New Author, Newspaper!

Hi, Sheila here. I’m the new author. I’ll be covering other army news and newspapers. Sorry its late.

The Penguin games are here! You can waddle-race in the marathon, swim in the pool and sprint at the ice berg. If your a member, you can play soccer by the ice rink. It’s not at the ice rink, I believe its a new room. If you want to know more, you can click on Rory and Rookie for a exclusive commentary!

The new igloo catalog came out. With so many choices, buy a sweet treat for your igloo.

Waddle down memory lane with this awesome in focus. This section will bring you from beta testing to today!

For the Ask Aunt Artic today,  Sir Ching and rope scope ask questions.

Sir Ching asked where the old pins are. The old pins are kept later so like the new items can be recycled.

Rope scope asked about the rope at the cove. It’s simple. We don’t want anyone drowning.

Also on Sept 5 a new wig and clothing catalog comes out.

March On!

33 Responses

  1. Nice job. First, I think. Guys, I’m quitting CP so you can take me off the ranks. Bye guys!

    Snowland202~Ex ACP Sergeant

    Sheila: You will be missed!

  2. uh, i already posted about this newspaper. 😛

  3. lol

  4. I want to be Author

  5. I’ve decided to overthrow Rapidy and Cas. Do I get to be Third in Command now? Cause last I checked the person who whines and complains is appeased and gets a higher rank.

  6. This is Annie290632 not Waddlebox. Congrats Sheila on being a Author! im so gald!

  7. congrats sheila

  8. NO…
    Sheila: YES…

  9. I told myself the day would not happen… it happened! :O lol gongratz sheila and go acp!


  10. congrats sheila on the author job 🙂

  11. Congrats Sheila. I’m sure you’ll do great.

  12. congrats youll do great alsoo go to my buddies website not mine it is

  13. congrats sheila. what does the symbol mean at end of the post?

  14. its “Sheila” In japanese. And Shab, Rap made me a author. 😛

  15. hi congrats sheila

  16. Sheila Give me ur E-Mail

  17. dont give hiim ur email he could be bad guy :O

  18. anyways congrats sheila on the author job 🙂

  19. 😀

  20. Nice 1 gally

  21. cool

  22. rofl kg! 😆

  23. When’s the next war the ACP is gonna be in Sheila?

  24. Hey! Sorry I haven’t been active on ACP the last week or two. I’ve been insanely busy.

  25. Anyway, I’m back.

  26. the cp admirals and the ice warriors challenge you guys to war. Friday 10:00 am cp time at snow fort server at the dojo. Come if you care..

  27. Hi. Sorry about saying that the rebels should keep going. but I am the battle Leader of the Club penguin wiki Top Agents! We declare war agaisnt you!! This war will be at August 31, 12:00 Noon PST at the server Snow Fort !!Whoever wins gets the server “Snow Globe” Good luck!


  28. um no offense cp wiki top agent guy i think ice warriors and cp admirals and allies are a bigger threat. you guys re going down acp. and please show up

  29. Yeah!!!! I’m so glad you are an author. You are the perfect person for this job. I thought you should have been made author a long time ago.

  30. Good job on getting the job sheila, but can you please post about wars more often? I mean, the penguin times tells us club penguin news, so can you tell us more about war? If you do than thanks a lot. And if you use it, dont give me credit for this, it was thebridgett’s idea

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