib when you led my army the CACP with Hoppy Toe you were completely inactive – like the whole army was except for me xD – but still , that was some stupid army I made up , and you were busy , but as an ACP leader you would be great .

    So my vote goes to Rapidy !

    But if you stay leader and quit like eg . in a year or so , Speedmobile would be a great leader by then . Speed is @m@Z1ng !

    Kid Robot is a good choice too – so keep an eye out for him too .

    And I think Rapidy is the kind of guy that keeps his site up-2-date , unlike Oagal and Fort who did not update the Cool Stuff page which is full of dead links .

    And I dont think Rapidy would go an invade a server ” for the non – members ” – like Oagal said – we already had non member servers .

    Ok Rap good luck – and I hope you will be a great supreme commander – no a ultra commander !!

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  11. Rapidy’s a dictator!

  12. Rapidy Rapidy Rapdiy!

  13. well ilke i said on the other comment old acp has fallen new acp is taking over

  14. You are invited to our 1,000 hits party !

    When : 28.9.08 at 9:00 PM PST

    Where : Icicle Town ( We will move around )

    Why : 1,000 hits on the officalcpcheats site !

  15. nabkid

  16. i think we should have an election but this how i think it should anyone who want to become leader say yer i want to be leader and lets say 30 people want to be leader well once the voting has ended the top ten people will be interviewed by the acp council apart from if any of the top ten are in the council well they are not allowed to be on it until after the election. The acp council would then pick the best 5 people for the election and we have another vote and the winner becomes the new leader

  17. um if i vote will you actually pay attention to cp admirals and iw challenging you to war. i saw rapidly. Friday 1:00 pm cp time at snow fort at the dojo. thats the war.

  18. Im Really Unsure About This. Its Like Mccain Vs Obama Who Will Win? Why Am I Talking About USA Lets Get Down To The Point. Have A Leader But Have Advisors And Head Advisors Like Say Cas Became Leader He Will Choose His Advisors
    Good Idea Or Bad Idea Plz Have A Say.

  19. Well, I do not know who would be an good leader right now. But I do want say one thing about Rapidy. That one comment you made back to Head was childish and stupid. If you want people to respect you than you cannot go around replying to posts saying “I have an life unlike you BURRRRNNNNNNN XD” It leaves people thinking you are uncapaple (sp) to run this army.

  20. YES!!!!!!!!!!

    Leader elections at last!

    If some other person ignores THIS poll, it PROVES you dont care what acp has too say.

    P.S. Rap, the popular people right now are very qualified to lead. (maybe not cas, but he isnt that popular)

  21. Ok first of all if you look at the bads the second one I dont know who wrote that but isent that alittle stupid? No offense I bet it makes sense to you but it does not for me. If we never had leader elections before wouldent that explain the decrease in power control? How the army is loosing its grip as number 1# army?

  22. King Callum , that is exactly what I told Fort when he was leader , and he said my rank is leader , so I am the boss of you all , and I dont need advisors .

    Advisors could also advise leaders on who to promote , and what ACP’s next step could be , but they have 2 ranks , Advisor of _____ (persons name ) and their other main rank such as Petty Officer .

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  23. Also Kingcallum sorry I took you off my site you were inactive .

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  24. … and Rap , dont worry , dont be afraid about losing in these elections , you will win – look how big your campaign is x-D , and kpk , we need to hurry to have a new leader .

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  25. Miroos I dont know if Rap is going to win, alot of people are wooting against him. Plus the rebbellion armies are going to vote against. So I wont hold your breath on that subject.

  26. Hmm , you are right … I am just trying to make Rapidy more comfortable – but yes you do have a point there , but really there should not even be an election post – they should just do it , anywho , the yes is going to win , but Rapidy should accept .
    O ya and can you come to my 1,000 hits party ,everyone is welcome :

    When : 28.9.08 at 9:00 PM PST

    Where : Icicle Town ( We will move around )

    Why : 1,000 hits on the officalcpcheats site !

  27. According to the post , this many people want and dont want Rapidy :

    With : 5
    Against : 3 ( It does not count if you vote Nakib for instance , and Thebridgett is not with anybody so … )

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  28. miroos i was away on holiday.

  29. You should have told me before :'( Im so sorry , I will add you on adding day , the last day of each month 😉

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  30. Acp?Well heard that so many times…Sigh…Well anyways what’s the objective of your army?For what I see your always starting battles so your army is just to destroy cp?i would like a honnest answer…

  31. Shaboomboom you wont be an leader if you are going to be complaining about not being on the list. That gets alittle annoying to us voters. 🙂

    Oh and miroos I havent decided who i am going to vote for becuase no one on the poll has the persanality of an leader.

  32. Rapidy, may I wear the Black Letterman’s jacket, the red viking helmet, the black glasses, and the cowboy boots for the uniform? I dont have the messanger’s bag or the black or red guitar.

  33. Personally, I would support elections, to promote democracy. It is obvious that Rapidly wants to retain his hold on the leadership positon of ACP. I’m not saying he’s a bad leader, or totally screwed but I think he just wants to retain his power. Its not personal, but he’s letting a JIM of all people as a General, when so many others deserve that rank. :ROLl: Everyone wants more power. Don’t lie, humans are never satisfied. This is basically “not real” but, in real life, people are very cutt throat in fighting for power. I also think that whoever voted no are either voting that because they want a promotion, b/c they think rapidly’s going to stay in power, or they fear that a new leader will demote them. My vote will remain ambigous, but…. I suggest you look at the good of ACP instead of yourselves. That is true honor.
    PS I’ve been in NJ ately so I wasn’t as active 🙁
    As for Kg, he hates a lot of RPF so I highly doubt he’ll be biased.

  34. rapidy it doesnt matter does it as long as the person is a good leader and not a dictator like our first leader itll be fine

  35. I dont know if I’m gonna vote. I mean, I know people are angry with him, but what has he really done wrong? I think we should give rapidy a month. If people are still angry with him, then we can have an election.

  36. Hey I think I might vote before I go, but I’m going to the dojo in mammoth. Anyone who wants to come can come. And if mammoth is full, than I’ll go to tundra

  37. jedi go on the cpm site comment if u can make it or not



  38. Hey I’m back. I was trying to recruit soldiers. I dont know if any joined though. I asked them to say that I recruited them. so back to this. I’ve decided to vote!

  39. Who thinks that we all need to have an ACP party to help relax during this hard time? Also, I think we need to have a good battle!

  40. I don’t agree,Oagalthorps last wish was that Rapidy should take his place. I think we should honor his wish. But we all know that Oagal made this empire from scratch. He knew what he was talking about when he made Rapidy a leader. I know that Fort probably the worst leader EVER because he was corrupted by all the power. I mean Supreme Commander of the ACP…Tempting. But that WON’T happen with Rapidy. And as for Nakib. We’ve fought in wars togather and such Nakib. I know you are wise but who gave you the power to make such a poll?

  41. All of that is true Trylltur. Infact, I really didnt think about it, but this is the same thing that Tiger did. I think that this would be a good time for Rapidy to prove that he is a good leader. He needs to take control of the situation, without upsetting everybody. Nakib had no right to do this, and I think Rapidy needs to assess the situation in a reasonable way (so no, he shouldnt go and fire Nakib)

  42. Rapidy, I dont want you to resign, but I would like to say that what you said about Kg wasnt necessary at all. I feel that it was just plain rude. I know you must be frustrated, but the ACP needs you to calm down now more than ever

  43. And head, I think that you’re more power crazy than he is. I mean, you arent chosen as leader, so now you’re gonna go take it out on the ACP.


  45. Trylltur people were upset becuase he threatened to take over the whole 3rd page ignoring that other armies has already taken over them.

    It was an rash decision that was unnecessary and turned two of our allies against us.

  46. For people who think i’m high in every army, you need to open your ears and not your mouths. I’ve looked at options from Nachos, UMA, and ACP, after I retired as the leader from RPF, which at the time was ACP’s BIGGEST ALLY. I thought that ACP would need a leader who’s strong enough to stand up against corruption, one who has experience in leading an army and even though I have not been officially in ACP for as long as my competetors, I have been on ACP Chat, for as long, if not longer. Also, I’d like to add that i’m not going to say “I’m going to make fair ranks”, because, I have yet to see an army that unanomously agreed that at any time the ranks were “fair”. I am promising that I will put people into ranks based on judgement of their character, loyalty, and dedication to ACP. I will also like to start a movement with armies that share the common goal with ACP, keeping Club Penguin safe, for ANTA has never really reached it’s full potential, and together, everyone that is in an army can make it work, for it’s not just the leader who makes an army good. It’s the soldiers who work hard and are determined to follow the same path as the leader, that forever has the army as a whole become greater than ever achieved. I will always, and I do mean ALWAYS make decisions that will benifit the army in both the present and the future. I believe that we can make ACP even better, by coming out of this confusion and into a time where to everyone in CP calls ACP the Army of Club Penguin.

  47. Kg please add me to the Ranks list. Also, I voted for you. I hope you live up to what you told me!

  48. And Kg, I didnt read your whole post until now, but I think everything looks really good. I think ranks should be fair, but, as you said, its hard to make everyone feel that the ranks are fair. Also, I like how you judge the people, because that says that you will be on the site a lot looking at posts.

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